food No Stress Recipe Challenge

Thanks for the tips, Blister and DP. I'll give it another go-
Started my mustard project tonight. Hopefully I don't end up being a mus "tard".

Here's my start - Spicy Apple Mustard


After reading the thread and the info from Blister I am leaving the seeds soaking for a bit (over-night).


Tomorrow night I will post the end results.
What about me?Are you not speaking to me...or did you just think my ideas were crap? :rofl:

No kidding SL. You're cold. YOU'RE COLD AS ICE! :lol:

Huh? What the...??? I thought I DID acknowledge you Pauly...a couple posts before? :?:

Aw, crap! I'm in the doghouse again! I feel like the black sheep. Maybe I should....


OK! Now y'all done it! I just got an idea! :woohoo:

(Aren't you glad you were here to witness the momentous occasion? :lol: )

;) oh yeah!!!!! ;)

(now if only I could come up with something for the TD~~~~ :confused: )
It took a little scrounging in the back of the cupboard, but I found what I was looking for and here's the ingredients-

mixed the 2 bowls with the seeds, added the spicies, gonna let it sit overnight in the tub (NO HEAT! :banghead: )

Here it is, ready to get happy~

Hope y'all have a great night, see you tomorrow!

OH! and McHottie, luv them floating chiles! Habs? or ???
SL you posted two black squares.
if you look close, you can see...

Pauly Guessed It! :woohoo:

You Win a KEYSTONE! Now go to the refer and get it! :D

alright, alright,
The rest of the ingredients are easily recognized in the photos from last night and today, so I won't even bother to mention them. I'm going to let them rest until this evening and then try to blend 'em.


And here's a close up of the seeds after soaking overnight.

here's one with the nightlight-
lets see you have 2 empty bolls and one with worstwishershire sauce in it and a water ring left on your coffee table... you really should use coasters with your beers...
Here are the results for the Spicy Apple Mustard.

Ingredients were yellow mustard seeds, dried orange habs, an apple, apple wine, and cider vinegar (pic posted earlier).

I soaked the seeds, wine, habs, and vinegar overnight.

Heated up the apple today


Drained the seeds and put all ingredients in the blender.



Here's what came out...


Very pretty :) Taste was good but i would of liked it a bit more spicy.

Served with Bratwurst, toasted buns, onions, and chips.
