food No Stress Recipe Challenge

OOOOooo! McHottie, that looks really great! and the ingredients sound like they would work great.

Datil Patch- you did get the worchestershitshire sauce right! :woohoo: !

But the other bowls had white vinegar (why couldn't you SEE that??? :lol: [just kidding!] ) , seeds and spice.

the mustard seeds (what color are they???? NOT yellow~~~)
and the "SPICE" ! Which you should have been able to see in the photos. (just kidding, AGAIN!)

OH! and GOOD NEWS! I figured out why my mustard seeds aren't getting soft.....


But seriously folks, the mustard has been blender-osterized, taste tested...and the verdict is still out.

It SMELLS great, tastes a little bitter, but hopefully that will mellow in a couple days.

I'm looking forward to how the flavors will work out in the next day or so. When in the food processor, it really smelled like a good mustard! So I'm hopeful~~~
Hard water, eh? I wonder if bottled water might do any better. I have pretty hard water here too. (living right in the middle of karst country!)
here's one with the nightlight-
Are you sure you didn't swipe my camera to take that with?!? :lol:
just having a little fun~

I'm tasting it today, and it has some bite. I have a couple ideas to try later, and will post the real pics soon. ;)

McHottie, my honey likes the fancy cooking around here also, just doesn't like the mess in the kitchen afterwards! :lol:
I'm fairly tidy in the kitchen.....and I do ALL the cooking. But I still felt the need for a good I got TWO!

Their names are Brandon and Bradley. ;)
I'm fairly tidy in the kitchen.....and I do ALL the cooking. But I still felt the need for a good I got TWO!

Their names are Brandon and Bradley. ;)

Pauly, can I rent them for a few years? just like Auto-Chlor....monthly fee ($29.95)plus chemicals used?

JoeyK- if McD's served "McHotties" like THP chileheads serve "hotties", it's not your wife you would have to be worrying about giving you GRIEF, it might be something a little more "personal"~~~~


edit font- because it looked like hatties instead of hotties
edit- fonts still not looking good~ brb
edit- gave up on the fonts.......
McHottie, my honey likes the fancy cooking around here also, just doesn't like the mess in the kitchen afterwards! :lol:

Mike doesn't mind the mess - as long as he gets to eat and doesn't have to clean's all good :rofl:

aaaah if only McDonalds served McHotties............My wife would cut me up

One of McDonalds slogans...."What you want is what you get" :)

Pauly, can I rent them for a few years? just like Auto-Chlor....monthly fee ($29.95)plus chemicals used?

Hey I want in on this...i could always use a few more kids around the house to do the extra chores! :dance:
Alright I have a question for you fine mustardy folks... I bought a fresh lb of mustard seeds, both yellow and brown. I finally had time to start this mustard today, so no, it may be finished tonight but not seasoned... Anywho, I measured out 4oz of brown nd 4oz of yellow seeds and in the same bowl added 4oz of my Datil vinagar. I left to take my mother shopping, when I got home a few minutes ago, all the liquid had been absorbed and the seed mounded up in the bowl. I have never had this happen before. Should I just add more regular white vinagar? distilled water? Vodka? to thin this out some more?

Thanks in advance.
There's no way to cheat in the No Stress Challenge! You could buy tortillas and just soak them in something then grill them up if you want!