event Northwest ChileFest 2011

It is a beautiful morning, sharing some fresh zucchini bread with the Salsa Family, took Scotty for a walk, already had a couple tastes of some sauces. Got the laptop fired up and connected to the parks WiFi. Gonna test the connection speed on Youtube by playing a few vids in a while.......
ALright guys. Sweat it out method worked :dance: I feel like a millions bucks compared to yesterday. We'll be heading out. Wifes still sleeping, pretty sure shes fine too. I'll be there at 1230ish till whenever our little cutie turns into a not so cute little monster for her nap we'll have to head on out :P I'm guessing 3.. looking forward to meeting you all. Beautiful day, nice call on the dates Ann!
We're on our way:) pumped to meet you all and try sauces, salsas, and peppers. One quick stop for crackers, milk, and anything else I can find for the heat!!
I hope you guys have a great time! We are thinking of you, and sorry we couldn't make it. If you wish, go to the DC and check out a photobucket video I posted last night eating Ann's Fatali, a Hawaiian Sweet, cooling my mouth down with DEFCON's defense level 1 on a chicken thigh.
I can be with you in spirit! Eat up and heat up!

Post some pic's! (since you got WiFi!)
Were leaving at 1130, wife n daughter are good to go :D campsites 3-5 still? If you don't see us by 1230 mapquest let me down for the 100time and I'm currently lost trying to find you guys :)
Thanks again for having us by guys. It was really great to meet you all. The little time we did spend with you all was fun. Wish we had more time to talk to everyone and get to know you guys better and try more things.. our appetites weren't exactly in the mood for anything.. from what I did try tho? that naga chocolate? definitely my new favorite pepper, thanks for the suggestion Ryan. Taste was amazing. hope you all take a bag of chips home and enjoy. The second my taste buds work again I'm trying that salsa you gave me Ann! Thanks a million for that. Walt I believe? Thanks a mil for the mini Brain strain to take home.. I'm thinkin about making a chiletest video for ya in thanks for the pepper :D I won't be handling it as well as lazienfat does so it should be pretty entertaining if I do lol.. Hope you guys have lots of fun tonight. Thanks again for getting me and my wife out of the house :) again.. good to meet you all.
:cheers: Brandon

PS. If anyone gets sick.. you have free peppers, free shipping for the rest of the year from my garden!
Sick I am sick :lol:

Sure was great seeing everybody again and meeting some new people as well. Sure wish I could have stayed longer, made it to work just in time. Was a perfect day to be out so that was nice. I even got a little tan hhaha. Brandon I've got some choconaga seeds I can give you. Ann I brought your salsa to work and the first girl that tried it was also the last, she said it was the hottest thing she'd ever eaten and everybody else was to scared to try it after her reaction :rofl: Thanks for the great food and goodies I really appreciate it. Cant wait for our next get together!
Before I get busy with first Sunday of football, I wanted to jump on here say many thanks to Ann and her family and any one else that helped put this shindig together. It was a lot fun meeting the faces behind the names. The sauces were hot, the peppers were hotter and the Salsas were great! It was quite an expereince taking one pepper down followed by another. There was alot of different flavors going on and can't wait to get my own stash.
Sam-your either :crazy: or a rock star taking down that scorpion the way you did.
Walt- your powder and salsa was great and way to hit that douglah on the nose with the review
Ann- your user name says it all, even my wife liked the sauce you gave her and we will be trying the texas creek tonight. Thanks again
Ryan- thanks for not making me be only guy there to take down more than two of those MK II, those things lit up your pallete fast and hard :mouthonfire:
Richard- It was great meeting another huge fan of the fatalii, when I get mine growing next season I will have to have you over to try them
Brandon- great meeting you, hopefully next time you can try the peppers with us and because you don't live to far away if I ever get any in I'll let you know in case you want some seeds. I got fatalii and Dorset Naga right now
Ryan- It was great meeting you, just like Brandon, if I got some peppers you want to try to let me know.
Ann's family- you guys might be crazier than us, we like hot stuff, SalsaDude you just don't :crazy: But way to take these things down!
DuvalDave- The Trinadad Sauce you brought was really, still want to try the 'Sweet Spicy Gril' you keep telling me about. Thanks for the input on my sauce, its much appreciated.
Can't wait til the next gathering!
My wife, Scotty and I are home safe and sound.

What a weekend! Lots of good company, spicy and not spicy food, fantastic weather, and plenty of sauces and fresh peppers to try. I did not get any photos, both my wife and I are really bad about getting pictures when we are both having so much fun. There are photos and VIDEOS that were taken, and I await their posting with baited breath........

I did however get a photo of the sauces and stuff I brought home.


I also brought home some awesome chips, (Thank You Big Cedar!) smoked salmon, fresh pods, and leftovers.

Gotta do it again next year!!!!
Awesome time! Thank you so much Salsa Lady and Salsa Family (John and Evan) for setting this up! We had to stay for 1 last burn, a sunburn. Not really, we got a little color while hanging out on the beach. Met a bunch of new friends, tasted some great sauces, had a great weekend! I was hurting this morning in many ways! Thank you!!!
Hey, y'all, we're home and the truck is unloaded.....dishes not done yet....but I have to prioritize....so....it's THP posting instead of scrubbing greasy pots and pans!

Well, we had a great day and weekend. Beautiful weather, nice park, hot stuff, great people, can't ask for much more~ so without further a-dew, a few pics-

You know you're in trouble when you show up at a picnic and there are nitrile gloves next to the plates, forks and napkins!

the Table of Pain-






I was too busy to take too many pics. We had Defcon 2,1 and DM MKII, and Texas Creek mild BBQ Sauce.

For those who wanted something other than chicken wings....deep-fried brats-
Sorry for the serious lack of photos. Someone else can cook next year and I'll take pics of EVERYTHING! :lol:

In attendance this year were-
onefowl1 and son- brand new forum member of less that a week! Thanks for coming to the party, it was great to meet you! Hope your boy had fun~
DuvallDave and family and friends
BigCedar and family(hope everyone is better...and by the way, I'm Sick now! Really Sick! I'll PM you my address for them chiles ;) )
HabaneroHeat81 and family
RS67Man and Kittyinpjs
the Zane&Zack's family
salsalady and family, including the bro-in-law

some spicy goodies of note-
chipotle beer
jalapeno wine
hot dill and sweet pickles
several salsas including a scorpion one and 2 manzano peach ones. (onefowl1, those manzano ones were really yummy!)
a trinidad scorpion experimental sauce
hot peanuts
habanero cream cheese
lots of domestic and international sauces
edit- (DUH! to me! I'm tired, sorry)
Fresh chile pods

Just a couple stories-
While getting ready and cooking the chicken wings, I totally forgot about the corn on the cob. We also had some brats to cook up but no one wanted to deal with getting the stove out of the trailer and cooking them in the fry pan...so I deep fried them! Later I found out that kittyinpj's saw the corn but she didn't say anything because she thought I'd deep fry the corn on the cob! :lol:

We did cook the corn later in the evening, and thanks, DD, it was yummy for an evening snack.

After getting into the fresh pods, there was a lot of sweat and hiccups. HabaneroHeat even got the endorphine shakes. Right On!
Just a couple stories-
While getting ready and cooking the chicken wings, I totally forgot about the corn on the cob. We also had some brats to cook up but no one wanted to deal with getting the stove out of the trailer and cooking them in the fry pan...so I deep fried them! Later I found out the kittyinpj's saw the corn but she didn't say anything because she thought I'd deep fry the corn on the cob!

True story about the corn!!! ME (Mona Ellis)

My Pretzel Salad and Zucchini Bread were a big hit also.. Not mentioning names but one adult person went back for 3rds on the pretzel salad....
The Zucchini Bread proved to be a big hit with people cooling their mouths off after a really "hot" pepper or hot sauce tryout.. Was glad I made and brought 6 1/2 loaves of it.

I had a really good time this weekend, Think I had more fun at this party than I had at the Washington State International Kite Festival in August. Scotty {our Scottish terrier} had a really good time also and he enjoyed all the attention that the kids gave him. Hans and Max have a new friend for life.. Tristan was very well mannered and Scotty really liked him also. Was very surprised when Scotty let Ann and her family take him for a walk without Walt coming along. Scotty and Gabby got along pretty good most of the time.. had one scare but both dogs listened to their owners and backed down.
Sorry, Walt! I didn't get the first part eating the douglah! :( you reaction is the best part anyway, but it would have been nice to see the decent size piece you chowed down on.
Update.. So the Bigcedar family is feeling a bit better.. Atleast my tastebuds somewhat work today..
My in-laws decided to come over since they do for a couple hours every sunday even though we didn't feel well so I decided since they were coming over it was time for a bit of pay back for my ol' Pa'n'Law

I think I have a good story for you all.. (thanks to walt, correct me if I'm wrong, the one who gave me the mini BrainStrain..) So once upon a time.. I was 18, just started dating my current wife when I came over one day after work and noticed her Dad, a Major who has also been serving our military for 30 years.. Was cleaning his shotgun and a few big ol handguns.. I thought; okay.. he's pullin the.. I own a alotta guns and I'm gonna let it be known dad thing with his daughter having a new boyfriend and all.. Then he proceeded.. after I showed interest in his guns to open up the fridge and pulled out a ripe red chile he got from Columbia.. (keep in mind back then I did not give a rats ass about hot peppers nor knew anything about them and TOO hot for me was red chile flakes on my pizza..) he said.. I got this pepper from Columbia. It's pretty sweet! you should try a bite. So being me.. I was gonna win this guy over no matter what.. SO. I ate the entire pepper. I have no idea what it was but I was on FIRE. Trying to be a man about it, sweating, barley breathing, and he said? want some ice cubes? it's a bit hot I guess (phhht a bit?) he got me bad.. After that? my hot pepper addiction was born...

6 years later.. my father in law came over today and I said.. "hey Dave, wanna try a pretty tasty pepper?" I got it at the PNWCF.. he said sure man! whats it called? I said "brain strain 7pot" Dave.. "really? Never heard of it" chomp chomp.. (Gave him a sliver, I didn't want him to hate me lol..) His instant response was.. Holy Shit! that's hot! I mean that's REALLY hot! uh what uh? what is it again? OH WOW. It's really.. oh its really hot! It's still goin! can I have a glass of water?! OH MAN. ITS REALLY BURNING. 30minutes later... YEP.. Brandon.. STILL burning..

So needless to say :D I got my revenge. Sorry I didn't do the video.. This was way more important in my book! Oh it was great. My wife was even in on it :rofl:

PS I tryed your salsa Ann.. Is that your homemade stuff or your companies by chance? Anyway. It was amazing. If it is a company I'm pretty sure I can get it distributed where I work.. People would love it. Our "hot" habanero.. yeah thats mild in my book now. My stomach felt like a bunch of trolls were roasting marshmallows for an hour after I tryed a few bites but that stuffs money!

So after reading Ryans post I thought.. I can trick my wife into trying this.. So.. "hey babe! you know that salsa Ann gave us?" "Yeahh why?" "it's really good! it's like the chipolte salsa from tacomaboys.. not too hot but the taste is great. wanna try some??" "sure sounds good!" So as well as she knows me.. She licked it before taking a big bite and immediately started fanning her mouth and coughing and running around the house :rofl: I gave her some icecubes.. after that she did admit it was really tasty but she felt like she ate fire lol. trust me, she plays her share of pranks on me as well so it was nice to even up the playing field :D

Hope you enjoyed. Wish I woulda got both of those on tape today
Hope all is well everyone