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Not a grow log

Dale all your plants look awesome. Is the PI60944 already branching? I bet it is freezing cold in Michigan tonight, 28F here. Keep the pics coming. Some of you guys get the most awesome varieties, I'm still growing the generic hot stuff.
They look great Dale. You using Pro-Mix? Do you ever use hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae on the soil surface? It's not a bad type anyways I don't think.

Josh said:
They look great Dale. That Pimenta da Neyde plant looks awesome. Have you grown them before? How's the flavor?

Josh, I have not grown it before but I am looking forward to the end result on this one. It is one of the few that I will be keeping for the garden. I will be growing alot of small podded varieties this year so the pepper maggot flies have nothing to lay thier eggs in and hopefully I can resume my pepper plantation in 2010.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Dale all your plants look awesome. Is the PI60944 already branching? I bet it is freezing cold in Michigan tonight, 28F here. Keep the pics coming. Some of you guys get the most awesome varieties, I'm still growing the generic hot stuff.

Actually PRF, it is PI 560944 it is a c. chacoense. Alot of the wild bird peppers are growing like that. the pic of the CAP 503 c. eximium w/the quarter next to it actually has like 6 tiny branches, it's a tiny bush.

cmpman1974 said:
They look great Dale. You using Pro-Mix? Do you ever use hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae on the soil surface? It's not a bad type anyways I don't think.


Yes Chris, that is all I have ever used but with the way the price has gone up I don't know about the next batch i buy (which is shortly). I have used it but not this year yet. I read on another forum someone said they used it full strength in a spray bottle, anyone ever done it full strength?

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. AJ, thanks and good luck to you also
you have a great setup Dale, makes me wanna go done to the Garage and rip everything out and deck it full of seedlings....hmmmm maybe I should????:idea:
chicagofire said:
what are you using for plant markers?

When I sold my carwash back in 2007 I had a bunch of extra lexan signs (plastic), the ones that you see in the self serve washes on the walls. I just took a razor knike and a straight edge, scored it and bent them over. You can get these signs relatively cheap and one sign makes alot of markers. They will last forever. Just use pencil on them and erase when you use next season.

Hats of to you Dale!Wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.Get some customers this year and twice as many next year!I'm hoping some of my progeny are in that group!
hahaha thats funny i wish i had a grage to rip apart lol
JungleRain said:
you have a great setup Dale, makes me wanna go done to the Garage and rip everything out and deck it full of seedlings....hmmmm maybe I should????:idea:
PeterPepperPicker said:

Beautiful plants ...very very nice.. I will pull up a chair here too :)

Please do, You are more than welcome to sit for awhile. I don't know what your going to do when the lights turn off though.


JungleRain said:
I might just do it theres only a hole pile of junk and shit in there just taking up space :onfire:

Boy what I would do if I had a garage. 1st thing would be to rip the roof off and rebuild it out of glass. If you decide to straighten up the garage AJ has the perfect model to design off of, hell he'd probably fly over there and build everything for you. I still may get a greenhouse I need more room I can only support about 600 plants total in my basement without getting more racks. The way the replies are coming in from my ads that does not seem like it will be enough plants.

3P, Scoville, thanks.

thepodpiper said:
Boy what I would do if I had a garage. 1st thing would be to rip the roof off and rebuild it out of glass. If you decide to straighten up the garage AJ has the perfect model to design off of, hell he'd probably fly over there and build everything for you. I still may get a greenhouse I need more room I can only support about 600 plants total in my basement without getting more racks. The way the replies are coming in from my ads that does not seem like it will be enough plants.

3P, Scoville, thanks.


Hey AJ I'd love to see your Garage design...
Dale....600 plants....unreal
I finally got my last wild variety to germinate after 9 1/2 weeks, I had it in a damp paper towel in the hot box just put it in Pro-Mix yesterday I sure hope it pops up. You can barely see the little tail sticking out.


Not much more to look at but they have grown a little .



I could only fit one of the two new shelves in my room so the other has to go in the boys X-Box 360 room.

