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Now why did I do that?

I love my kids but sometimes I really don't like them.

I have a 14 year old son name of Garrett. Not sure why but he's taken an interest in the peppers, an eating interest. Last night it was one of the Hot Paper Lanterns. Took one over to a friends house to see if he could get someone to eat it. They are already wise of him--this wasn't the first time. He's had some takers before.

He couldn't find any freinds last night so he ended up eating it himself. I'm happy to say he survived. He wants to try one of the B. jolokia's but I'm standing in the way. Not sure if I should let him. I do admire his cajones though.;)

Today on the way home from school we were discussing it. I stayed firm with no. So we reached a compromise. He found a ripe Red Savina on one of the smaller plants. I didnt' get them started early enough and you can call them a dwarf, bush and fruit.

I cut the pepper in half lengthwise leaving seeds and membrane intact. Not quite halves so I gave him the smaller one. The standard is same as thehippieseed co, 10 seconds then swallow if you can. Thank you Neil.

I said ready, set.........go! and watched him toss the half into his mouth and to my own shock and amazement I dropped the other half on my tongue. Oh dear Lord what did I do? Hit the clock and started chewing. My first thought when I felt the seeds between my teeth was that I know one of them is going to get stuck between them. Thankfully that nightmare didn't materialize.

Flavor first, peppery for sure but it seemed flat, like it had been setting on a shelf for a few days. The meat was firm though. We both made the 10 seconds and I'm afraid neither one of us swallowed all of it.

On to the heat. Hit the tongue first then the lips where the tongue had touched. I need to remember no more lip lickin' when I'm chewing on one of these monsters. Then the sides of the mouth, pretty wicked on one side and downright evil on the side that did most of the chewing. There was a time or two that I almost panicked, thought that the heat wouldn't stop climbing and there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

Garrett is already pouring the milk for himself. I start razzing him, telling him we had to see how long we could go without it. This is about two minutes into it. The heat is still increasing and I can feel a vein of fire creeping down the back of my mouth into the throat, no doubt following the trail of what I was able to swallow.

As I'm watching him attempt to get the entire glass of milk into his mouth at once I can see my brain forming the words, "you sissy!" Drinking milk within three minutes" but all I hear is "Get me a glass!" Get me a glass now!" Who's saying that? It's just me and him and I know he can't talk while chewing on a glass of milk.

Why is my hand shaking as the milk comes out of the jug into my glass. How does milk move in slow motion like that? Oh man the heat is on and I mean on. OK so now I'm the sissy, make your point as we both fight over the jug of milk. Took me about two 12 ounce glasses of milk and 17 minutes to get to the point I like myself again. Now, almost an hour later the only reminder is a warm feeling in my stomach.

That's my experience with the dreaded Red Savina and I'm sticking to it. Hope I didn't bore ya. Pat
Haha..nice one!

If ya think Savina is hot, wait til ya try the Nagas...

A whole 'nother weight class there considering the Bhut/Bih is nearly 2X as hot as a Red Savina.

Teehee...a good go mate.
Thank you Jay.

I'm happy to say he handled it well. He ended up with an ice cube in his mouth combined with a shot of milk every minute or so for the time it took him to go through a total of two ice cubes.

He still wants the naga, I need to let this memory fade for a bit before I even think about it.

It was kind of fun, dealing with the heat.
great story Pat.

You are a brave man, and your son too.

So is he still planning on eating the Bhut?????
You know it is amazing as Quad will agree I'm sure? When you are eating superhots you are asking yourself why in the hell am I doing this to myself? The whole time swearing you will never do it again, and then as soon as the pain goes away thinking well that wasn't so bad I'd do it again.
You guys are right, it is the experience. Something most people wouldn't do. I mean it isn't up there with bungee jumping or underwater cave exploration but, we just chewed up and ate part of the second hottest pepper known to man. Yeah, I think we earned a badge for that.

JayT you are right on the money, while I was in flames I was asking myself why. I'm not ready to do it again though, not yet.
JayT said:
You know it is amazing as Quad will agree I'm sure? When you are eating superhots you are asking yourself why in the hell am I doing this to myself? The whole time swearing you will never do it again, and then as soon as the pain goes away thinking well that wasn't so bad I'd do it again.

Yeah, I find myself in that trap with alot of really hot things. For some reason the rush I get makes me want more later:lol: Also, Patrick I'd say you have a chilihead there.
Awesome story patrick :). I want to try a Red Savina one of these days. For me, habs are still hot (some hotter than others, yowza) but I can usually take them without eating or drinking anything afterward. With the exceptionally hot ones, I'll just nibble on a little brie.

It really sucks getting into a pepper hobby at the END of growing season, dammit. I want my own balcony garden.
Loved the story man..I used to eat my car reds outa my garden while picking them had a bhut last night thats like man the f**k in a pepper lol
Im glad to see your son is on his way to being a chiliehead..my daughtor is on the same course but not as brave lol
I've been wondering what you guys actually do with it once you produce the fruit...it's a giant pissing contest!! :rofl::woohoo:

Well done to both of you! Yer nuts! ;)

You still tell a great story, Pat! Mwahaha at Garrett and the ice cubes...!

(I see Megan was bright enough to not become involved??:lol:)
That was good story Pat, reminds me of the last time i was at Neils house.

I had just got there at around ten in the morning and he was showing me through his plants. I say oooooo yellow congo, he just says "go on take a bite". I had a little bit off the end and he looked at me like i was a sissy and then bit off probably a quarter of the pepper only for me to grab it off him not to be outshone by him i did the same.

ahhhhhh happy days.....
Great story, Patrick. :)

Nothing warms the heart (and stomach) more than a father/son hot chilli eating bonding experience...:P
I have a question about eating raw peppers...

I can deal with the heat of what I have popped raw so far... a few varieties of habanero. My stomach burns as expected. However, about an hour after, I get wrenching pains in my lower abdomen that literally bend me over. Is this expected, or is something wrong? I take Tums when it starts up usually. Any other advice or recommendations? I love peppers and the burn, but hate the intestinal aftermath that surely ensues.
