event NWCF- campout summary, post #83

absolutely!  The more the merrier.  Non-chilehead family is welcome as well as chilehead friends....we won't force feed them morugas or anything.  :lol:
but if they WANT to try stuff, we usually have a couple tables full of sauces and peppers out for sampling.
salsalady said:
anyone heard from onefowl1 yet?  Duvall Dave and his Lovely will be coming out Saturday afternoon.  I'm expecting chileaddict and his Lovely to be in and out all weekend.
Someone want to coordinate Friday Dinner?  Sammiches and fruit or something?
And Sunday morning?  Anyone want to do that one?  I can do biscuits and sausage gravy with links and eggs for Sunday breakfast if y'all want.  But I don't want to hog all the fun so if someone else wants to jump in...go for it!  Hawkeye's pecan waffles were delish, but I was a little busy trying to cook everything at once last year.  Maybe we can get an electric waffle iron if Hawkeye wants to do those again.   
I sent onefowl1 a message but he's not responding.
hakalachi said:
Just booked site 33.  Looking forward to this!
Hey Gene, I am at site 32. Switched out from the other one 1 had just for the elect. at the site. We also have 2 other site booked. Thats cool brada! hopefully you can meet some of the other islanders. Aloha brada!
Wow, our little campout is growing up!
We plan on a cast iron waffle iron, so help will be there for sunday morning B-fast if we need to pump ouyt som wafles in a hurry. Wife also wants to make waffles for strawberries and whipped cream. I will remind her about the pretzel pie!
This is going to be epic!
Just talk with some of the guys and gals that coming out with me that if still availible at cash and carry that time we are looking at doing a 30lb whole lamb and small weinner pig (always liked them the best) for this on Saturday. All is welcomed. Also planned on doing this for friday night dinner.

All is welcomed as well. 
Cheers all!
OK, I'm confused.  (doesn't take much... :lol:  )  i thought you were doing the cooking this weekend or something, and some of the peeps were there this weekend.....???
NEVER MIIND the confuzzled..... 
-----Just talk with some of the guys and gals that coming out with me that if still availible at cash and carry that time we are looking at doing a 30lb whole lamb and small weinner pig (always liked them the best) for this on Saturday---- end quote-
OK- slow edit here- you talked with your peeps that are coming to the NWCF with you and if the 'product' is still availabel at C&C, you are looking at a doing a 30# whole lamb and small oinker. 
Please forgive my slow understandings, I'm really wiped out.   Somehow I thought you were doing something at a C&C parking lot cook up this weekend??!!?!?///
Well, I totally got THAT Wrong!!!!! 
My whole-hearted apologies.  :doh:
Want to thank Salsalady for the info on this event, The parks just a few miles away from my place, my work schedule has me working that weekend however, I think I feel a cold coming on for that Saturday..........
miacova said:
Want to thank Salsalady for the info on this event, The parks just a few miles away from my place, my work schedule has me working that weekend however, I think I feel a cold coming on for that Saturday..........ah-CHOO!
Bless you!  ;)
Ok.. Did a recon of the camp grounds today. I changed my site yet again.  Site 32 was just to small for all the gear I was bringing. Now I'm at site 8,10&11.  Kind of better fitting for our needs. All is welcome for Friday nite dinner. Going Japanese style for food. I did have a question though? For Saturday? Is there a pavillion for whats happening? Or is this a throw together? Just curious. Still looking at doing a lamb and small pig to share with others but need info on time frames. I need a minimum of 4.5 hrs for cooking. Thanks!
I have the Day Use picnic pavilion reserved on Saturday.  It's a large pavillion with probably 12 tables under the shelter that we can move as needed, and more outside the shelter.  Electric and water, bathroom house right next door.
When looking at the SP map, the picnic shelter is on the north/west area.  I'm in site 24, there is a trail to the Day Use area between site 26 and site 28.  For the cooker, it would have to be vehicle towed to the picnic shelter at any time you need in the AM .  I think Park rules say something about "day use of the picnic shelter from daylight to dusk".
For cooking, there's options of cooking at your campsite and then moving to the pavilion, or setting everything up at the picnic pavilion earlier in the day and let it cook there.  With a 4-5 hour cook, I'm thinking...let's set up at the picnic pavilion in the morning and rock it out from there but it's up to you~!  Whatever works best for your cook. 
Friday night, Saturday morning and Sunday morning meals are in our campsites, kind of a joint thing with people sharing what they have.  Saturday afternoon is the main PotLuck at the Pavilion.  (and also late night saturday... :drunk: ...)
I have plans for some fresh baked Pure-Evil Frostinged Cinnamon rolls for some morning...........

10/11 , 8  are good sites and close.  I think PaulG was in 14 last year.  I'm in 24, and I think 25, 26, and 27 are all reserved by THP chileheads!  :)
Hi SL, Thanks for the info. I saw the pavilion to you mentioned. Very nice! That will work for me cooking it at the pavilion. All the sites you post is right on the other side of the yurts I saw which was just around the bend from our sites. Sounds wonderful! Looking forward to see everyone there!  Cheers