event NWCF- campout summary, post #83

Ok, Sounds like its going to be a fun time.. I'm grabbing 2 spots for this and will bring out the trailer grill along with 10x20 canopy, 10x10 canopies, tables, chairs, propane heater units and 2 smaller grills and smokers along with food warmers and xlg coolers, commercial griddle and woks. My non profit org will also throw out 50 to 60 pds of meat products for the THP PNW group. Looking forward to this event. Cheers all 
Holy Smokers!  I Mean....Grill!   What a great offer, Aaron! 
The picnic shelter is really large and has tables, benches, sink, trash cans, electricity, lights...not sure if we need the canopies for that, but maybe around camp.  We usually hang out at the picnic shelter Saturday, lunch around 2:00 then back to camp later.  I think we have the shelter until dusk.   
O.P.- what site numbers did you get?
Smokin' James has been promoting this on FB, and I have been as well.  Try to get NW chileheads on FB to come here on THP and post so we have an idea who's coming.
salsalady said:
Holy Smokers!  I Mean....Grill!   What a great offer, Aaron! 
The picnic shelter is really large and has tables, benches, sink, trash cans, electricity, lights...not sure if we need the canopies for that, but maybe around camp.  We usually hang out at the picnic shelter Saturday, lunch around 2:00 then back to camp later.  I think we have the shelter until dusk.   
O.P.- what site numbers did you get?
Smokin' James has been promoting this on FB, and I have been as well.  Try to get NW chileheads on FB to come here on THP and post so we have an idea who's coming.
I'm trying to get site 22. The other vet was looking at the site next to it. I haven't been to that park yet so I'l kinda going off the online pics on the camp site. Paul G offered up room in his camp site if need be. Will give them a call tomorrow. Online reservation is not recognizing my vets pass. We are going to bring the trailer grill along woks, griddles, traeger smoker, 50 cup rice cooker, food warmers, Xlg coolers and aluminum tables that we usually use as serving tables to set up wire racks and sterno's to keep food warm on the line. If there are other cooking requirement that others need let me know. We may already have the equipment to facilitate that. We are donating a around 50 to 60 pounds of various meat products as well. We can look at the menu more later as the time draws closer. I'll check out the FB page. Cheers SL
edit...Just saw I posted much of same info above.. Oh well. Need more coffee this morning to get functioning.
Sites 10 & 11 are kind of a double campsite.  They do have some pictures of the sites if you click on the listing.  It is filling up.  24, 25, 26 & 27 are THP, and I think 21 and I can't remember the other ones. 
Back to the coffee~ :lol:
Just called the state park reservation number and got site 22 reserved. Talk with the guys coming out with me and they said we should all be able to all fit into 1 site. We are ready to go. Thanks SL for the info.
anyone heard from onefowl1 yet?  Duvall Dave and his Lovely will be coming out Saturday afternoon.  I'm expecting chileaddict and his Lovely to be in and out all weekend.
Someone want to coordinate Friday Dinner?  Sammiches and fruit or something?
And Sunday morning?  Anyone want to do that one?  I can do biscuits and sausage gravy with links and eggs for Sunday breakfast if y'all want.  But I don't want to hog all the fun so if someone else wants to jump in...go for it!  Hawkeye's pecan waffles were delish, but I was a little busy trying to cook everything at once last year.  Maybe we can get an electric waffle iron if Hawkeye wants to do those again.   
salsalady said:
anyone heard from onefowl1 yet?  Duvall Dave and his Lovely will be coming out Saturday afternoon.  I'm expecting chileaddict and his Lovely to be in and out all weekend.
Someone want to coordinate Friday Dinner?  Sammiches and fruit or something?
And Sunday morning?  Anyone want to do that one?  I can do biscuits and sausage gravy with links and eggs for Sunday breakfast if y'all want.  But I don't want to hog all the fun so if someone else wants to jump in...go for it!  Hawkeye's pecan waffles were delish, but I was a little busy trying to cook everything at once last year.  Maybe we can get an electric waffle iron if Hawkeye wants to do those again.  
I can handle friday dinner and saturday morning breakfast if need be. Have the big griddle so if we can get into the common area for breakfast that can help. With the griddle we can slam out eggs and pancake and throw the bacon or links on the grill no problem. I'll throw in 5 dz eggs and get a cs of links if someone get the bacon. Friday night we were going to whip out japanese food and all is welcome. We also locked up sites 10 & 11. let me know if we can help with other areas. We will be more than happy to.Cheers SL
I bought an electric waffle iron,so the waffles are a go again.I also could bring My Frydaddy deep frier and chicken wings.It would be a shame to have all those hot sauces again,
and not have some wings to put them on.
Aaron, that's getting a lot! 
Saturday morning everyone does their own thing as people are getting up at different times.  If you want to share some Japanese on Friday that sounds  awesome.  Sunday morning, Hawkeye's waffles and I'll do B & G with links and eggs to order.  I can put the gravy in a crock pot and have the biscuits and links already done, just heat 'em up on the griddle. 
If y'all want...what about wings for Saturday evening?  There will probably be food from the day left over.  Last year we had chili for Saturday evening, something easy to heat up.  I've been hankerin' for wings too, so that sounds good.  We have all those sauces, and I have an awesome sweet Asian sticky sauce recipe, we could get some Defcon, plus all the other sauces that usually end up there~~~  :lol:
I'll make some coleslaw for Saturday.  Chile Juju gave me a recipe for a white BBQ sauce that is perfect for coleslaw.  We've had it a couple time with 'Q at their place.
Wow, sounds too awesome!  I'll bring the bacon for breakfast(s).
And bloody mary stuff for Sunday breakfast.
Also anything else we need.  This should be epic, so we need to get the word
out for lots of folks to come!
I'll for sure bring a bunch of fresh pods and as much powder as I can muster.
PaulG- Mmmmmm...  Your drinks hit the spot last year.  I don't know why, but I can't mix up a good Bloody Mary for myself. 
Everyone, keep your eyes open in all the different forums and when you see someone in the NW, send them a PM with an invite and a link to this thread.  At the Sammamish CF, onefowl1 was a member of THP literally less than a week, chileaddict sent him a shoutout about our get-together, he and Tristan came to the potluck and have been with us ever since.  I'm not in the growing forums, and growers aren't in the business forums.  Between all of us, we probably have most of the topics covered.  :lol:
also post on FB if you have NW chilehead friends.
salsalady said:
Chehalis is close enough you could Day-Trip it!  We're kid-friendly.  Depending on how old they are, the Green River is right there for swimming and there's a large lawn for playing. 
The wife said we might be able to make this happen. We will see when it gets a little bit closer!
Damn this is the kind of stuff I live for!!!
Too bad I already got my plans laid out for this year. If I start saving now I might be able to afford the airfare next year.
I hope you guys have a blast!!
Open Invitation, Hawaiianero!  if you make the trip, we'll pitch a tent for you!  :lol:
renaldo, hope you can make it to the pot luck.  It's gonna be goooooood!