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:lol: yea, G~ there's too many of us with food service backgrounds. When we're at an all-day pot luck, I can't help myself. I'm always covering things up, putting them back in the cooler, making sure it's still hot.... :rolleyes:

Add megahot, PaulG and megaspokaneman to the list! I think we're at about 25 people so far, and there's still quite a few who haven't checked in.

I can't get a message to Lazienfat. If anyone has a phone number for him, give him a call, or email, and tell him to empty his messages. :lol:
No I should be good for the stuff for the chili Just saving for the gas bill to drive up there and back.. I will talk to a few folks see what I cant come up with...
:lol: yea, G~ there's too many of us with food service backgrounds. When we're at an all-day pot luck, I can't help myself. I'm always covering things up, putting them back in the cooler, making sure it's still hot.... :rolleyes:
Hey - food safety is a serious thing. But pot-lucks are usually indoors, in places where fires aren't allowed..... Just check with the campground to see what you can do. Sounds like you guys may need to dig a TRENCH for all that food! ;)
Hey KevinH,
Just got to thinking, I don't know what we'll have for food prep areas or sinks etc. If you can, it would be best to pre-cook the chili all the way or at least pre-cook as much as you can. Chill it in flat pans, then transfer to plastic tubs or Ziploc bags. Or even freeze it. We can re-heat it and then keep it hot at the picnic.
Hey, Walt, thanks for checking in. You and your Lovely were already on the list since you have a campsite. Will Mona be able to bring some zucchini bread for breakfast? YUM!
Yea, Salsakid is all over that, too!

Hey Dave, Bring some SSG, I want to buy 6 bottles.

I'm also thinking of putting out a card table with some "scratch & dent" items for discounted sale, maybe have some PE t-shirts and other stuff. It would be self-serve, first-come-first-serve type of thing. But then I could write off the trip as a business expense. ;)
Yea, Salsakid is all over that, too!

Hey Dave, Bring some SSG, I want to buy 6 bottles.

I'm also thinking of putting out a card table with some "scratch & dent" items for discounted sale, maybe have some PE t-shirts and other stuff. It would be self-serve, first-come-first-serve type of thing. But then I could write off the trip as a business expense. ;)

Hey SL, 6 SSG - you got it! :)

Just had an idea - we all could make a NWCF hot sauce, from scratch, at the site. Then, bottle some as a souvenier of the event. stick a pot over flames, add some acids, peppers, this, that... Taste test, add some more of this and that, etc... Could be a lot of fun :)
OH that could be fun!

Anyone who has something of interest could bring it, not to say it would be used, but they could bring it. :lol: Chiles, a pineapple, old shoe...:lol: Alabama Jack was a judge at ZestFest last January, and I think he described one sauce as "an old sock in vinegar.". :lol:
Hi everyone ! Just checking in... still very much a beginner in all of this. Never really cooked anything at a campsite but fish caught that day and what usually amounts to a foil stuffed pouch stuffed with veggies and sauce ! Anyone have any ideas of how I could be helpful to the group ? Maybe I'll strap the gas grill down in the truck and cook up some cream cheese stuffed poppers and chicken wings. This sound like a good idea ? Unless you are all good with a beer drinking fool showing up empty handed :)

- Sean O.
OH that could be fun!

Anyone who has something of interest could bring it, not to say it would be used, but they could bring it. :lol: Chiles, a pineapple, old shoe...:lol: Alabama Jack was a judge at ZestFest last January, and I think he described one sauce as "an old sock in vinegar.". :lol:

Ye 'ol sock in vinegar sauce... Sounds interesting :lol:
MegaSpokane~ , You don't have to cook something and what you bring doesn't have to be spicy. A salad, some interesting snacks, something that can be put together cold....no worries! Are you camping?
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