• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OCD 2017!!!

Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort of calimity happens.

This year I decided to try 21+ different varieties of the BBG. I have 9 Reaper crosses. 21 and counting other varieties. I built a hoophouse and some COB led's. Planning on getting them outside in March sometime. That might be a delusion, beings I'm in Colorado. We shall see. There is only a few varieties that I've grown before. The rest are all new. I'm planning on isolating most of them.

Just started some Lemon Drops for Throwdown Growdown. I will wait a couple weeks before I start the others. Everything needs to be in order before I germinate. No turning back at that point. I want two plants from most varieties. Plants need to be woody by ground day. That's the only way I have a chance at success with late maturity varieties. If I have extras, I'll give away to my friends of THP.

My list is growing, but not much. Here is some of the varieties that made the cut.

Naga BBG (Red)
Chocolate BBG
Orange BBG (ISO)
Tobago Treasure x BBG
Red Gum Tiger Mamp
BBG Peach Ghost Jami
BBG Cluster
BBG Yellow (large)
BBG Scorpion
Aji Jobito x BBG
Red Gum Nagabrain Tiger Mamp
Peach Bhut BBG
BBG Apocalypse
Bhutla x BBG
Srtsl x BBG
7pot Lava Chocolate x BBG
Bleeding Borg9
Tommy Gum
Orange Naga BBG
Peach Naga BBG

Reaper x Red Mayan Habanero
Reaper x Yellow Scorpion
Reaper x Purple Bhut
Reaper x Pimenta
Reaper x Peach Bhut
Naga Reaper
Brainstrain x Reaper
Sepia Reaper x Neyde
ButchT x Reaper

Congo x ButchT
Peach Ghost Scorpion x Primo
Apocalypse Scorpion
Black Bhutlah Scorpion
Chocolate Primo
Baby Morich
Scorpion XXX (Holiday)
Fidalgo Roxa x Grao De Bode
BOC (Gary)
Andy's King BOC
Bhut Peach
Jigsaw x Habanero
Giant Trinidad Scorpion (Randy)
Taba Naga
Perfect red Bhut (Rick)
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw (Jukka)
Scotch Brain (ISO)
Naga Brain Yellow
Rocato (Chinese) (Jukka)

3Way Caribbean Red
4Way Caribbean Red
Sicman's Mystery (Red, Purple Spots) (Jason)
SB7J (UFO) (Justin)
Venezuela Tiger x SRTSL
Mustard Moruga Brain
Black Panther
Aji Lemondrop
Aji Pineapple
Aji Amarillo
Goats Weed

Thanks for stopping by. Wish you all the best of luck in 2017.
Sorry for the late reply. I've been neglecting this glog. Well not really. I was waiting for something relevant. Haven't had the time I needed to get some things in order.

dennish said:
All the best for a bumper 2017, great list (had to read twice to take it in!), will be following with interest!
Thanks Dennis! I'm hoping bumper. First one ever.
bpiela said:
That is one smoking hot list!  Best of luck in 2017!
Thanks a bunch Ben.
PaulG said:
Hey, Charles - that's quite an array of plant varieties.
Too many to count - I estimate around 125-150 plants?
Good luck avoiding the hail storms this season - No way to
protect the plants?
You are correct my friend. Probably more. I'll some spares just in case disaster hits me or someone else around here. I'm hoping shade cloth will help a little.
Devv said:
The sunshade works for hail to some extent, mine now has holes in it :rolleyes:
Thanks for the heads up Scott. I'm going to buy some of that Harbor Frieght cloth and see how that holds up.
Ozzy2001 said:
SSone serious fire on that list Chuck. Good luck this year!
Thanks Scott. You too.
Plantguy76 said:
Great list Chuck lots of nuclear heat on that list best of luck this season
Thanks Jason. You as well.
MR2Jay77 said:
Wow - Awesome selection....I'd struggle to keep up with them all ;)
Good luck and I hope you don't get any disasters this year :)
I hope I can manage this many varieties. I'm off to a good start. We shall see. Thanks for the best wishes, James.

Essegi said:
Great selection!
Good luck!
Thanks, you too.

Masher said:
Wow, that's a big list, you're going all out pepper buster style....good luck :cheers:
Ha, ha. It keeps me busy and sane this time of year. I get to lathargic in the Winter. Spring will be here soon enough buddy.

Finally got most of my seeds ready for germination. Still have a few more to go. Hope you all are doing well.
Good luck Chuck.  Get those things going.  I need to start a glog if I get the time.  I must say while not perfect things are going much smoother so far this year.  Started more earlier though.  I have almost all chinense strains except maybe a dozen at least germinating and have over 100 little guys already.  Last year was such a struggle with so many not getting into dirt until late feb/early march, had a lot of runts at plant out, hopefully not this year.
jcw10tc said:
Good luck Chuck.  Get those things going.  I need to start a glog if I get the time.  I must say while not perfect things are going much smoother so far this year.  Started more earlier though.  I have almost all chinense strains except maybe a dozen at least germinating and have over 100 little guys already.  Last year was such a struggle with so many not getting into dirt until late feb/early march, had a lot of runts at plant out, hopefully not this year.
Thanks Justin. I got some 5.5 x 5.5 containers for them. Combined with my cob light I built, I should do fare. I'm hoping to get my plants under the hoophouse in March sometime. It's usually not until May when I get them out. I plan on having a bunch in containers as well. Good luck to you as well.
beerbreath81 said:
Great list Chuck, good to see you getting going over there. I started mine about two weeks ago and am already pulling the weaker seedlings out. Best of luck to you this year.
Devv said:
Aight! Glad to see the candidates set out.
Here's to a fantastic grow Chuck! ;)
Thanks Anthony and Scott. Right back at you. Hope you both have phenomenal gardens this year. I think this year is the year for success.

I managed to get them into the chamber.
stickman said:
Glad to see you have things underway Chuck... that's a great list you've put together! Good luck this season. We'll be expecting great things from you! :party:
Thanks Rick! Well let's hope so. My garage isn't heated. I've lost plants before from the lights going out. The lights provide the heat. I've worked out a deal growingbthem in a heated garage else where. Gives me some comfort. Do you remember what kind of Bhut you grew last year? I'm growing that this year.

Can't wait to see how your bio char beds do this year.
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks Rick! Well let's hope so. My garage isn't heated. I've lost plants before from the lights going out. The lights provide the heat. I've worked out a deal growingbthem in a heated garage else where. Gives me some comfort. Do you remember what kind of Bhut you grew last year? I'm growing that this year.

Can't wait to see how your bio char beds do this year.

It's just a standard Bhut Jalokia I got from a local plant nursery. Very nice genes though... ;) 
I'm also looking forward to seeing how the addition of biochar does for my supers. Cheers!
stickman said:
It's just a standard Bhut Jalokia I got from a local plant nursery. Very nice genes though... ;) 
I'm also looking forward to seeing how the addition of biochar does for my supers. Cheers!
Thanks Rick. What was the big Gochu you sent me last year? I forgot to label it. I saved some seeds though and just labeled BigGochu.

I can't believe it! I'm on the second night of germination and I've got sprouts! First time ever having sprouts this soon. No presoak either. New method this year.

BOC, MOA and a few others are sprouting. Crazy.

Bhut Orange Copenhagen


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NIce quick sprouts.  I don't know why but that method didn't work very well for me.  Weird how everyone has a way.  I like that way though as its so easy to see when you have sprouts starting.  The damn folded towels in a paper bag I use is a pain but it seems to be the one that I have the best luck with.  I had some really stubborn ones this year and broke down and got some salt petre for the first time in over 10 years and must say, it seemed to work wonders.  My first time through on a few I had nothing after 3 weeks and same seeds with salt petre was giving me 75 to 100% in a week.   Good luck and keep up the good work.
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks Rick. What was the big Gochu you sent me last year? I forgot to label it. I saved some seeds though and just labeled BigGochu.

     I'm pretty sure I sent you a mix of the Gohchus I was growing last year, and the largest of them was a hybrid called "Korea Winner" that I got from Evergreen Seeds. http://www.evergreenseeds.com/hotpephybkor.html
I have seeds for a couple of heirloom varieties if you're interested. One called "Lady Choi" is your classic pod for making powder, and the other, "Lady Hermit" is for making the pepper paste called gochujang. I got both from Kitazawa Seeds in Oakland, CA.   http://www.kitazawaseed.com/seed_526-104.html

I can't believe it! I'm on the second night of germination and I've got sprouts! First time ever having sprouts this soon. No presoak either. New method this year.

BOC, MOA and a few others are sprouting. Crazy.

Bhut Orange Copenhagen
Most excellent that you got such quick germination results! :party:
Thanks for the good vibes my friends.

jcw10tc said:
NIce quick sprouts.  I don't know why but that method didn't work very well for me.  Weird how everyone has a way.  I like that way though as its so easy to see when you have sprouts starting.  The damn folded towels in a paper bag I use is a pain but it seems to be the one that I have the best luck with.  I had some really stubborn ones this year and broke down and got some salt petre for the first time in over 10 years and must say, it seemed to work wonders.  My first time through on a few I had nothing after 3 weeks and same seeds with salt petre was giving me 75 to 100% in a week.   Good luck and keep up the good work.
This is the first time trying this method. I decided to use those little cotton disc's, that people use to clean there face with. They are thick and hold some water. I just put the seeds on top of them and squirted water on them until the disc was saturated. I have them in a styrofoam cooler with a heat mat under it at 84 degrees. Never herd of salt petre. I'll have to look it up.

wiriwiri said:
Great going Chuck...wow that's fast germination....continued success. :hot:
Thanks Sandy. Hope your wilds get a good germination rate.

stickman said:
Most excellent that you got such quick germination results! :party:
Thanks Rick! Korean Winner sounds right. The other ones I can't seem to find the seeds. I believe you did indeed send me three different ones. I remember the big one and the other ones looked similar. I'll check the links out. Thank you again.

Trident chilli said:
Chuck fantastic early germination rates ..... All the very best with your grow
Thanks John!

PaulG said:
Looks like a great omen for an awesome season, Charles!
At this rate you'll have pods in March   :P    :D
I hope so my friend. Im hoping to get plants outside in March. Don't know if this will happen. Need to find the time between work, family and plants. Need to build end walls on my hoophouse. Then I'll cover in plastic and start to thaw the ground. Lots needs to be down. I'll manage to get it done though.