Oddest type of meat that you enjoy eating.

Philipperv said:
Goats are kosher. Even goldfish are kosher! Sounds like discrimination against dogs. :( Well, mine are in Hebrew school right now. :lol:
"Against"? I somehow think the dogs are quite happy with it. :lol:
How old are those dogs? you may want to get them a shiddech. :lol:
Philipperv said:
Goats are kosher. Even goldfish are kosher! Sounds like discrimination against dogs. :( Well, mine are in Hebrew school right now. :lol:

I'm not a bible thumper, but the there are parts in the two different writings that are the same. (Yes, some parts of Jewish writings are the same.)I remember it mentioning animals with split hoofs, fish WITH scales, ect. Technically I don't think Rabbit, Squirrel, ect is Kosher either. It was the old part in the law trying to limit what people ate to what's cleaner and disease free. I know pigs have split hoofs, but there's something else it fell under if I remember correctly. I don't know why I remember that. Just thought it was interesting at the time I guess. As far as me................I don't discrimminate against animals. They are all tasty:lol::lol:
Philipperv said:
Not many places left like that. :(
Oddly alot of places have there things like that. I know over here horse meat is illegal to sell. I've always wondered why. It's kind of funny that the US is one of the biggest exporters of horse meat as well. I'm kind of a live and let live guy. As long as your not hurting someone else I think it's best if people mind there own business and let people do what they do. Sadly govt's like to tell people what to do. I can understand laws against killing people, stealing, ect, but when it comes to other things I feel it's best to leave people alone. I'm starting to sound like IGG now:shocked::lol:. Oddly, I can't stand the gov't either and I was a soldier:lol:
Omri said:
How old are those dogs? you may want to get them a shiddech. :lol:

When it was legal to sell dog meat here there would be dogs bred for consumption only just like other animals are. This way you wouldn't have the chance of catching rabies from eating them. They were usually 18 months to 3 years old. My wife and family happen to come from a part of the country where dog meat is considered a delicacy and they still privately partake from time to time.
rabbit said:
I'm kind of a live and let live guy. As long as your not hurting someone else I think it's best if people mind there own business and let people do what they do. Sadly govt's like to tell people what to do. I can understand laws against killing people, stealing, ect, but when it comes to other things I feel it's best to leave people alone. I'm starting to sound like IGG now:shocked::lol:. Oddly, I can't stand the gov't either and I was a soldier:lol:

I'm totally with you man! Ironically, check out Israel's new national bird:
