Oddest type of meat that you enjoy eating.

rainbowberry said:
Would that go as far as humans if you had to survive like in that film Alive?

Hell yeah. If it came down to it, i'd marinate the hell outta someone just like the Caribs did on Jamaica.

Oh, BTW....anybody ever try penguin?
imaguitargod said:
Actually they are quite useless as far as nature goes. If it weren't for the cultiavtion of them for eating they probably would be extinct by now. DEATH TO THE COWS!

this is what i'm saying tho, cows wouldn't make it in the wild but as long as humans farm them they'll never go extinct. panda's aren't that adaptive either, they're the only bear that doesn't hibernate because they can't build up enough fat on their nutritionally devoid diet, which is almost entirely bamboo despite the fact that fish are available and it has the digestive system of a carnivore so they can extract even less nutrition from it. the babies are about 150grams at birth, blind, and need to be licked by the mother almost constantly for weeks after birth to stave off infection... the question is not "how are the pandas going extinct?", it's "how are they not extinct yet?"

kazzeppo said:
Whould you eat Rodents? I just talked with my friend who is in Peru now. They a lot of hamster/rat/any rodent.


as long as they were farmed to be sure they're disease free i wouldn't mind... doesn't that just sound like something they'd serve on a stick? i feel we need more meats on sticks...
Yes I agree, more meats on sticks. I prefer squirrel, especially ones that have preseasoned themselves with my peppers
HOLY CRAP... :shocked:
Those are scales, right? I'm not sure if that's kosher, but I'll look into it. if it is, I'm so trying some. :shocked:
This might be an off topic question, but can someone tell my why fish have teeth. Only thing I can come up with is defense. Its not like they chew and swallow, they eat their food whole, well most do anyway. With the exception of pirahnas and maybe sharks.
gardenkiller said:
This might be an off topic question, but can someone tell my why fish have teeth. Only thing I can come up with is defense. Its not like they chew and swallow, they eat their food whole, well most do anyway. With the exception of pirahnas and maybe sharks.
Never seen fish fight, eh? they rip the other's flesh. that's also how they "hunt".
stillmanz said:
I was going to start a guinee pig meat farm but the local council said no....true story.

move to peru

gardenkiller said:
This might be an off topic question, but can someone tell my why fish have teeth. Only thing I can come up with is defense. Its not like they chew and swallow, they eat their food whole, well most do anyway. With the exception of pirahnas and maybe sharks.

even fish that swallow prey whole don't just gulp, they snare. or they just grab on and don't let go until the prey stops struggling
rainbowberry said:
Would that go as far as humans if you had to survive like in that film Alive?

I bet most of you here would do the same thing & eat human flesh if you were in that type of situation. you can hold out as long as you can & say "oh no way would I do that!" --- BS! if its between life or death, I get 1st dibs for 1 of the thighs :lol:

stillmanz said:
I was going to start a guinee pig meat farm but the local council said no....true story.

why does the local council have a say ? I assume this is your local city/county govt ?

I messed up this quote is supposed to be from GB not IGG
GrumpyBear;80854][QUOTE=imaguitargod said:
panda's aren't that adaptive either, they're the only bear that doesn't hibernate because they can't build up enough fat on their nutritionally devoid diet, which is almost entirely bamboo despite the fact that fish are available and it has the digestive system of a carnivore so they can extract even less nutrition from it.

yes bears are labeled as carnivora animals BUT they're omnivore animals.well except the polar bear which is a carnivore, but the rest of them (& except the panda) are omnivores. I'd have to say about 2/3rds of their diets consist of fruits/berries/nuts/plant matter/insects vs animal flesh.
Philipperv said:
African tiger fish anyone?


:shocked: DAMN thats 1 MEAN looking fish!!!

Sickmont said:
ok, see this mean looking sumbitch is yet ANOTHER reason why i'd rather fly versus being on a boat or in the water

ditto, if that fish was in the waters by me, I would NOT be going into the waters :scared::lol:
that sucker looks like it'd have no problem taking a limb off or at least good size chunk out of your body. just imagine if that type of fish traveled in schools, WOW as to the damage they could do!
Philipperv said:
Nah, just got sent to me in an email. Haven't you watched any of my Naga videos?

* sniff sniff * :(

The only one I got the pleasure of watching was you feeding a little girl (I hope that was your daughter...if memory serves correct) a slice of Naga and you were filming it.

Unfortunitly, my folks have 56k and watching videos is not an option on this computer.......grrrrrr......
African Tiger fish indeed! To quote the governator..."if it bleeds...we can kill it.." Me ...I'd rather catch it..let it go..then catch it again! Nice fish.

IGG...56K? What...is that computer powered by hamsters?

Cheers, TB.
chilehunter said:
:shocked: DAMN thats 1 MEAN looking fish!!!

ditto, if that fish was in the waters by me, I would NOT be going into the waters :scared::lol:
that sucker looks like it'd have no problem taking a limb off or at least good size chunk out of your body. just imagine if that type of fish traveled in schools, WOW as to the damage they could do!

Dude, I was kind of nervous about swimming next to a musky in Lake St Clair. That there fish scares me more though:shocked:. Speaking of wicked fish. Did any of you guys hear about that Man eating catfish somewhere in Asia?
GrumpyBear said:
i don't know if these are 'odd' meats (at least not by canadian standards...) but i've had seal once and cariboo a few times. the cariboo is gawdawful if its overcooked, but nice and rare its really good.

meat's meat in my opinion, the only type of meat i'd get upset about someone eating is endangered or threatened species.

Believe it or not I agree with you on that one. There's no need to eat an endandered animal. Kind of like caviar from a beluga sturgeon. I have no problem with people eating caviar. HOWEVER, from a threatened fish just to prove a snobby point it's kind of annoying. (It is expensive and it's honestly just a way of saying.....I have money to blow.) An animal that's not threatened is fair game in my eyes though.