beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

wheebz said:
TIL Rocketman is a dirty old man
Don't let the church work fool ya ...
I dated this religious girl once ... she was waiting ...
Freakiest girl evar ...
You should see the things they don't count as sex.
She make Bill Clinton look like a saint ...
But, we digress, cause it's Racking time!!!


One in the sink getting ready and the other on the counter standing by
Ok, racking time,

First s little racking music:

Pretty murky in them depth still. Might have to do some finning and cold crash the heck out of this


Here we go.


And from top side


SG is 1.010


Dry Basiling


And back into the chamber at 68.



Going to check the basil level in 3 days and make a decision about finning it.

Cheers y'all
Nah. Figured I'd save an IPA for a later time. I've wanted to try a tripel for awhile. Perfect excuse to do it. Plus I still need to finish off the pale ales and IPA's in my fridge.

After this tripel I'm looking into a Breakfast Stout type of beer.
Nice ...

I haven't brewed with Citra alone, having used quite a lot of Columbus with it for Red-Eye, and I've never used Simcoe, so a SMaSH with it would be informative ...

Can still use coffee, too, so I'm true to my second-year constraint ...