beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

wheebz said:
Beer must be made with all Marris Otter, and a single hop of your choice, other than that, sky is the limit!
PROOF OF LIFE = 10 cents yo
Follow these 5 simple rules to enter, and have fun. These rules pertain to all Brew downs, unless stated otherwise in the actual BD.1. To enter the BD, please reply to the BD topic with:a) A name for your creation.b) A list of all ingredients used.c) Detailed preparation steps, mashing times, and temps, boil time, timing of additions, Fermentation time and temperature, rackings and any additions to secondaries. Measurements and weights are not required, but are encouraged.2. Pictures of your brewing process should be included, at least 1, one, picture of each step in the brewing process.3. In order to prove that you made this brew for this BD we ask that you post a Proof of Life. PoL = a monetary amount stated at the beginning of the competition that must be shown in one of your pictures with coins or bills, in your country's tender.

4. You will have until midnight on the last day of the month to finish your brew and get a bottle to wheebz at his brewery address.

Just to clarify...when does the beer need to be in your hands? Last day of April? Or does it have to be shipped out by the last day of April and delivered first week of May?

wheebz said:
Beer is due first week of May
you literally have 6 weeks from today to make this beer

I confuse easily.
ide prefer to have it by the last day of april, but as long as its shipped out by april thats fine.
I dont want to take away from the other people patiently waiting on getting their review or having their product sit in the bottle an unnecessary amount of time
wheebz said:
ide prefer to have it by the last day of april, but as long as its shipped out by april thats fine.
I dont want to take away from the other people patiently waiting on getting their review or having their product sit in the bottle an unnecessary amount of time
Cool. I guess I have a little advantage in the distance travelled part of the brew down.

New odds for Grant to bottle and get a beer out to you. 25/75
Quick question about shipping.  I have never shipped anything liquid before and was wondering the best way to ship a bottle of beer.  Besides packaging and padding very well, is there a better/best carrier for doing this?  Thanks everyone!
jbeer32 said:
Quick question about shipping.  I have never shipped anything liquid before and was wondering the best way to ship a bottle of beer.  Besides packaging and padding very well, is there a better/best carrier for doing this?  Thanks everyone!
A lot of times I'll put it into a vacuum seal bag so that in case it does break the liquid doesn't destroy everything. So long as you wrap it well with bubble wrap you should be good. It's your call as to whether or not you tell them that your shipping beer. Since I send out a lot of hot sauce I usually just tell them it's fragile but not what it is unless they ask what specifically it is. Usually they'll ask if any of <insert list of items here> are in there.
UPS is my favorite, and the driver always drops off my stuff at a friends if I am not home, and they come super early in the morning, like 8am
Well actually Day 8 and I'm beat back to Parade Rest.
2 burps in 60 seconds, time to rack over, tomorrow I'm going to sleep.
Be careful with the stogies, they'll muddle your sense of taste and smell some and you'll probably want to forego them for a day or two if you need to test something at the brewery. JMHO from my years of cigar enjoyment.
Ohh I am aware. I rock a stoag at every beer festival I either attend or put on after I have tried everything I want, and I am spent for the next 3 days when it comes to tastings.
Slow day so I made the labels today. Now let me just say that with a brew name like The Farmer's Daughter, it ain't easy finding appropriate background material :) I think I did pretty good though, what do you think?
The Front:

The Back:

So it's hard to really see the background of the back label as it's watermarked. If you want to see the full color picture look here:
Just make sure the wife isn't around, you could get a skillet to the back of the head.
Cheers y'all
roll in the hay, or am i missing a subtlety?
okay you did it twice ... i am missing something ...
my command of the language sucks, but still ...