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Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

So here are my three BG7 plants.  The seeds were kindly given to me by pexpeppers!!! And pex I still have not forgotten about your Ale 8!!!!  They will be that much sweeter when I finally do get them to you... (hell... I might even send them with some ripe BG7 pods.)




The calyx is pretty small on these first pods... for that matter the pods themsleves are extremely small... as are the plants.  I have a feeling they will show their "true colors" once they get going.
And here I am sitting with a suuuuper tiny plant. Haha, I feel insecure looking at your crazily well grown plants.
Your stems seem really thick and strong, any tips? Mine seem skinny and weak. Mine were being grown originally in doors, and I move them outside every day now.
Ocho Cinco said:
Here are a few young pods from three of my BBG7 plants.
Plant #1 
Nice shaped pods
Small calyx
No sign of ripening yet

Plant #2
Odd shaped pods
Small calyx

Plant #3
Very large calyx

1 and 2 I'd be curios to see the tops of the pods. The 3rd for sure looks like it. It will shape up to be the right pheno... there is a long bbg7
So I should be looking for the uncircumcised calyx right? I'm bound to get the right pheno with as many of these as I have.
thirdcoasttx said:
Here is my first and only so far bbg7 pod. 
Never mind the calyx. Awesome shape!
Ocho Cinco said:
Plant #3
Very large calyx
I would definately continue with no. 3 any time :) IMO Number 2 looks like a cross with a naga type and number 1 looks like a standard 7 pod. - maybe that's what a bubblegum looks like without the calyx mutation?
As you can tell from my amount of posts, I'm a newbie.  Question, where would one find bubblegum 7 pot seeds?  I'd like to grew a plant or two.
dlsolo, I have a few seeds left and 2 vigorous plants.
send me a message... i can sasbe you some seeds?
its not many but you should be able to get  few going.
I have not seen if mine are growing true yet or not.. mine are just flowering but looking just like the tight closed flowers like the ones posted above, so they look true.