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Ok ok, I submit...HELP!

Been battling the indoor aphids and white flies that have landed on our over winter pepper crop at my friends hours for about 3-4 months now. Spraying at first with friendly stuff then getting into the non-friendly desperation sprays...and now, I've given up and am almost ready to throw in the towel...but first wanted to get tthe people's opinion here. Should I:

1. Throw them out.
2. Keep spraying every week
3. Do #2 and a few weeks before taking them back outside cut them down to stumps to eliminate most of the aphids and spray the new grow outside to prevent future attacks?
4. Do #2 and cut them down now.
5. Nuke 'em from orbit b/c we all know it's the only way to be sure.
6. Other.
Have you tried rinsing the leaves really well, then applying some sort of pesticide.

Also, putting yellow sticky traps around the plants will get some of the whiteflies.

I have no experience with this except for this year. I cut all my plants back to nubs, sprayed them with soapy water, then sprinkled garlic powder on the top of the containers. So far, those plants have not been bothered by aphids.

This Sunday, they are scheduled for another watering (every two weeks) and on the 22nd, I'll water them again and then introduce them to daylight. That will give them two months before heading outside (less a week or so to harden off).

Can't believe Neem didn't work, that's all I used this year and they're (aphids) gone. (it was a mixture of neem and dish soap as per the instructions on the bottle) I sprayed all over the plant and the soil surrounding it. I did one reapplication and so far, so good. That was about a month or so ago.
Pam said:
Have you tried rinsing the leaves really well, then applying some sort of pesticide.
That was another thing I was thinking about, but I would have to do it outside (turn the hose on them) and it's too cold to do that right now.

Pam said:
Also, putting yellow sticky traps around the plants will get some of the whiteflies.
There really isn't all that many white flies, but I did forget about that trick, thanks.
bigt said:
Can't believe Neem didn't work, that's all I used this year and they're (aphids) gone. (it was a mixture of neem and dish soap as per the instructions on the bottle) I sprayed all over the plant and the soil surrounding it. I did one reapplication and so far, so good. That was about a month or so ago.
Neem doesn't kill the aphids from what I understand. It just makes the enviroment not a happy place for them and they leave. Since the plants are indoors, they don't have anywhere to go so they stick around/come back.
I reckon you should get them stoned on some primo buds. They will forget to eat the plant and go straight for the Twisties and Soda.
Novacastrian said:
I reckon you should get them stoned on some primo buds. They will forget to eat the plant and go straight for the Twisties and Soda.
Already tried that, they liked it so much that they are searching for my baggie. 1,000 aphids rummaging through your stuff is surprisingly loud.
I'm using Safer soap, bought it online, and it's keeping the little green squishy bastages under control. I keep finding them but the numbers are small. I keep forgetting to do the second spray a few days after the first one though.

Good luck IGG.
I got Neem concentrate which make up to 16 gallons at Lowes. Have had for several years spraying any plant that comes inside. Still get the occasional aphid outbreak. Just take the plants back outside and empty a fresh spray bottle on them. Bring'em back in. All you can do. Good luck IGGY.
I think neem turns their outer shells soft. Having no inner skeleton that spells disaster for them. It does same for their eggs.
Don't forget to keep an eye out for ants that may be setting up a ranch. if your aphids don't have wings they are effectively ant cows.
I know this one sounds harsh!!! but it is very effective...Try it with one plant first ok. Low allergenic fly spray either watered down in a spray bottle 50/50 or straight over the plant from a nice distance....now the important thing is as soon as the fly spray has landed on the plant wait 30 secs or so then soak the bastard with water and then again a while later, those elittle aphids will be history...now youll be surprised how well the plant goes as well, if you soak it major time!
Can one mix Safer Soap and Neem Oil together? Does it become more effective? Can you also add pyrethrins? Sort of like an Aphid Cocktail?

wordwiz said:
Can one mix Safer Soap and Neem Oil together? Does it become more effective? Can you also add pyrethrins? Sort of like an Aphid Cocktail?


I rekon that might work, but only a little of the pyrethrins I found that smashes my plants, has anyone else had that experience?
There's a product called Buhach that should work and is really safe. All pyrethrins. Dried flowers and comes in powder form. Put the plant in an enclosed area like a shed. Take a sheet of toilet paper and pour some of the powder on and twist up like a little bomb. Light it on fire and throw into a used tin can and set beside the plant. The thing will smolder and kill anything that flies. I've seen mosquitos fly into a wisp of that smoke and literally fall out of air dead.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
There's a product called Buhach that should work and is really safe. All pyrethrins. Dried flowers and comes in powder form. Put the plant in an enclosed area like a shed. Take a sheet of toilet paper and pour some of the powder on and twist up like a little bomb. Light it on fire and throw into a used tin can and set beside the plant. The thing will smolder and kill anything that flies. I've seen mosquitos fly into a wisp of that smoke and literally fall out of air dead.

Cheers, TB.

bentalphanerd said:
I think neem turns their outer shells soft. Having no inner skeleton that spells disaster for them. It does same for their eggs.
Don't forget to keep an eye out for ants that may be setting up a ranch. if your aphids don't have wings they are effectively ant cows.
Nope, no ants, but it is inside so....if ants show up, freezing temps or not, those plants are going outside.
texas blues said:
There's a product called Buhach that should work and is really safe. All pyrethrins. Dried flowers and comes in powder form. Put the plant in an enclosed area like a shed. Take a sheet of toilet paper and pour some of the powder on and twist up like a little bomb. Light it on fire and throw into a used tin can and set beside the plant. The thing will smolder and kill anything that flies. I've seen mosquitos fly into a wisp of that smoke and literally fall out of air dead.

Cheers, TB.

That stuff sounds like it would be just the thing i rekon...even outside on a still day between rows of plants....hmmm good stuff!