texas blues said:Pace is guud stuuf!
"guud stuuf" is a relevant term. A person dying of thirst in the desert might drink their own urine in an attempt to survive and call piss "guud stuuf".
A person dying of hunger in a frozen landscape may scavenge a wolf kill for bones to gnaw on, bear poop for undigested berries or catch fish fry with their bare hands and call all that "guud stuuf".
Eating Pace when there are so many other better sauces, including some very tasty everyday-gotta-go-to-sauces following TB's own recipes or even other moderately priced fresh and canned salsa....

Not gonna say it~~~~~
All I can surmise is that..... TB is lost at home with not a single sauce or chile to be had, dinner to be eaten and the only thing in the cupboard was Pace. Well, my Friend....I'm glad you had the Pace to see you through these tough times!
At least you can count on a good amount of Vitamin C and other vits/minerals!