nutrients Old hydro nutes

Should I be pouring these out in the yard or would they be better suited to feeding them to my potted peps? Or are they too nutritionally unbalanced to give them to the soil plants?
agreed, pour them around your fruit trees or other soil plants. Unless you are pouring 50 gallons a day of the same/recipe of used concentrations.
Woah...WTF...I typed "fetus" instead of nutes...damn auto correcting iPhone lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: OILBEEFHOCKED I laughed my ass off when I read that!! I was curious when I read it in the first post but then when you corrected it I just lost the plot!!

Cheers DT ya made my day!
If you are talking about the leftover Nutes from your reservoir that you drain when doing a change out, I would not be pouring that on your yard. It is much higher in Salt content and can be harmful, as well as it could transport any diseases that you pick up in the Hydro room onto your other plants. The ph could also be off quit a bit by the time you go to do a nute change depending on how often you adjust your hydro setup.

If you are talking about using older Hydro Nutes that are still in the bottle go for it, but I would test them on one or two plants first and in small doses. I had a really screwed up batch of Nutes that dropped the ph down into the 1 range and would lock it there. You can adjust it up, but the next day it is back around 1. I found this out after using it on all of my chili plants this spring and it stunted the heck out of them even though I used a really small dose. I later found out from the local shop that it was a bad batch and they had been having a lot of problems with it killing plants with all of their customers.

Just go easy with them until you know how they'll react.
How long do you run your res before you go to change them out? What size res?
I changed mine weekly when I ran it, and even then I noticed it was very easy to burn outside plants with the leftovers.

If you go ahead with it, I would dilute it down and use it sparingly on a few plants at first to see how they do with it.
How long do you run your res before you go to change them out? What size res?
I changed mine weekly when I ran it, and even then I noticed it was very easy to burn outside plants with the leftovers.

If you go ahead with it, I would dilute it down and use it sparingly on a few plants at first to see how they do with it.

Why would it burn a soil plant if it didn't burn the same hydro plant sitting next to it....?
Woah...WTF...I typed "fetus" instead of nutes...damn auto correcting iPhone lol
Yeah, I read that and immediately started cracking up. LMFAO. What's funny is, the first thing that came to mind is Dying Fetus (a death metal band--I love their album "Purification Through Malevolence").
Why would it burn a soil plant if it didn't burn the same hydro plant sitting next to it....?

Because as Nutes are used up they convert to salts. It is not the same as when you mix fresh nutes up. At least that is what I have been told, and not by hydro shop employees/owners bent on selling more product. This is from very experienced growers who are also tight wads and save every little penny any place they can.

If you watered them down and diluted them it might be ok, but I wouldn't use them straight from your res onto plants that you care about.