• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Omri's 2011 Grow List

Well that depends on how much you consume, but hey... it's a growing topic and a discussion on "recreational activities" might take this topic to the wrong direction.

I appreciate the concern my friend.
I believe it was 4 seeds, maybe 5. That was in 1975 or '76...Whether that was too many or not, I will never know, because I was cured of ever trying it again!
Was looking through some old papers and found a couple of more plants you might be interested in Omri.

Desmanthus illinoensis


Desmanthus leptolobus

Both are good sources of DMT and when coupled with an MAO inhibiter like Syrian Rue, will get ya tripping without even leavin' the farm... ;) :rofl:

I really like Hawaiin Baby Woodose, despite the initial nausea. Heres a list of what oldmate has got seed wise... Or transportable cuttings.

• Acacia spp. (maidenii, longifilia, etc, etc)
• Argeyia nervosa var. nervosa
• Desmanthus illinoensis
• Desmanthus spp.
• Ephedra gerardiana
• Echinopsis/Trichocereus spp. (peruviana, magrogona) 
• Lophophora spp.
• Mimosa hostilis
• Nicotiana spp. (tabaccum, rustica)
• Sceletium tortuosum
+ LOTS more Cactacea
I really like Hawaiin Baby Woodose, despite the initial nausea. Heres a list of what oldmate has got seed wise... Or transportable cuttings.

• Acacia spp. (maidenii, longifilia, etc, etc)
• Argeyia nervosa var. nervosa
• Desmanthus illinoensis
• Desmanthus spp.
• Ephedra gerardiana
• Echinopsis/Trichocereus spp. (peruviana, magrogona) 
• Lophophora spp.
• Mimosa hostilis
• Nicotiana spp. (tabaccum, rustica)
• Sceletium tortuosum
+ LOTS more Cactacea
That's a brilliant list there!
I've got to admit never heard of Ephedra gerardiana, but it still sounds great. got any pics of the plants? would love to see those.
Well, there are definitely several plants I'm interested in... what's in seed form and what in cuttings?

So what do you want me to trade with ya? :D
All in seeds except; ephedra, sceletium, and unmentioned cacti :D
E. gerardiana is one of the higher yielding crops too.
I'll have a look at your list and pm you! :)

Ps - on holidays, only have my iPhone :(
wow! you've got some interesting plants omri!
leaf cuttings are pretty interesting... the only other plants i know that you can propagate like that are begonias

keep it green!
Sadly I'm having some health-related problems at the moment and it prevents me from taking care or even taking pictures of the plants. several died, but will post the ones that survived when possible. sorry for the lack of porn.

Here's a few pictures I've taken earlier this season.

I. tricolor ("Crimson Rambler")

B. caapi ("Black Strain")

B. caapi ("Yellow Strain")

I. tricolor & A. nervosa seeds in nifty little corked bottles

P. viridis ("White Charcuna")

P. nexus & P. viridis

first Brother Omri...get feeling better man...

then I just don't understand this...illegal to grow pot, but legal to grow peyote?...I may have to check into that here in Texas...

As illegal as it gets... :lol:
Thanks guys! your comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ;)

first Brother Omri...get feeling better man...

then I just don't understand this...illegal to grow pot, but legal to grow peyote?...I may have to check into that here in Texas...
Well AJ, I can't really see how growing Peyote in Texas would be illegal, as it's a native cacti. would any man with Peyote growing on his property be breaking the law? same goes to many local plants here and other countries when they contain illegal substances. you can't use it, but as a native plant is legal to grow.

Mescaline is an illegal substance in Israel, but there are no limitations on growing the plants containing it. with that said, it is illegal to posses seeds, plants or plant material of the Cannabis plant in Israel. THC as a substance is illegal as well. furthermore, there are no classes of drugs in Israel so the punishment by law for Cannabis is the same as Cocaine, Heroine and such. VERY ILLEGAL AND MANY YEARS IN PRISON.

Well thankfully we're just some good people growing some plants and not drug abusers/dealers. :)
I hear ya Omri...

hope you have a good year my friend...
Cooool pics Omri
I like the ones of the leaves rooting
Take care man you seem to be getting yourself into all sorts of ups and downs....
you need a holiday
Not much of an update, but got a hold on some Psychotria viridis (Chacruna), Calea zacatechichi (Dream Herb), Banisteriopsis caapi and several species of Datura seeds.

I don't know you at all but that is a very impressive list of some very 'interesting' plant species.

However I would be very skeptical of including any Datura into a garden like this for anything except for the beauty of its fluted flowers, I have seen it chew up and spit out even the most experienced and balanced minds ... some never to return.

My advice is to stay well clear.

Something else you may be interested in for ornamental purposes only of course :rofl:

Phalaris arundinacea

umm it seems its already on the list ...my mistake