Omri's Growing List

Started to feel a bit like an outsider with all of those grow logs floating about. still not a grow log, but I'm definitely getting mainstream.

This year's I'm mostly growing chiles I want to keep, meaning I'll do everything in my power to keep them alive during the winter so they'll live to see next year and the one after that (and so on). this means less and less "cool chiles" and mostly chiles I use everyday. what I'm doing now is massive germination of multiple possible chiles, where at the end of the season I'll only keep one of each of my favorites.

As of now the plan is:
  1. Caribbean Red - Germinated two trays
  2. Red Rocoto (many different strains) - Germinated one tray
  3. Manzano Amarillo - Germinated one tray
  4. Fatalii - Germinated one tray
  5. Scotch Bonnet (many different strains*) - Germinated one tray
  6. Orange Habanero - To be germinated
  7. Jalapeño - To be germinated
  8. Bulgarian Carrot - To be germinated
  9. Bhut Jolokia (and other Jolokia-types) - To be germinated
  10. Trinidad Douglah (just to restock on seeds, as I gave them all away) - Germinated two plants
  11. OSE04 (Red Bud) - To be germinated
  12. OSE05 (Omri's Carrot) - To be germinated
  13. OSE11F1 - To be germinated
  14. OSE12F1 - To be germinated
  15. OSE13F1 - To be germinated
  16. OSE13F4 - To be germinated

That's about it for now. maybe later some more... haven't decided yet.

*This year I'm excited to have an authentic Scotch Bonnet growing. not the commercial type and not a Scotch Bonnet lookalike, but an actual Scotch Bonnet which was hard to find. it's getting all purple and nice under the LEDs, so that's pretty exciting.
Mate that looks like a great list. What are your general plans for the chillis.

I'm going to have to look up the 'OSE' chillis cause I don't know what they are!!!
moyboy said:
Mate that looks like a great list. What are your general plans for the chillis.

I'm going to have to look up the 'OSE' chillis cause I don't know what they are!!!
Dry 'em, pickle 'em, grill 'em, candy 'em and cook with 'em.
You're not suppose to know the "OSE" ones, as they're my little project. that's just how I label 'em.
Nice list. How many in a tray? And how many to you try to keep from each tray? Sounds like a ton of plants.
bigt said:
Nice list. How many in a tray? And how many to you try to keep from each tray? Sounds like a ton of plants.
Each tray is 135 plants. don't worry, I'll be giving A LOT of plants and might even sell some.
Omri said:
Each tray is 135 plants. don't worry, I'll be giving A LOT of plants and might even sell some.

Wow, that's 270 Caribbean Red alone! Man, that's a lot of work. I'm sure you can handle it or you wouldn't be planning on growing more. :)
Great list buddy nice mass germination and love the fact there used for all the right reasons..except the carrot..which your saving for R.B i mean..Sorry the seeds..lost now i should stop :shocked:

Sorellina said:
Ciao Omri-

I think a lot of people including myself would love to see some photos of your seedlings! :)
Not much of a picture person, sorry.
Authentic Scotch Bonnet on the top and Red Rocoto trying to get out of his husk on the bottom:

What king of LEDs? That's over 2,000 plants if they all sprout! I've got 90 sq. ft. of space and it was filled with 1,000 plants, though the trays held only 18-36 plants each.

Good luck this year.

Looking good. I like the approach you're taking this year, planning on keeping a few good plants alive for several years. The plants really pay you back on the extra work too, I've overwintered this one pequin for 3 years now and it really produces heaps each year.

OSE = Omri special/secret edition? :lol:

Good luck with your project too, I'd like to start something like that soon, thinking of crossing Fatalii x Lemon Drop (assuming chinense x baccatum is viable...I have to look that up).
wordwiz said:

What king of LEDs? That's over 2,000 plants if they all sprout! I've got 90 sq. ft. of space and it was filled with 1,000 plants, though the trays held only 18-36 plants each.

Good luck this year.

I don't use lights on everything. they all start in the incubator (enough room for 4 trays) and once they have the first set of leaves, they go outside.

I use UB and Cree LEDs. all my design.