• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Operation Golden Garden 2014: Let's Get Started!

**Instead of starting an entirely new GLOG, I decided to tack 2014 on to the end of this one. So if you have already went through 2013's grow, just jump ahead to page 40.**
Before you go on, I would recommend you grab a beer or something else stiff to drink.  If you didnt follow my grow last time around, I have the tendency to go on, and on, and on, and on.  Also, I may not be the most "PC" out of the group, so if you are looking for clean language, on topic discussion, and general 'niceness', I am sure that I can point you in the right direction.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way....I AM STARTING A FREAKIN GROW LOG!  A quick bit of back story. Since I spent more time in high school partying than studying, I didn't have much of a choice following graduation. I decided to enlist in the Marines (there really isnt another choice) and now here I am 8 years and 5 deployments later.  This last go around I left the first few days of September and just got back yesterday (9 months for all the other 'non studying' folk).  As most of you know, if you want some bangin pepper plants, you need to start early, and May 25th aint early.  So right before I left I cut everything back and prayed to the pepper gods that my plants would make it through winter so I could have something to come home to.  Up until yesterday I thought that they were just taking time to put on some green, but when I walked through the fence to see my dogs, a ritual that I typically do after every deployment, I realized that the plants were not there and instead was four trays of new plants just waiting for planting.
Note:  IPhones are not the world's leading video recording devices.  And as a result, I may not be easily heard.  Dont worry, I didn't have much to say initially anyways, I was just a bit more surprised than anything.

For someone who seems to always talk a bit too much, I didnt have much to say initially.  I was freaking out inside and didnt know if my wife got them or what.  When she told me that the guys from THP did it, i was blown away.  You gotta understand, over the past 9 months Bill (RocketMan) organized a "Operation Hot Sauce" care package rotation for me and my guys.  A bunch of members here chipped in and sent packages of sauces, powders, peppers, and other treats to help make this deployment a bit more enjoyable.  To hear that they ALSO chipped in and GAVE ME A GROWING SEASON pretty much put me over the edge.  I know that I already messaged you guys but I wanna thank RocketMan, Coheed196, Romy6, KingDenniz, Silver_Surfer, STC3248, DesertChris, Sanarda, MuskyMojo, Pulpeteer, WalkGood, DocNRock. Stickman, Annie57, Pic 1, Pr0digal_Son, Jamison, Spicy Chicken, HighHalt, Fremp, SethSquach, 3/5 King, Patrick, Bigoldude again for helping make this happen for me.  And although giving me a garden was WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH, they also gave me a little sumpin sumpin that will help out picking up the last minute things that I need to make sure I have everything I need for the season!
So this morning, I got up early because I am still on Afghanistan time, cooked breakfast, and then after the family ate we went out to the garden to plant everything. 

The Peppers:
7 Pot
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Colorado
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bonda ma Jaques
Congo Trinidad
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Lemon Drop
Marconi Giant Hybrid
TSMB Yellow
Naga Morich
Safi Red
Trinidad Scorpion
West Indian Red
Black Krim
Black Pear
Oh, and did I tell you that THERE ARE 3 EACH?!?
Gettin to work tilling the rows a bit

The wife givin me a hand

The kiddo givin me a hand

Rows Complete

And Peppers in the ground!

Some goodies from Bill, Jeff and Bonnie (Bill also has goodies in the fridge :cheers:)

Parting Shot

stickman said:
Nice work with the landscaping fabric Matt! That'll save you a lot of effort. If you find that the black fabric heats the soil too much and the flowers stop sticking... you can put a layer of shredded white paper on top of it, and the white mulch will reflect rather than absorb  the sunlight, and cool the soil. This is a trick that folks who grow Brassicas in midsummer use. Now that I think of it... I wonder how it would work for you if you grow Manzanos or Rocotos?
Good job getting some color on your Chinense varieties... I think I have at least another 4 weeks before that happens here this year. Cheers!
I am hoping that it doesn't effect the plants too much.  We have had a lot of rain lately, so maybe that will help to keep them cool.  But if they start to drop in droves I will probably give that a shot.  I haven't grown Manzanos or Rocotos before, but am hoping to get my hands on some seeds for next year. 
Hi Matt those pods look deadly,  Oh yes I got the seeds and powders thanks much.  I use to grow rocoto's and like them a lot, their burn is a little different than the other pepper species, the flesh is nice and crunchy and very juicy.  I learned about that the hard way the first time I bit into one and the juice shot right into my eye, it took several flushes with water and several very painful minutes before the burning quit.
They have very good flavor also, I quit growing them as I don't have the room to overwinter them and they just didn't like the heat and humidity here in Missouri, they would make a handful of pods in late spring early summer then quit till the middle of September so i would end up with a bunch of green pods and maybe two or three ripe ones.  I think though if some one had the time to out cross one with a eximium or a cardenasii then cross back they might end up with one that would take the heat better. Well here's hoping that you have a great season. 
Now that you don't have to weed, feel free to swing by and give me a hand...LOL Just kidding....no rain= no weeds...to speak of...
You may just need the paper!
Good idea to use shredded paper Rick!
 Matt, just wanted to thank you for the amazing powders. So far the only one I have tried is the kitchen sink. It is an absolute flavor explosion. Who know's if the military doesn't pan out you could always work at the local tienda selling your  powders and sauces  :rofl:
 No but they all look  amazing. Bright red with a strong aroma. Just the way I like em. You could smell the love even before I opened the mailbox  :hot:

wildseed57 said:
Hi Matt those pods look deadly,  Oh yes I got the seeds and powders thanks much.  I use to grow rocoto's and like them a lot, their burn is a little different than the other pepper species, the flesh is nice and crunchy and very juicy.  I learned about that the hard way the first time I bit into one and the juice shot right into my eye, it took several flushes with water and several very painful minutes before the burning quit.
They have very good flavor also, I quit growing them as I don't have the room to overwinter them and they just didn't like the heat and humidity here in Missouri, they would make a handful of pods in late spring early summer then quit till the middle of September so i would end up with a bunch of green pods and maybe two or three ripe ones.  I think though if some one had the time to out cross one with a eximium or a cardenasii then cross back they might end up with one that would take the heat better. Well here's hoping that you have a great season. 
No worries man, happy they got to you quickly!  I am looking forward to branching out into some of the non-supers in the future and the Rocotos and manzanos are definitely on that list!  That always sucks to have green pods hanging at the end of the sesason!
Devv said:
Now that you don't have to weed, feel free to swing by and give me a hand...LOL Just kidding....no rain= no weeds...to speak of...
You may just need the paper!
Good idea to use shredded paper Rick!
LOL, It is such a pain in the ass!  So far we have been 2 days without rain!  It is supposed to rain in a few days, but the weather here changes on a whim!
romy6 said:
 Matt, just wanted to thank you for the amazing powders. So far the only one I have tried is the kitchen sink. It is an absolute flavor explosion. Who know's if the military doesn't pan out you could always work at the local tienda selling your  powders and sauces  :rofl:
 No but they all look  amazing. Bright red with a strong aroma. Just the way I like em. You could smell the love even before I opened the mailbox  :hot:
Thanks Jamie, glad you like em.  The Kitchen Sink is just that...everything but!  It has a handful of yours (douglahs, brains, madballz, yellow primo) and my "catch all pickings" from last season.  I plan to just throw all the random peppers in it and continue to build it over the summer.  All the care packages will end up in there (aside from the ones that end up in my belly).  Makes for an interesting flavor and burn.  I know that this bactch has TS, TSMB, Red/Brown/Choc Bhuts, 7 SR, Primo, Barrackpore, Jonah, Fatalli, Scotch Bonnet, Red this, yellow that, and a whole lot of love!
RocketMan said:
Matt, the powders arrived yesterday. Haven't had a chance to sample yet but they sure are smelling good Brother :)
Thank you!
Glad you got em, and cant wait to see what you think!  I thought the Smoked Bhuts were the hottest up front, and the Smoked Scorps was a slow hot builder!
What kind of landscaping fabric did you get, the breathable mesh type or more plastic like? Was planning on doing that next season to prevent all the weeding like i'm doing this year - just heard mixed reviews. I hope it works out for you and you spend more time pulling pods and spending time with the fam then weeding!
BrooklynXpat said:
What kind of landscaping fabric did you get, the breathable mesh type or more plastic like? Was planning on doing that next season to prevent all the weeding like i'm doing this year - just heard mixed reviews. I hope it works out for you and you spend more time pulling pods and spending time with the fam then weeding!
I got the breathable kind.  They don't sell the plastic mulch where I am locally, so I decided to go with the standard breathable fabric.  It should keep the weeds out but let the rain in. 
Damn Matt! I've been checkin in on Glogs tonight lookin at everybody's pics. Can't believe you have that much poddage already brotha! Really interested in that super soil. For my containers I tried a mix of free compost, perlite, and peat with a ton of mykos and bacillus and what not too. Im extremely happy with it. And it was practically free! Growing better this year then last with promix.
Jamison said:
Damn Matt! I've been checkin in on Glogs tonight lookin at everybody's pics. Can't believe you have that much poddage already brotha! Really interested in that super soil. For my containers I tried a mix of free compost, perlite, and peat with a ton of mykos and bacillus and what not too. Im extremely happy with it. And it was practically free! Growing better this year then last with promix.
Me either man!  I am pretty surprised.  I am just waiting for a bit of a boost once we get a week or so of no rain and after that we should be off to the races! 
   Matt. I'm growing Yellow Manzanos this year. If you're interested, I'll shoot you some seeds as soon as I make my first harvest. I'm amazed that they seem to grow much slower than all of my super hot peppers. I have pics of the plant and the peppers, but this forum is much different than the one I normally frequent. I'm still trying to figure out how to attach an image file. I'll work on that.

Here's a pic of that Yellow Manzano plant.[media]http://s1172.photobucket.com/user/peppernovice/media/IMG_20130718_104245.jpg.html?filters[user]=127873468&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0[/media]
Hey, Matt.  Looks like you are firmly back in the groove, brother.
Your plants are growin' like crazy - like the pod pics a lot!
Now your cooking with napalm!!!!!!  :onfire: I had to check out some glogs cuz I'm on vacay in Florida and miss my garden.  I got my fix right here.  Glad to see your naga's getting some color.  garden looks terrif
DocNrock said:
The garden looks immaculate!  Love that fabric you laid down. 
Thanks Brent, I was out there this evening taking some pics and it was awesome being able to lie down and snap and not worry about being covered with dirt.  I won't really understand the benefit until I go a few weeks without weeding!!
peppernovice said:
   Matt. I'm growing Yellow Manzanos this year. If you're interested, I'll shoot you some seeds as soon as I make my first harvest. I'm amazed that they seem to grow much slower than all of my super hot peppers. I have pics of the plant and the peppers, but this forum is much different than the one I normally frequent. I'm still trying to figure out how to attach an image file. I'll work on that.
Hey Tim thanks for the offer and I would love to get a pod or two at some point.  I have never even tried them, but they are definitely on my must grow list!  Such great looking flowers and I hear they make some stellar stuffed peppers! 
Fremp said:
Here's the pic,just goto the image,and right click copy image
To the rescue!  +1
PaulG said:
Hey, Matt.  Looks like you are firmly back in the groove, brother.
Your plants are growin' like crazy - like the pod pics a lot!
Hell yea Paul. I am back in that "watch and wait" mode.  I fed them yesterday because they were looking a bit yellow and pissed after all the rain we have had, but there has got to be 50 or 100 pods hanging now, give it another month or so and i will be posting harvest shots instead!  I had to leave last year the first few days of September, but my wife pulled PLENTY of pods off well into October.  I may have not had the chance to start in December...but Ill be around longer this year! 
Sanarda said:
Now your cooking with napalm!!!!!!  :onfire: I had to check out some glogs cuz I'm on vacay in Florida and miss my garden.  I got my fix right here.  Glad to see your naga's getting some color.  garden looks terrif
PIA!  Great to have you back in!  I hope your enjoying your vaca in lovely FL!  Unfortunately the Nagas got eaten!  I have another one that has a little nibble on it and if it doesn't get eaten before tomorrow ill pull it!
Capsicum Select said:
Awesome grow!  That is some really useful information on the soil for container growing. I will definitely be following this as your pods get more color.
Welcome to my grow, Im glad you stopped in!  Stick around, there is bound to be more give-aways and crazy antics!
Well like I mentioned above, I spent some time outside snapping some pix of the plants tonight.  My wife is making sugar cookies, so I went out back and spent a bit in the garden.  Im gonna need a bump or two. 
This TS is just looking mean.  It is the same as the one I posted last week, but now it has some nasty spikes.  I really love the look of this pod. 

This other TS plant is having a hard time figuring out the proper pheno...It is early and the weather has been crazy, so it should settle in another few weeks.

BJ Red baby and daddy :)

Assams are looking great, as usual!

TSMB Red.  Got the perfect pheno.

Yellow Bhuts are looking sick this season.  Really great, big pods on this plant.

Bump please!