• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ozzy2015 Glog

I hadn't had enough time to sit down and actually get this going but i figured better late than never.  I also want a way to document my season so if anything i can go back to reference good and bad things that happen.
I'll start with the grow list in no particular order:
Caribbean Red Hab (overwinter)
Jalapeno x Pepperoncini
Early Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Carolina Reaper
Aji Pinapple
Aji Mango
Aji Limon
Chocolate Hab
Chocolate Bhut
Red Bhut
Large Red Bhut
Big Sun Hab
Unknown Brazilian
White Hab
Hot Lemon
TMS Yellow
Pimenta de Neyde
Sweet Cherry
Yellow Fatallii
Yellow Scotch Bonnet
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Brazilian Starfish
Tequila Sunrise
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot White
7 Pot Bubblegum
Mini Bell 
Large Orange Thai
Butch T
Naga Morich
Datil Red
Orange Hab
Big Jim
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Purple Beauty Bell
Late Editions:
Bahemian Goat (Plant from Juanitos)
Jay's Peach (Juanitos)
Rocoto Turbo Yellow (Juanitos)
Rocoto Manzano Rojo (Juanitos)
Red Savina (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Golden Cayenne (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Chocolate 7Pot (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
San Marzano
Sweet Basil
Thai Basil
Other Veggies:
Lettuce assortment
Also growing some various flowers for Mother's Day and for our deck.
Here's a picture of what i have going on in my basement.

as you can see I'm starting to run out of room.  I really need to cull down some of my plants but i have a lot of people around that I said I would dole out some plants.  Aside from that, there will be a local farmer's market starting up soon that I can take them to and try to sell some of them.  I really have a hard time throwing plants out.  
Your Caribbean Red cutting has rooted nicely.  
How long did it take for the cutting to start putting out roots?
Plant out seems to be receding here - low 38 last night.  Brrrrrr   :neutral:
Yeah low here tonight is 39...I'm debating covering garden.
It took about 7-10 days to see the first root. This past week it has really stretched out. It's pretty amazing. Super easy too. I'm going to make clones of my tomato plants as the season goes on and they start to deteriate when the temperatures climb.
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah low here tonight is 39...I'm debating covering garden.
It took about 7-10 days to see the first root. This past week it has really stretched out. It's pretty amazing. Super easy too. I'm going to make clones of my tomato plants as the season goes on and they start to deteriate when the temperatures climb.
i would cover your favorites at least! i got my throwdown thai outside, but it is in one of those mini greenhouses with the shelves and i got a light on it. we might get below freezing this week.
Good idea to staggering your tomato plant out dates, tomatoes are pretty easy to clone too.
In Mexico tomatilllos basically are weeds
So these tomatillo plants grow like weeds lol. It's about to hit my light.
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The tomatoes are coming along pretty well to but the tomatillos are almost the size of the sun flowers I have growing. I already had to move them due to the lights lol
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No frost this morning!!! I'm definitely exhaling. I just didn't have time to cover anything. I did carry in my mobiles though. I wasn't too worried though because it was only supposed to get to 37-38 between 4-8am. I know it could have been colder than forecasted though so I feel pretty lucky.
So glad I overwintered this Carib Red Hab. There are so many flowers on this thing. I can't wait until it starts pumping them out.

I also finished potting up the rest of my pots. 23 total for now lol.

Also found a couple Morel mushrooms Sunday morning. Hopefully I can find some more in the coming weeks.
Once when I was a kid My mom & I ordered a Morel mushroom kit I forget form where.
We put them in this wooded are like they said but nothing ever came of it I was mighty disappointed .
Plantguy76 said:
Once when I was a kid My mom & I ordered a Morel mushroom kit I forget form where.
We put them in this wooded are like they said but nothing ever came of it I was mighty disappointed .
I've heard from other people that those kits don't always work. If they were easier to grow I'm sure somebody would grow them commercially.
LA 2 the Bay said:
Where did you get those bags from and how much
They make a couple different grades at different prices.
I transplanted my Red Savina and Caribbean Red Hab clone after 5 weeks in the Aerogarden.

They really look great. I can't believe how awesome these cheater boxes are.

I also planted some other plants outside that weren't quite big enough. The only thing I have left to plant now is my 3 LOT's. I've got a few other seeds I want to grow out if they pop in time.
Other than that. Everything seems prett happy that's been planted out. My 2nd yr Red Hab has a ton of flowers and quite a few pods growing now. The temperatures have gone up so I'm hoping for some fully mature pods on it.
I skipped Morels this year.  First time in 10 years.  It was cold then hot/dry.  By the time we had rain it was done....I think.  I never find them past Mothers day.  Yard is looking Sweeeeet!
OCD Chilehead said:
Very nice Scott. Looks like your staying busy. The garden soil looks great. It's only going to get better. I like the Aerogarden cutting. Looks nice and healthy.

Thanks for sharing.

Yeah first year for this plot so it's only going to get better. Only problem I have right now is all the weeds coming in. I need to do some pulling and thicken up my straw.
D3monic said:
Plants are looking great and healthy! Love me some Morels but never get around to hunting for them. 
Yeah I never made it back out, and we're going out of town this weekend so that may be all for this year unfortunately.
Rairdog said:
I skipped Morels this year.  First time in 10 years.  It was cold then hot/dry.  By the time we had rain it was done....I think.  I never find them past Mothers day.  Yard is looking Sweeeeet!
Yeah we just moved here at the end of last summer. I walked around in the woods and found those two. I need to devote a little more time but I've been super busy. My daughter walked out with me and we found a turtle so that was cool.
It's been awhile since I updated with pics so I figured I'd a drop a few in here.
Aleppo is started to flower up heavy with a couple setting.

Aji Pineapple flowering

Gray Zucchini


Green beans


San Marzanos with Romas behind

Big Boys and Tomatillos


Purple Jalapeños

Jalapeño x Pepperochoni cross


And here's the forked Aji Mango earlier in the Glog

None of the Chinese have shot up yet. All of the Annums and Baccatums are branching and flowering well though.
The plot is looking good Scott. I hear of people laying down black plastic at the beginning of the year. They say it helps germinate and kill the weeds. I'm going to try that next year in my soon to be garden area. The Chinese are a little slow at first, but they'll catch up. Hope you had a good weekend.

Thanks for sharing
Thanks Chuck. I think I'll definitely lay down the fabric next year. I'll just deal with the weeds this year. Last year I didn't have any problems. But that was a different location. We're out of town until Thursday so hopefully everything is ok. I know we were getting rain back home.
I took some time to work on the garden today. The weeds were getting out of control because I didn't put down enough straw when I planted out.

Here's after I pulled the straw back hoed up the weeds and lid down a bunch more.

Everything else is going pretty well. I'll show a few updates.
Tomatillos are getting huge with tons of flowers.

Tomato plants are also growing fast. I pulled off a bunch of side shoots that we're going to be problems. Of the three varieties, all of them have a tomato growing.
Here's a baby San Marzano.

Three green bean poles all look like this.

Set some string up on these poles for the snow peas.

Zuchini plant.



