• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ozzy2015 Glog

I hadn't had enough time to sit down and actually get this going but i figured better late than never.  I also want a way to document my season so if anything i can go back to reference good and bad things that happen.
I'll start with the grow list in no particular order:
Caribbean Red Hab (overwinter)
Jalapeno x Pepperoncini
Early Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Carolina Reaper
Aji Pinapple
Aji Mango
Aji Limon
Chocolate Hab
Chocolate Bhut
Red Bhut
Large Red Bhut
Big Sun Hab
Unknown Brazilian
White Hab
Hot Lemon
TMS Yellow
Pimenta de Neyde
Sweet Cherry
Yellow Fatallii
Yellow Scotch Bonnet
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Brazilian Starfish
Tequila Sunrise
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot White
7 Pot Bubblegum
Mini Bell 
Large Orange Thai
Butch T
Naga Morich
Datil Red
Orange Hab
Big Jim
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Purple Beauty Bell
Late Editions:
Bahemian Goat (Plant from Juanitos)
Jay's Peach (Juanitos)
Rocoto Turbo Yellow (Juanitos)
Rocoto Manzano Rojo (Juanitos)
Red Savina (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Golden Cayenne (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Chocolate 7Pot (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
San Marzano
Sweet Basil
Thai Basil
Other Veggies:
Lettuce assortment
Also growing some various flowers for Mother's Day and for our deck.
Here's a picture of what i have going on in my basement.

as you can see I'm starting to run out of room.  I really need to cull down some of my plants but i have a lot of people around that I said I would dole out some plants.  Aside from that, there will be a local farmer's market starting up soon that I can take them to and try to sell some of them.  I really have a hard time throwing plants out.  
Ozzy2001 said:
I took some time to work on the garden today. The weeds were getting out of control because I didn't put down enough straw when I planted out.
Here's after I pulled the straw back hoed up the weeds and lid down a bunch more.
Everything else is going pretty well. I'll show a few updates.
Tomatillos are getting huge with tons of flowers.
Tomato plants are also growing fast. I pulled off a bunch of side shoots that we're going to be problems. Of the three varieties, all of them have a tomato growing.
Here's a baby San Marzano.
Three green bean poles all look like this.
Set some string up on these poles for the snow peas. Zuchini plant.
The garden is looking fantastic Scott. I grew Tomatillo's two years ago. I had them in container's. I didn't get any that were very big. I had started to late for my climate. Last year I was out of town working. I remember going out to the garden in November and there was Tomatillo volunteer's. I couldn't believe it. Two months prior and it was bare dirt. I've read that once you plant them, they volunteer every year. I think I also read you have to plant more than one to get fruit. Next year I would like to plant a designated plot just for them. Well anyways thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week.
Ok. Finally have some pictures now. Here's the purple tomatillos. I had o trim te branches down a little. They really branch out wide.

Here's a wide shot of some of the tomato plants. Some of them are over 5' tall now. All this rain we've had has really shot them up. They all have a lot of fruit on them. Can't wait for them to ripen up.

Zuchini plants and cucumbers. I've already pulled a handful of pickling cukes off of them.

Now for the peppers. Here's a fish pepper in the ground.

And one still in a solo cup.

This is an unknown Brazillian pepper. I'll get a closer shot when they ripen up. I'd like to get an id on them.

Hot Lemon

Mini Bells

This is interesting. These PdN's were both dark when I planted and now the one lightened up.

Here's a Padron I started the same time as my LOT.

And my pathetic LOT. It's been a runt from the very beginning.

Big Sun Hab these first pods are kind of elongated.

Choc TS scorp

Overall view of some of the Chinese.

Here's my overwintered Carribean red. It's finally setting regular size pods.


Aji Pineapple

Aji Mango

Here's a Pepperochoni x jalapeño cross. It's killing me to taste this one.

Here's a manzano, red Bhut, and devil's tongue. Pulled them out of the Aerogarden last week so they still wilt easy

And I need a bump.
Some little Naga Morich starting

Old standby Orange Hab

Yellow TMS

tctenten said:
Everything looks great.  Is the straw effective as a weed blocker?
Thanks Tc. And no it is not. I think a lot of the weeds were probably cut into the straw. Next year I will probably just buck up and put fabric down. Or just put hardwood mulch down. It does keep the ground moist and fruit from getting spots when it's laying on the ground like cucumbers.
Nice pods and your garden seems to work fine. Good work.

I wish my peppers in the garden would grow at least half that good as the ones in pots.... I've must of done something wrong - they were too long in solo cups ... thats the reason 1 I know ...
tsurrie said:
Nice pods and your garden seems to work fine. Good work.

I wish my peppers in the garden would grow at least half that good as the ones in pots.... I've must of done something wrong - they were too long in solo cups ... thats the reason 1 I know ...
One thing I know for sure is that I'm going to wait longer to plant out in the garden. They never got frost, but they did endure some cold temperatures and they were stunted compared to the plants in the pots that I moved inside. They are starting to take off now though even though we have had a ton of rain.
About your solo cups too; some of those last pics I posted are still in they're solo cups. I've while they won't grow as big, I bet they would catch up and pass the plants that have been in the ground for 2 months now.
In my master gardener class when it was on vegetables they said on peppers you should wait till after may first to plant out.
They also said all that rain along with the cool tempertures all contributed to everything .
As you are in the St Louis area I would think it would be alittle later say maybe the second week of may at a guess but none of that would matter the way this year has been.
I planted out later than you and I had to pull the peach Congo's will try again next year maybe.
Everything else is coming out of it but I do have some that are still stunted like my poor stuffing scotch bonnets & in ground baccatums
Your doing great Scott don't be too hard on yourself I am in pretty much in the same boat its the way this year been & last year was similar .
Your plants are beautiful I have little moa yellows scotch bonnets !
Your big suns habaneros please let me know how they are I been debating on growing them for a long time.
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
pickling cucumbers are to me the ones to grow, i like the flavor more than straight eights or darker greens ones any way. Nice garden!
Thanks! Yeah, I think I'm really gonna like those pickling cukes. I already made a few jars of pickles the other night.

Now if this rain would just stop. Really getting old with all my potted plants because I hate to overwater them just to feed them. Maybe I'll just sprinkle some time release in there.
Ozzy2001 said:
Thanks! Yeah, I think I'm really gonna like those pickling cukes. I already made a few jars of pickles the other night.
Now if this rain would just stop. Really getting old with all my potted plants because I hate to overwater them just to feed them. Maybe I'll just sprinkle some time release in there.
yeah, every time it rains, I have to replace my hydro nutes. There more rain on it's way here. Noooooo! 10 gallons! 20 tsp of nutes!
Some plumbing today. Changed out our old 3 handle tub/shower value with an updated model.

And now.

Glad to have that done. Now for some grilling wings

Also picked the first Pepperochoni x jalapeño pod

Super tasty. These will be great on some philly cheese steaks or even stuffing. Similar to Jalapeño heat with Pepperochoni taste.
That sounds like a nice cross. If you save some seed, I would love to try those next year.

Nice job on the plumbing.
tctenten said:
That sounds like a nice cross. If you save some seed, I would love to try those next year.

Nice job on the plumbing.
I didn't save any out of this one but I will certainly save some later. I'm not sure these turn red. I left this one on for a long time and it never changed color.