Ozzy's All Grain on deck

OK here we go
Appearance - Once again, good carbonation, good head, good lacing, but still dark as fuck. STOP MAKING IPA's DARK!!!
Smell - Grapefruit, orange, mango, malt, too much malt for what should be a citrus forward IPA. Needs way more aroma, way more D-Hop, but for being subtle it is nice
Mouthfeel - Perfect. For an IPA of this color, meaning this much malt, its spot on. Medium-full body,  not cloying, not overly oily or resiny that you would expect from a double IPA. Good all around
Taste - This is a pale ale. This is not an IPA. This is a dark pale ale. Hop flavor is present, but not abundant like an IPA should be. I can pick out all of the flavors that should be there, but none of them kick me in the face like an IPA should. Bitterness is IPA range, but there is no over the top hop flavor to allow for a bitterness of that range.
Overall - If this would be 10 SRMs less, and called an east coast pale ale, it would be nice. I give it a 28
I used to care about hardware and enjoy overclocking etc, then I went the Mac weenie way ...

Now I'm a little bit of both ...

In the olde days, though, I was an Amiga, OS/2, BeOS, and gentoo bootstrapping kind of guy ...

I never was into gaming, well ... except Civ ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Oh very nice rig. Dat SLI tho....
That's a Naga mouse too! Very nice. Same here. The formatted buttons are pimp.
I used to have a black widow ultimate for macros in Rift, but I had so many hardware issues with updated versions of windows other than the generic Windows 7 I scrapped it for this Red Key Corsair Mechanical. I fucking love this keyboard, even without the scripted macro keys. This is the fucking tits.
grantmichaels said:
I used to care about hardware and enjoy overclocking etc, then I went the Mac weenie way ...

Now I'm a little bit of both ...

In the olde days, though, I was an Amiga, OS/2, BeOS, and gentoo bootstrapping kind of guy ...

I never was into gaming, well ... except Civ ...
I love CIV
grantmichaels said:
I used to care about hardware and enjoy overclocking etc, then I went the Mac weenie way ...

Now I'm a little bit of both ...

In the olde days, though, I was an Amiga, OS/2, BeOS, and gentoo bootstrapping kind of guy ...

I never was into gaming, well ... except Civ ...
I will rape your fucking face in Civ
like literally beat the shit out of you, come to your house, put my penis in all your facial orifices, and just bang them
I won a tourism victory in a 4 player game on turn 255, yea thats right, tourism negro
Seriously though, I am a civ 5 whore
seriously working hard on Civ Beyond Earth, and I am a couple hundred hours deep into that, and its still hard as fuck to plan out a strategy like it was in Civ 5
I really want to smoke a cigarette, but I know if I do now, it is gonna fuck up my double IPA review
although to be honest I should probably wait on that until tomorrow, my palate is getting fatigued with slugging down bottles of these beers, usually I have 2-4oz tasters to play with, but im trying to get torn up tonight
wheebz said:
I really want to smoke a cigarette, but I know if I do now, it is gonna f**k up my double IPA review
although to be honest I should probably wait on that until tomorrow, my palate is getting fatigued with slugging down bottles of these beers, usually I have 2-4oz tasters to play with, but im trying to get torn up tonight
who are you and why are you kneeling in front of wheebz?
god now that I am seeing that game, he is still rocking a Parthenon at turn 190ish
what the fuck kind of shitty player is this!!!

ohh see now I am going to have to trash talk the gameplay video I just posted
Map size looks standard, and isnt even explored, he has ZERO points into Tradition or Liberty, none into patronage for the Forbidden Palace, has absolute shit culture
fucking amateur
ohh and awesome choice on the Great Admiral there, literally the worst great person in the game
see this is why i cant get distracted

I liked 4 a lot better than 5 until they released Gods and Kings and Brave New World expansion
BNW just made that game so amazing
Ozzy2001 said:
I still like playing CIV 4. I'm not big on 5. They kind of dummied it down.
we were also playing 4 more, here ...

the crazily dumbed down one was the Xbox one ...
true, BNW did make it much better ...

have they fixed it to where you can play cross-plat LAN yet, though ...

D and I couldn't play w/ one on Mac and one on PC ...
we should get a teamspeak going and play some Civ 5 against some AI bitches

grantmichaels said:
we were also playing 4 more, here ...

the crazily dumbed down one was the Xbox one ...
true, BNW did make it much better ...

have they fixed it to where you can play cross-plat LAN yet, though ...

D and I couldn't play w/ one on Mac and one on PC ...
Not that I know of. I played a lot of LAN games back at my brewery in Delaware, but we were all on PC
i have to replace the studio monitors i just tossed before i'll have sound, but once i do i'm down for some Civ 5 ...
wheebz said:
we should get a teamspeak going and play some Civ 5 against some AI bitches

Not that I know of. I played a lot of LAN games back at my brewery in Delaware, but we were all on PC
so lame, i think we ended up signing up for Steam and it still wouldn't allow cross-plat players into same pool ...

cafe con leche time, then imma drink some beers too ...
alright here we go
last review
gonna make this simple
Double IPA
Appearance - Big bubbles, not tight and lacey like the last ones. Color is lighter than the pale and IPA, but not by much. Going back, head is super thick, but weird. Almost looks like a complete step mashed belgian tripel now that it has settled
Smell - Nothing double about it. Needs way more dry hop, or a different dry hop technique. I honestly don't smell anything. 
Mouthfeel - Good. Medium body, good carbonation, but not as dissolved and tight as the other ones.
Taste - Beer? I don't taste much of anything. And no, I didnt go smoke or drink anything else. It is lacking in pretty much everything. If you are gonna call it a double IPA, you better hop the ever living shit out of it. Think Sierra Nevada Torpedo. This tastes like Miller Lites version of a pale ale.
I am trying hard to get flavor out of this too. Beer is at 52 degrees and I got nothing. Perceived bitterness is way less than the IPA and Pale Ale, but I am assuming it is because of the ABV and the lack of isomerisation at higher gravity.
If this was water, I would give it a 60/50 because it got me drunk. If this is beer, I give it a low to mid 20's. I honestly taste nothing. 
So all in all, to recap
Out of the 5 beers you sent me, I was pleasently surprised by the sour, and was definitely accepting the IPA and pale ale. 
The sour needed more carbonation, and an intentional souring gameplan from day zero, and it would have been money. 
The IPA was good, but it was a pale ale, and a good pale ale. 
The pale ale was a good variation of what I would stylize as a european/british pale ale just by taste alone. If it was on cask, would have been perfect because the flavors would have gone great with a minimal oak flavor and low carbonation, like a traditional hand pump kind of deal. 
The IPA I would put in par with a lot of brewery owners that thought they could go pro without actually refining their recipe. That is a good thing, because you did this once and know it could use work, where others say "OHH MAN THATS AWESOME IMMA OPEN MY OWN BREWERY DAWG!!!"
For the beers you sent me, I was honestly expecting every beer to be horrible and infected, because 75% of the time homebrewed beers I have or review are simply just that, bad and infected.
Overall I say good job. You have some good bases, there are just simple change that you can do to make them better. I would reduce the malt character of your pale ales and IPAs, as you really want to showcase hops more than grains in those, but they were good. Except that double IPA, that tasted really bland
The sour was definitely good. The cherries held up nice, they didnt taste pitted or old, I just wish there was more carbonation and more wheaty oatey flavor. Imagine a hefeweizen mouthfeel but with that cherry tart characteristic and I would throw that bitch into a best of category