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P. Dreadie's 2010 pepper list

A lot of people have started a thread about what they'll be growing this season . So this is the Dread's start. Most of my plants will be coming from Cross Country Nurseries. I don't have the room to start all the plants I want to grow and I've had great results from their plants in the past.

Most plants will go into my raised beds . A lot into 5 gal buckets. I'll give a few plants to friends to grow. My hope there is to get pure seed ..... I love Scotch Bonnets and my hope is to end up with good strain in time. I don't really plan on trying to get pure seed from everything because as stated I don't have the room to start everything I might want.

So here's my humble list and I'll add photos as things grow along ....

P. Dreadie


4 FATALII (Chile Plants)


4 HABANERO GOLDEN (Chile Plants)

2 HABANERO PEACH (Chile Plants)

6 HAROLD'S ST. BARTS (Chile Plants)






4 Burkina Yellow (Chile Plants )

4 Bhut Jolokia seeds from a CCN plant I grew last year

5 Best Bonnet seeds from a CCN plant ... the nicest plant best looking pepper from 09'

3 Select Bonnet seeds from Scoville

2 Ja Red Bonnet seeds from Scoville

3 7 Pod seeds from Sheldon ...... PrairieChilihead

2 7 Pod seeds from Fatalii

2 Limon seeds from Fatalii

1 Madame Jeanette seeds from Fatalii

1 Bonda ma Jacques seeds from Hippyseed Co ... the only seed that sprouted from what I got from Neil ..... guess Aussie seeds don't like Texas
Nothing humble about that list at all P. Dreadie.

Looking forward to seeing how your season grows. Best of luck to you.
Nice list and quite a grow, since I counted 77 potential plants for your grow this season.

Best of luck to you and your pod factories.
That is quite an impressive list of plants you have there. You have plenty there to keep you busy. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Yep i like it. You have a good mix there. Lots of flavorfull habs and bonnets. Not just scorching heat. I'm trying one of Jukka's 7 pot/pod too to compare to my own.


Hi Dread, Nice grow list you have. Hope you have good luck this season. I too struggled with seeds from the Aussies, Neil and thechileman.
I think I was a bit to saturated early on, and not quite enough heat mat temp. In late Jan. my garage was 60 degrees so my heat mat which I had spaced up with Styrofoam cause it checked to hot. By mid Feb. it was getting warmer and I removed the foam and replaced with plastic cardboard. Now in Mar. I've noticed the garage is much hotter (80) and the soil temp rides between 85 and 90, seeds seem to be popping easier. Neil has such a huge reputation and you can't help but like everything about him. I'm sure I will buy seeds from him again, and sauces.

Your raised bed project looks great by the way.

Cheers Mike
I have 2 of the St. Barts growing this year. They are coming along nicely, they actually need to be potted up. I have a bunch of plants that need to be potted up but didn't get to it last weekend. Isn't that the way it always goes, I will definitely have to get to it this weekend though. I'm about a month away before "plant out", I have one Habanero that is now taller then me, it is taking over the basement. I'm also growing a yellow scotch bonnet this year because of your recommendations of them.

It's amazing how quickly the number of plants keep growing. I'm still shooting for between 50 - 60, down from the 100+ I have now, we will see how it goes.
Well .... the weather has sucked here for quite a while now. Lots of rain and cool temps. Never know about the Texas Panhandle !! Last night there was heavy rain here plus hail and a tornado about 7 miles from my house.

Because of the bad weather I'm behind on making my coverings for my beds. And my plants won't go out until at least one is done so I can harden them off.

Here's where I'm at on one. It will cover my old raised from last year. It was a dog pin. What's up now is the 3/4" PVC frame. At the moment I'm using zip ties to hold thing good enough for me to get things set , then I'll use hose clamps to attach the frame to the fence. When done I'll have a blue tarp on top I can lower when needed.

This is the 4 way glued and screwed in the middle of two 10' lengths of PVC. I think this should hold things together.


This is more or less how it will look.


P. Dreadie
Nice work; you could easily turn that frame into a green house. :)

What's with the screws? Believe me, PVC glue will hold when properly applied and the pipe will break b4 that stuff turns loose.
Over Kill I guess Silver_Surfer, I've never bent PVC like that before. I'd rather waste a few screws than have the darn thing fall on my peppers.

Thanks patrick & Maligator

P. Dreadie
Things haven't gone forward much but should start rocking soon. Weather still hasn't been great. I put my tarp cover over my PVC frame cut off a little excess from the tarp then added grommets where need. Then over night before I took off the tarp the wind went crazy for several days. We had 30 to 40 mph winds with gusts up to 50 to 55 mph. Glad to say the frame took it great !! Much better than my nerves ...

Yesterday me and another old fart put up my metal frame . It's made from canopy fittings and conduit tubing. I forgot to take a picture of my stakes. They are basically hard steel pipe in a little larger dia than the conduit. 16" long with a round cap welded on one end and a super heavy nut welded on the other end. The heavy nut will allow me to hammer on it for years if I ever move things. All I can show is the nut now ....


This is where I'm at now on my frames , just showing one , they're the same. We have three poles on each side going into the stakes. I'll cut the other two for each side today. I figured three going into the stakes was enough . The others I'll just cut a little long and push them into the ground.
After making this frame I'd make it shorter. I'll do that this winter ..... I'll fooled with this enough for now !! LOL


And here's a few peppers I'm starting to harden off. After I get the cover on at least one of these new beds so I move it up and down , I can start hardening off the rest of my peppers.


P. Dreadie
patrick .... those are part of my plants that I started from seed. They look much better now than earlier in another thread. I can't wait to get the others outside too. My plants from CCN are going in 1 gallon pots. I have over 1/2 done. I don't have much room inside so I've been a little slow transplanting them. If the weather holds up I'll have get covers finished and then I can go to town !!

WickedMojo .... Thanks !! I have a few new peppers on my list this year that will be fun to test.

P. Dreadie