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P. Dreadie's 2010 pepper list

peppermanbaha ...... I bought my buckets. Many people get them free from bakeries and other food places. I didn't want to wait to collect enough so I bought a bunch at Lowes .... a hardware store here in the US. To use them as planters you drill of bunch of holes in the bottom. I used a 3/8" drill bit and made around a dozen holes. I lined the bottom with a folded up sheet of newspaper ( blk & white part ... no colored pages ) to keep the soil from washing out.

SS .... even if you didn't get any Burkinas this year the rest of your garden looks super!

P. Dreadie
franzb69 ..... The heats not quite so bad and I made some shade. They still wilt a little but when the suns moves and they get some shade they perk back up.

P. Dreadie
Well .... at last everything is inna' bed or bucket !! So now I get to watch them grow ....... and maybe swing a dead cat , counter clock wise above my head at midnight under a full moon in the graveyard to appease the the Bad Weather Sprites .......

Here's two shots of my Seasoning Pepper bed .

P. Dreadie


Been slow up dating this. I'll be adding pictures of plants and pods over the next few days. I'm adding a photo of the parts for my two Cold Frames !! And what they should look like when I'm done. At last something that shouldn't end up being a POS like my first attempts at giving my plants cover when they need it.

So I'm hoping things in Dreadie- Land will be better for the rest of this season , and more importantly next year and years to come !!

P. Dreadie


Silver_Surfer ..... Thanks. I'm sure hoping they'll make life better.

Josh our winters can get very cold. Most seasons in my part of Texas can have some craziness going on at periods. At first I thought I might want to grow all year long , but after learning more ...... like you have fight bugs because like the plants inside a warm green house is like a trip to the Islands. Our winters can be harsh depends on the year. Sometimes we'll have snow waist deep for weeks. Most the time it'll snow and the sun will come out again and everything thaws in a couple of days. I'm thinking if I have to supplement light with HID bulbs and supplement much heat , then add in all the hardware , timers , venting , yada yada that takes to have a full blown green house it would start getting pricey. The main thing I enjoy growing is peppers. But would be cheaper to buy peppers from CCN and freeze them than try and grow them in a green house year around.

The main reason I want these is all to often the weather here is not your friend. This year the high wind kept blowing over smaller plants in 1 gal pots that I was hardening off. So it busted up really pretty plants. They're still with me ... but they'd be bigger and better plants. Also we get hail , some years big enough to make the national news.This year in late May into mid June the temps went sky high .... lots of my plant got sunburned. So I want a place to guard my plants a little. I want to be able get them out early but keep them safe.

A fellow with a huge Green House here has some polycarbonate panels that I can get for a song. The have slight hail damage but should work great for what I want. So when I need to keep heat in and cover the plants from hail I can use the panels , then remove them when hail season is over. Removing them will give me more fresh air so I don't need venting to cool things down inside the frames.If and when the temps get crazy high I can use shade cloth. To extend my season I can use the panels or part of panels on top and plastic sheeting lower down. That should guard me until we really get into the deep freeze days.

That's my game plan anyway. But I know I have a learning curve to get over on this.

P. Dreadie
I said I'd take photos and get them up. I don't have enough pods with color to make things exciting. In my raised bed I call "de Bonnet Bed " things are jumping. Most all of my Bonnets ( on one end ) are getting loaded , Saint Bart's are putting on clusters of pods and getting large. Then the Yellow Congo's have nice fat looking pods but not going nuts yet.

I'm going to show a few young bonnets. All my Bonnet plants are getting loaded up nice, dozens pods like this on each plant. The next picture is two pods on the same plant. The riper one shows the shape I conceder the proper shape.Then next to it is this long green habanero looking pepper.Guess I see what people have said about different shaped pods on the same plant. Don't understand why and don't like it ....... but I see it. I wouldn't/ am not ... save seed because of this.

P. Dreadie

Young Bonnets


Mixed shape

Here's a few more young Scotch Bonnet pod pictures. The first picture is from seeds I got from Scoville. We call these "Select". So far I like the looks. Good bonnet shape and it looks like they'll have lots of little pimples.

The next is called "Best Bonnet". It's from seeds I saved from last year. The best plant and best looking pod. So far it's got the look I was hoping for. Now I hope the pods turn a true yellow. It would be super if it does because it's in a 5 gal bucket and that would make things simple to over winter the plant. I have some really nice plants in my raised beds but I'm uncertain about how easy it'd be to dig them up and transplant into a bucket and over winter. I'll cross problem that when I get there I guess .....

P. Dreadie

Select Bonnet


Best Bonnets


Hey I think your plants look real nice dark green and pushing out beautiful bonnets, so glad we have a member that specializes in this Jamaican treasure. Finding the perfect Scotch Bonnet is harder in many ways to finding many superhots, we need a Scotch Bonnet throwdown next year to help locate the perfect jerk pods. Nice pics of your baby bonnets P. Dreadie, can't wait to see them all grown up. :fireball:
Just a personal observation
Those bonnets look really nice but somewhat un-chineses looking with the thick base where the stem meets the pod. Maybe its a mixed species, or maybe I'm just drunk :)
POTAWIE ... why do they NOT look like a chineses type. Can you explain more on the thick base at the stem? They do taste like a Scotch Bonnet. And because I want to really develop a strain of bonnet's I need to learn from you.

P. Dreadie