contest P2K 5-Crown TD

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over 24 hours with no response.

I get it.

The calm before the storm.


Full Matrix protection for top secret winning $5.00 TD recipe. These guys won't even let me look at it until 10 minutes after the Start. They're TUFF, really tuff!

The boss will post the official rules on Friday, but here it is in a nutshell as best as I understand so far.

You have to spend $5 to make a meal. No more. You have to take a picture of your receipt(s) totaling $5.
There will be a list of "staples" that can be used for free. Flour, oil, etc...
Must be a spicy dish.
No other limitations, You can make anything as long as it doesn't cost more than $5.
Be creative.
vodka and "WHAT?"
sorry mates, just not clued into all the "high-tech" abbreviations this evening.

OK~~~~ still waiting for the "BUY" option to be validated for the shopping list~~~~.........................................................................................................................................................................................

my grocer already know's I'm crazy, why would they question me wanting to buy one small carrot :crazy: :crazy:
Marcie, your DP probably stands for Das Peppers..? or is it Der Peppers... Die Peppers?
Sorry.... wwaaaayyyy of topic,

As you were.
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