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Pacific Northwest Chili head Party!

Been throwing the idea around about having a get together for chili heads in the Pacific Northwest.

Time frame: Sunday, September 12th 2010
Where: chileaddicts place in Maple Valley WA
Who can come: Anyone who wants to get together and have a good time, get buzzed on chili's etc.

Lets flesh this out, and see who wants in. Lets show THP how us PNW folk do it, everyone else seems famous for BBQ, picnics, and all that. If anyone really wants to travel, you do not have to be a Pacific North westerner to be in it.

The only thing required is to have fun, and make it fun for everyone from 1 day to 100 years old. (even older :D )
SalsaFamily is up for it!

We are self-unemployed, so our schedule is flexible except for the kid in school.

Private residence (if someone is willing to host it, and depending on how many are interested) or maybe a picnic in a park somewhere? Campground? or ???

Just tossing out ideas.

And of course, there would HAVE to be some kind of chile eating contest! :littleevilgiggle:
Wow that sounds like a good time, we usually go up to the Tonasket WA area to a friends ranch each year, but usually not until late OCT, cause we're still in fire season. I'd love to go to a get together of chile heads one of these days.
logchief, does this "ranch" happen to invite friends and FAMILY? It's usually FAIRE weather in late October.
Hey Walt, I would be happy to host this event at my house in Maple Valley. Early September would be best for me. If for some reason the response was so great I could not handle the event at the house, there are some great lakes with facilities around here. Kanasket Palmer State Park is 10 miles away from me. They have fantastic facilities for big groups and camping along the river. Wife is on board and the kids are scared. Let's do it!
Ok, looks like we have a place, Thank You chiliaddict! Now for the date. I am thinking that the Saturday AFTER the Labor day weekend, that would be the 11th.


take photos

and videos if someone has a real video camera!

Let's get Maligator in on the date discussion. I think his schedule changes a lot. 3 on-2 off or something like that. I'll send him a PM, but if he's working, it might be a day or 2 before he can respond.

Thanks chiladdict for the offer to host!

I'll bring the salsa! ;)

Hey Boss, I've been trying to use the search function in the members section to find people who live in Washington, WA, Oregon, OR, etc. and I'm not getting any results. Is there a way to make that work? or some other way to locate chileheads and let them know whats going on?
Thanks SL
I have it on good authority that he is working Labor day weekend, so I am hoping he has the following weekend off. Mal and I were discussing the party in chat Friday night. He may not be aware of this thread, yet.

I hope you bring more than salsa SL, good chance you could make a couple <ahem> sales with your sauces........ ;)

We need to get people lined up for this, figure out who is bringing what, and take in account the available kitchen facilities. I suggest we do gourmet grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, chips & salsa, salads, poppers, and a few treats, as well as a few fresh chili's. :mouthonfire:

Any other suggestions?
Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuh...Here I is!!! ;) Looked at my schedule and as it stands I work labor day weekend but have the following week off. As a matter of fact I begin my week off the tuesday morning following Labor day, so the weekend of the 11 Sep 2010 would be doable.

Having tasted SL's salsa and sauces, I can say they are very tasty! ;) Just let me know what my part will be and I'll make it happen.

Oh lord...here we go...pepperheads of the PNW unite! :twisted:
chileaddict, is your place suitable for the dogs to come along? No worries if it's not!

And it sound like it's a go! There's at least 4 of us. RS67, can you go back into your original post, full editor, and change the subtitle to "It's A GO!" or something like that?
It is done!

Need to sound off on people coming, including spouse and kids. This is for our gracious host so they can plan for it.

For me it will be just my wife and I, no kids.

I have a favorite dessert item I like to bring, and I can help out on stuff for the burgers and hot dogs, condiments veggies, what have ya.

chileaddict, do you have a BBQ grill available?
There's 2 adults and a 11-year old with us.

I have a 6' folding table I can bring. And everyone should probably bring folding chairs, sun hat/sun screen.....maybe...if there is a stereo/boombox available...2 CD's of your favorite music for fun! :dance:

Pasta salad
edit to include- Green salad and Methow Valley Gourmet salad dressings
chips and salsas
black bean and corn salsas
hot sauces
Methow Valley Gourmet Chipotle Mustard

I'll probably make a milder version and a hotter version of the salsas.

I can also help with paper plates etc. Just let me know what's needed.

I also sent pm's to ChocolateHab, bd1965 and DuvallDave but haven't heard from them. Keep your eyes out in the forums and if you see them, let them know about this thread and to check messages. They may not be aware of the PMs or have them turned off.

OH YEA! Do we have a preferred time for this shindig? 1-4pm? 12noon-8pm? 9am Sat-9amSun???? :rofl: JUST KIDDING on the last one, Chileaddict!
I agree, '67'......

It is the discretion of our most gracious host..............
edited previous "bring" list to include green salad and Methow Valley Gourmet Tahini Garlic Salad dressing, MVG Roasted Garlic Dressing, and MVG Chipotle Mustard.

We can also bring a gallon or 2 of Lavender Lemonade.

AND an Easy-up canopy!
Bring anything and everything, records too (just like the old days). I am good with most any day. We would want the day that works best to get the most people to attend. I would like Sat Sept. 11 to work out. My daughter, who is also is a proud longtime chilehead, has a volunteer event on that night and I am trying to figure a way to have that work out. Can this be a whole day event, or does it have to be pm? I would LOVE to pass on some of my New Mexico cooking skills and also learn some of yours. That takes time, but sure is fun. Don't worry about me, I adapt to anything. Fridays or Saturdays are best I'm sure.:party: