pass the parcel seed trading

Lol. Maybe we (or the Aussies) could get an australian box going. I don't mind shipping outside the US but it could mean some long waits and more expense. I defer to Mcmanmatty. It was his idea.
:hell: I rekon us aussies should get our own pass the parcle the customs issue from overseas....Im in if any one else is keen. Im in WA.

Email me:


Scorpion Chilli "hot in Hot out" :mouthonfire:
Would a normal envelope with a few seeds make it through customs? I am sending some seeds to Cristie in Brazil, should I be concerned?
cheezydemon said:
Would a normal envelope with a few seeds make it through customs? I am sending some seeds to Cristie in Brazil, should I be concerned?

Put them in a little snap-lock bag & tape it inside a birthday card. In a standard envelope & don't declare's just a card.

That works best here.
cheezydemon said:
Would a normal envelope with a few seeds make it through customs? I am sending some seeds to Cristie in Brazil, should I be concerned?

I wasnt thinking again... time for new tinfoil..

I was thinking if we were making amends for our Ozzy friends then why not make it a world wide event!
bentalphanerd said:
Put them in a little snap-lock bag & tape it inside a birthday card. In a standard envelope & don't declare's just a card.

That works best here.

I send and receive seeds in basically the same way. Also use a few different U.S. addresses that forward mail to me for only the 41 cent stamp and can mail out for the same price. If we are talking about 4-5 varieties sent this way and not an actual parcel/package then count me in. I'll throw in some Philippine, Thai and Taiwanese varieties.
bentalphanerd said:
who's up for $20 postage each way & customs take the lot & burn it :D? We can't play either, sorry.

Yabut, if there was something some Aussie's were really interested in, some USA'er might pluck a few seeds and send that Aussie a card.

Count me in, btw.
I like the idea as well. :) Dale, just drop the package at my Save the postage. We're only 20-30 miles from each other. Kidding.

It is on it's way to Dale (the PP).

Spain and the Phillipines are out. God bless Mcmanmatty, there must have been 80 or so seed packets just from him. Too much for a Bday card.

I think Pcola was next? PM the Pod Piper to get it. This is too great!