seeds Passow’s Grow Log 2-8-2009: Seeds

imaguitargod said:
Actually, it's going to have to wait. I have to figure out how to do the Micro setting on this camera.

10:1 odds you press a button that looks like a flower.

Txclosetgrower said:
10:1 odds you press a button that looks like a flower.


Ya, i figured that was it and futzed with the camera a little. I have to use it for the Fiery Foods convention I'm covering on Saturday so I don't want to mess with any settings that I haven't used before until after the event.
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol, its funny how you have to press the picture of a plant to take a picture of a plant.
It's almost like it knows what I want to do with it....AH! It's looking at me!!!

: ties it to a stick :

: Lights it on fire :
No...not the camera..thing again...Plants are looking cool man, I am looking forward to watching your peach habs...I have some I am trying to start as are still below dirt as we speak though...

Yea..TX told me about the flower button I just have to practice using the dam thing so my pics look like I am growing peppers and not photographing UFO'

Lookin Good with the Peppers tho..