• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2013 Grow Log

First off I would like to thank Millman for the inspiration to get off my duff and get the 2013 season started.

This list is probably not complete and I haven't figured out how many of each I'm going to grow. Or I should say attempt to grow. Me and Ma Nature ain't been seeing eye to eye lately. I'll be sacrificing some chickens or toads or what ever it takes to get her off my back soon. Burn some incense and do some chants? Convert to druidism? I'm open to suggestions. Anyway off to the list!

7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot BS, Orange
7 Pot BS, Red
7 Pot BS, Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Rennie
7 Pot White
Antillies Fire
Bengle Naga
Bhut Jokokia, Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia, Caramel
Bonda Ma Jacque
Carolina Reaper
C. Rhomboideum
Douglah x T.S. Butch T F3
Habanero, Purple w/stinger
JPL#1 (Classified)
Orange Blob F2
SB7J, F1 + F2
Trini Scorp Butch T, Judy/Hippy
Trini Scorp Morouga Blend, Hippy
Trini Scorp, Morouga

To the wonderful peeps who have sent me seeds please forgive me if they aren't listed. Once I figure out where I put them I'll add 'em to the list.

Best of luck to all of you on your 2013 grow.
Rassen frassen no word believen' sonsa freaking OK here's your pics you.....you.... bah!


You happy now millman? I'm so glad I could help you.

No good %$@...*(&^%@* no pics no happen pain in the #^&$% all of ya!
Thank you Bodeen. I'm glad I was able to elicit a wahoo from you millman.

The last seeds I ordered came in yesterday and will be burying them soon. Trinidad Scorpion Morouga from the CPI at NMSU and some of PepperJoes own Carolina Reaper seeds. Yes I know I've been vocal about these seeds being a potential scam but I decided the thing to do is shut the hell up and grow it myself. Put my money where my mouth is. So I did. Let the seeds speak for themselves. Seems fair.
" Don't Fear the Reaper "............. :violin: ..." Don't Fear the Reaper "........ :violin:

Patrick your pepper photos are some of the gnarliest looking pods around, I can't wait to see these plants in action.

I hope my seeds turn out to be the real deal........what do the dam things look like anyways ?...........lol

Thanks Greg and Portuge.

Greg, I've always thought the Carolina Reaper was supposed to be red, bumpy, medium sized and I've heard them compared to the 7 Pot Primo in looks. If you Google Carolina Reaper images the photos show a pepper that looks similar to the 7 Pot Primo and/or the 7 Pot Brain Strain. That's what I'm hoping to get. That's what I'm expecting. Hopefully I'll be successful with growing them this year and I can see for myself.
Hey, Patrick. I don't remember the cost on
the bag of Black Gold Seedling Mix.
I bought a 16 quart bag, and I think it's enough
for 3 or 4 flats. I have such a small grow that
one bag would last me two seasons.

Glad to hear things are hookin' up for ya!
Thanks Paul. I've found it online only with prices ranging from $1 to $2 per quart. I haven't looked around locally for it. I'm out of coco coir so I may give it a shot.
Thought it was time to post a pic of the progress so far.


Had to lift a corner of the lights for the pic. I'll be setting up the T5's here in the next couple of days. Just being lazy for now. These florescent lights have done just fine for me in previous years.
P Money. How do we know those are pics of your seedlings from this year and not old ones from years past :rofl:

Now what do you think of the Yosemite Sam ;)

I'm not that sneaky. Plus I think this is the first time I've used this table with the little ones. Lock I've been using the coco coir since 2005. Can't beat it.

You see the little plastic things the cups are in? Anyone know where I can get something similar? I'd like to have a trough like thing so I can just pour water in it and have the cups suck it up.

Thanks guys.
Well I guess it is about time I stumble back in here. I should be home by June, so these next few months should be aganizing watching everyone plant and grow! lol. It looks like you are off to a great start. There are a few strands that look pretty intersting, and I cant wait to see if there are any differences with the F1 and 2 SB7Js.

Good luck Patrick, I dont think you will need it though!
Hey Matt! Good to hear from you amigo! How goes life on the wrong side of the tracks? Hey if there is any chance you could swing by where I'm at on the way home I would be happy to start all the plants you want. Couldn't ship them they'd be too damn big by June. I'm sure they'll fit in the back of a pickup though. Just give me a list of what you want and consider it done.

Keep your head down and take care.
Looks like it's going well, Patrick :D Let's hope those fungus gnats stay away this season! Still have to set up everything over here, but just can't find the time to do it.
Hey Stefan. So far so good about the fungus gnats. I'm setting things up this year to be able to bottom water, keep the tops of the cups dry and thwart those nasty gnats. They drove me crazy last year.

The time is there buddy, you just have to prioritize. Best of luck to you.
Went back and grabbed one of my shots from last year. I just take a garbage bag and cut it open then line the trays with it. You can hit a nursery and most likely they have a bunch for the trash.
