• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2013 Grow Log

First off I would like to thank Millman for the inspiration to get off my duff and get the 2013 season started.

This list is probably not complete and I haven't figured out how many of each I'm going to grow. Or I should say attempt to grow. Me and Ma Nature ain't been seeing eye to eye lately. I'll be sacrificing some chickens or toads or what ever it takes to get her off my back soon. Burn some incense and do some chants? Convert to druidism? I'm open to suggestions. Anyway off to the list!

7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot BS, Orange
7 Pot BS, Red
7 Pot BS, Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Rennie
7 Pot White
Antillies Fire
Bengle Naga
Bhut Jokokia, Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia, Caramel
Bonda Ma Jacque
Carolina Reaper
C. Rhomboideum
Douglah x T.S. Butch T F3
Habanero, Purple w/stinger
JPL#1 (Classified)
Orange Blob F2
SB7J, F1 + F2
Trini Scorp Butch T, Judy/Hippy
Trini Scorp Morouga Blend, Hippy
Trini Scorp, Morouga

To the wonderful peeps who have sent me seeds please forgive me if they aren't listed. Once I figure out where I put them I'll add 'em to the list.

Best of luck to all of you on your 2013 grow.
Mike I did get your package, apologies for not letting you know my friend. Thank you very much.

Dan sorry to hear you're having germinating issues. Keep at it you'll get it done. Just so happens I have a couple of recent pics of things.


Here's things as of last night. I moved a bunch of them up earlier this year than ever before due to the salt issue. I also started a new regime with the ferts and I overdid it with a few, got some crispy edges on a few leaves. Lot of leaves darkening too but that's working itself out. All of the new growth is nice and green. 40 large cups with 35 still in the 3oz dixie cups.


A closer peek at the larger seedlings. You can see some purple on the older leaves but notice the new growth is green and healthy looking. I keep a small fan on them 24/7 so a lot of the stems are getting thick and strong. Still have a dozen or so in the germination tray I'm waiting on and I doubt if I'm done starting new ones yet.

And another slightly closer shot.


Take care folks.
Thank you gentlemen.

Every season I come up with something new to try to provide a boost to things. I may have went a little overboard this year. Thankfully I think they're going to survive despite my TLC. I keep saying I'm going to stick with what worked the previous season but I never do. Must have a little doc Frankenstein in me.
Thank you Stefan.

I was talking with Millman about using the T5 lights and one of the things he mentioned was getting less vertical growth but a much thicker, fuller plant. Got to say he was right on the money. Here's a couple of pics to show what he was talking about.


See all of the new growth underneath along the stem? Plus the thickness of the stem for a plant barely 21/2 inches tall. You'll also notice the fert burn on the exterior edge of the older growth. Happy to say the new growth is looking good.

One more example for you.


Hard to see here but there are six new shoots developing on this stem. This is the first time I've used the T5 lights on seedlings this small. Willing to bet I use it again.
Them are some healthy, happy babies Patrick. The purpleing is usually from the T5's man. No biggie at all! Keep up the awesome job man!
[sub] :dance: :party: :dance: [/sub]

[sub]Woo Hoo! Got them babies kickin! Need some spidey pics mised in! I wanna see some crawling in with your plants![/sub]
Yep I have seen the same using the CFL's that I use. The plants stay very short and get extremely full!

Same here with HID bulbs.

Moral of the story, really bright lights keep plants compact and full and often get purple leaves as well.
Very nice looking seedlings Patrick. I like the thick stalks, although I do think some degree of vertical growth is ok because you want the bottom leaves up from the ground when it is in the garden.
Thanks guys.

Stefan I totally agree with you. A well balanced plant is what we all strive for. When I get all of them in the kegger cups I'll have to move the light farther away so they will get their chance to grow tall. Plus you can always snip a few leaves off the bottom.
I can concur with the bushing growth compared to leggy ones with the t5


And again this is 3" sbj7

Love the things you're doing and wish you continued success. Sorry for hijacking.
Soil not to far in the future for those cuttings! :dance: Too bad there are no foodie pics here or it would be about perfect! :rofl:Haha...all jokes aside, how are the Tigers doing? Did I miss it? I'll scroll back a few pages. Hopefully the ProMix straightened them out for you!
Shane the foods pics just confuse the hell out of me. Isn't there forums for that? Oh well you won't see any here, I'm sticking to the growing stuff.

The Pimenta Tigers didn't do that well. I had all five of them germinate but two lost their heads due to seed caps and neither survived, one was extremely skinny and doesn't look very good and I don't know if it will make it or not. The other two are alive and adding true leaves but at a very slow pace. Frustrating to say the least.

The Pro Mix is doing a good job for the rest of them though.