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Patrick's Grow Log

I thought since I enjoy looking at everyone else's pictures I should get off my butt and post some of my own. Here's some of my peppers. '

Up first is a 7 Pot.


Trinidad Scorpion

Bhut Jolokia

Chocolate Scotch Bonnet

More on the way
Naga Morich twins

Ran out of pots and decided to let the twins grow up together.

After taking these photos I went back and did some serious trimming. Most of the large leaves have either been cut off or down sized significantly.

Here's the entire list of what I've got growing:

7 Pot #1, 1
7 Pot #2, 2
7 Pot “C”, 1
7 Pot “D”, 1
Adalberto Habanero, 1
Aji Limon, 4
Aji Panca, 1
Aji Umba, 1
Aurora, 1
Bhut Jolokia, 6
Bishops Crown, 2
Brazilian Starfish, 1
Cachucha, 2
Cajamarca, 2
Champion, 1
Chocolate Habanero Long, 2
Congo Trinidad, 1
Cumari O Passrinho, 1
Fatalii Hybrid, 1
Fatalii, 2
Fatalii, Chocolate, 3
Inca Berry, 2
Jalapeno, 1
Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet Italian, 2
Lemon Drop, 1
Marconi, 3
Marconi, Giant, 2
Naga Morich, 5
Orange Bell, 1
Paprika, 1
Peruvian White Hab, 1
Poblana, 1
Red Caribbean, 1
Red Savina, 3
Royal Black, 1
Scotch Bonnet, 1
Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate, 1
Scotch Bonnet, Foodarama, 1
Sweet Banana C.J., 1
Sweet Banana Long, 2
Tabasco, 5
Tequila Sunrise, 2
Thai Hot, 1
Trinidad Scorpion #1, 1
Trinidad Scorpion HP, 1
Unknown, 8
Yellow Hab, 2
great selection Patrick and great looking plants...
Thanks guys.

I have to stop comparing mine to the ones in warmer climates, giving me a complex.;)

The last two nights we've had some wicked thunderstorms move through. First night a Chocolate Hab Long was snapped in half, I've got the top half in a cup of water for now. Last nights weather was even worse. I took a quick peek this morning and I see a few that are leaning pretty bad so if it ever stops raining I'll go survey the damage better and fix what I can.

splitcane, the bags will work. I think they need to be filled to the top with soil to work the best. My first few are only about half full. I'm going to fix that.
Patrick...I hope the storm damage turns out to be like mine...it looked a lot worse than it was...good luck in correcting/dealing with the damage...
Thanks AJ.

Here's what I'm talking about when I said "wicked" thunderstorms. That's a lot of rain. Pretty sure the lid was on when I went to bed too.

Awesome plants, Patrick! :onfire:

I especially like your Trini varieties. I can kick myself for not growing any of these this season.
Thanks Chilehunter.

Did a survey of the damage from last nights thunderstorms. Lost one Chocolate Hab Long, two of the smaller unknowns, a branch off of a tom, and a lot of bullet (hail) holes in the leaves. All in all I'd say I got through it pretty well.
excellent Patrick...sorry for your losses tho...
Plants look awesome man! Amazing grow list too... bummer bout the shotty weather...it happens though. I'm looking forward to the update pics
patrick said:
Thanks guys.

I have to stop comparing mine to the ones in warmer climates, giving me a complex.;)

Heh Heh!Yes,I'm meaning to motivate!
Sorry about your storm damage Patrick!I'm sure the plants will get over it.Mother nature is the reason I don't pinch...All of us have to deal with weather,It's like a roll of the dice.What doesn't kill them will make them stronger!
I'm < mile from the Gulf.June 1 was the start of hurricane season...My prayers are with all for a safe and productive pepper season!
DAMN! That's a lotta rain my friend! Glad to see your plants are doing well. My 7-pot is about the same size as yours. Are these from Cappy's seed? I ask only because my plants look nearly identical to yours. Really strange leaf shape, and every plant I've got has some strangely twisted/curled leaves on it. We will have to compare a little later in the season. I've got 1 in the ground and 1 in a pot with Fafard's organic potting mix (ran out of Pro-Mix with just 1 plant left to pot up!) Also gave one to a neighbor for her pepper patch :hell: She has been warned, and I'm thinking it's a great way to outsource for greater production!