• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2015

Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!
Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).
In Jiffy Plugs:
Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100%
Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84%
Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100%
Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100%
Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100%
Scotch Bonnet, chocolate………………...GaGrowhead, 2nd generation……..1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, red…………………………….Spankycolts, 3rd generation………...……….1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/14 x 1, 1/15 x 1…..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, chocolate…………………….GaGrowhead, 2nd generation…………………………..1/15 x 1,1/18 x 1…………..……………….33%
Mystery Cross……………………………….Trippa, F3………………………………………..1/9 x 3, 1/10 x 2, 1/22 x 1………..……...…………100%
Jamaican Red Habanero………………….Devv, 2nd generation…………….………….....1/9 x 2, 1/10 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Primo………………………………………...MGold, 2nd génération………………………….1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/14 x 1, 1/28 x 1, 2/5 x 1.…100%
Goronong……………………………………Trippa………………………………………………………..1/7 x 2, 1/8 x 3, 1/11 x 1……….……….100%
Bonda Ma Jacques x 7 Pot, yellow……..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/7 x 1, 1/8 x 3, 1/9 x 2………………...100%
Naga Brain, yellow………………………..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/8 x 2, 1/9 x 2, 1/10 x1, 1/11 x 1…….100%
Datil………………………………………….Romy6, 2nd generation…………………………………1/11 x 1, 1/17 x 1,1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1………67%
In Aerogarden: 3 seeds per plug except Cabe Gendot, 2 seeds.
Cheiro Recife………………………………Stickman, 2nd generation………………………….……….1/17 x 1, 1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1…………..100%
Lemon Drop………………………………..onefowl1………………………………………………………1/20 x 1……………………………………33%
Cabe Gendot……………………………….Trippa…………………………………………………………1/16 x 1, 1/28 x 1…………….…………100%
Inca Lost……………………………………Peppermania 2012, 2nd generation
Charapita………………………………..…Stc3248, 2nd generation
Plants already underway - top, Aji Amarillo, peruvian market, 3rd generation. Bottom, Orange Manzano, Stc3248, 3rd generation:

Sorry to be absent for the past two weeks, but I finally got all the plants into their big containers,
staked up, and irrigation system laid in and tweaked, along with the other yard work that needs
to be done.  Final test of system tomorrow.  
As luck would have it, instead of having to worry about cold night temps, we had a few high 70's and
80's warm days, and the plants out in the containers suffered in the heat.  They didn't much like the
two 38-39 degree nights, either.They are looking a bit peaked right now, but we have some mild weather
coming after a day or two of much needed rain overnight and today.  I have some pix from last week I'll
start putting up.  I need to photograph about 15 more plants.  Total grow is 42 plants
Trident chilli said:
Pictures are awesome ... Aero garden is the way forward especially with the supplementary lighting - light booster accessory .. a must have ... great grow and beautiful azalea's
Thanks, John.  The AeroGarden unit is pretty cool.  Wish I lived where I could start year-round with it!
maximumcapsicum said:
Hey Paul! Finally got a chance to try out your peach blend! Very nice powder. It's got that smooth, not mild heat that pairs perfectly with high protein dishes like chicken or eggs. Great job man!

I've been using the chocolate too. Almost gone now, mostly as a kick in salsas. Great stuff!

Also garden is looking fantastic.
Thanks, Adam!  I'm glad you are enjoying the powders.  
The chocolates are one of my favorites!
Pulpiteer said:
That's a cool pic! It could be like a facebook banner or something like that, I don't know. The dark and light contrast on the plants looks awesome.
Great idea, Andy.  I kind of liked that one, too.
Ozzy2001 said:
Beautiful plants. Veggies in the aerogarden look great as well.
Thanks, Scott!  The squirrels have been digging up my veggie
plants since I put them out.  They are finally starting to get big
enough to hang in there.
D3monic said:
Too much awesome for me to even start a comment, I don't know where to start, everything looks great, love the look of the black pearl and the one on far right, inca lost? Plants outside look fantastic as well. 
Thanks, Michael!  Yes the Inca Lost is on the right - it has become a very bushy plant.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Hoes the babies mm any pods ?? Eheh
Lots of little baby pods, my friend!
gnslngr said:
"That's why every pod is a victory, brother"
You just don't know how much that phrase ran through my head last year!
The yard shots are beautiful....I have to admit to Hosta Envy!
Those lux treated plants are beauties as well.
Good luck on the plant out Paul!
Thanks, Dave.  We have a nice yard for the Spring, although we just went
through a pretty dry spell, and the later blooming Rhodys didn't look so
hot at flowering time.
Plant out is over, thankfully, even though the weather has really hammered
the poor plants.  Good thing they are big and hopefully strong!
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants look amazing as usual. It looks beautiful there in the Spring. Nice pics.
Thanks, brothah!  We've had some beautiful weather, but very difficult to properly
harden plants off in with no room left indoors or the greenhouse for them!
grispa72 said:
Amazing!!! Congratulations!!!
I have a question. I purchased an Aerogarden and I would like to use it as seeds starter. So when you transplant the seedlings, you put the Aerogarden sponge in the dirt or not. Because it's difficult to free the roots from the sponge.

Thank you, Paolo!  Yes, just plant the sponge with the plant.  Make sure to completely bury it.  
they last a long time, but don't harm the plant in any way that I can see.
Trippa said:
I hope everything is ok in your world Paul ... And if it is ... No excuses then update please ...
Everything is great here, just busy is all.  Lots of nice weather means
less time at the computer or behind the lens!
But I'll start updating right now!
Started planting out on 4/27, finished on 5/9, planting out 4-7 plants a day,
depending on the time I had.  The pics are in pretty much chronological order.
Some of them look worse for the wear at this point, but they looked pretty
good then!

Lots of purpling in this generation:




Two Scotch Bonnet, chocolate in front, and the volunteer Purple Mystery in the back.  Blueberries in the middle:

Just a few plants waiting for their turn :

I'll process some more and post them up in a bit.
Trident chilli said:
Great pictures Paul ... SB TFM is a real beauty ... looking forward to seeing all these varieties with pods
Thanks, John.  They all have baby pods.
The mature pods will seem like a long time coming, I'm sure!



These are in 15-gallon tubs:


Okay, now I need to go take the rest of the pics.  Back later!
Trippa said:
Awesome Paul!!
Thanks, Tristen.  I am really looking forward to seeing your 2015 grow getting underway!
tsurrie said:
Nice! Way to go! You have already such big plants.
Thanks, Uros.  They are all about 18 weeks old, but they were well-fed!
OCD Chilehead said:
Fatalli x Red Savina looks interesting. How's the taste?
One of my favorites.  Pretty hot, but carries the Fatali flavor.
There is also a red strain out there somewhere.  It originally
came from JustAGuy and I got a plant from Spankycolts.
Noah Yates said:
Everything looks great, but I want to see that large orange thai!!!!
Your wish is my command, Noah:

Here are a few more of the plant-outs.


This should say third generation, not fourth:




Not a plant-out, but a 2nd year c. chacoense OW:



I have a few more to post after a little bumpity.
Damn nice plants my friend! I'm going to be hitting you up for some those Fatalii X Red Savina seeds this fall for sure. 
Plants looks awesome!
Sorry if you have covered this previously, but how do you fertilize with the drip irrigation system?
Plants are looking amazing as always Paul. That Cili Goronong plants looks like it has plenty of the genetics that make it a great producing plant ... I hope it also has the size/heat/flavour genetics mine had ... A great one fOr sure.

Looks like the Cabe Gendot is enjoying the season as well ... As do all your plants. Great health and vigour in all of them ... Well done
keep on growing!!

D3monic said:
Damn nice plants my friend! I'm going to be hitting you up for some those Fatalii X Red Savina seeds this fall for sure. 
Thanks, friend!  I'd be happy to send you some seeds, Michael!  
If you want, I'll send some of 2014's seeds now. 
Pinhigh said:
Plants looks awesome!
Sorry if you have covered this previously, but how do you fertilize with the drip irrigation system?
Thank you, Nick.  I fertilize with a watering can from the top.  I have too
many zones and jury-rigged hook-ups to run an injection system, but it
would be a great time saver.
Trippa said:
Plants are looking amazing as always Paul. That Cili Goronong plants looks like it has plenty of the genetics that make it a great producing plant ... I hope it also has the size/heat/flavour genetics mine had ... A great one fOr sure.

Looks like the Cabe Gendot is enjoying the season as well ... As do all your plants. Great health and vigour in all of them ... Well done
keep on growing!!

Thanks, buddy, been lucky so far!  The Goronong has many baby pods on it.  
A couple started turning yellow-orange the day before yesterday.
The Cabe Gendot is a really beautiful plant.  There are several inch-long pods on it.
I can't wait for the real pods to start forming.  Thanks for the seeds that produced
these two nice plants.
In general the plants look okay given the weather and temperatures they've had
to deal with.  I'll be glad when the warm nights of summer get here.
Thanks, we can wait no hurry, we can do a big exchange in fall when we are harvesting. I'll have lots of fresh crosses I will need help growing out to see what comes of them. I'm sure there's others in your collection i'd be interested in as well.
D3monic said:
Thanks, we can wait no hurry, we can do a big exchange in fall when we are harvesting. I'll have lots of fresh crosses I will need help growing out to see what comes of them. I'm sure there's others in your collection i'd be interested in as well.
Sure thing, bro - be sure to remind me.  
Midzeimer's, ya know.  A mind is a terrible
thing to lose    :doh:    :rolleyes:   
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
amazing photos. but more importantly. AmazING plants@@!! Keep it up
Thanks, my friend- the hot weather was tough on them, but we are in a stretch of cooler temperatures so they are happier. We are in San Diego visiting our daughter for the weekend- it's raining now. Go figure!
suchen said:
Beautiful specimens. Do all of your plants naturally "v" or do you top/prune them?
Thanks, Suchen. The peppers naturally fork at about 6-8 nodes, especially the chinense and some annum varieties. They will also branch out below during the summer. Sometimes there are three branches at the fork.

Good luck with your grow!
Raining in San Diego? That's pretty rare. Born and raised there. Wow! There saying a half inch down there. Looks like the weekend is nice. It's raining here in Colorado. Must be the same storm. Enjoy your time out of town with family. Safe travels.