• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2019

No grow log for the 2018 season other than the Pimenta de Neyde x Bonda Ma Jacques
thread dedicated to Trippa's cross. That one is an ongoing community project going into
second year and a test of the F7 generation. I imagine I will mention it once-in-a-while in
this thread, but the details of its progress will be in the dedicated thread.
I am deciding on a grow list for the 2019 season after growing only Trippa's cross this
season (2018). I definitely have some old favorites that will comprise the great majority
of the grow. I have limited space, so I'm counting on nature to help me make the final
decision. I'll probably start lots of seeds since I'm gun-shy from the poor germination
rates the past couple of seasons.
Here's the pool. Would be nice to be able to grow a bunch of all of them!  I think my
neighbor will shelter the overflow in his yard, but we'll see what to plant and how many
based on what might germinate  :rofl:
c. chinese - 10 varieties
  • PdN x BMJ, F7, white and violet varieties, Trippa's cross
  • Fatali, F2 of seed from Pepper Joe's
  • 7 Pot Burgundy, brown phenotype, pecan shape from 2017 F2 of the 7PB from Windchicken 
  • Scotch Bonnet, MoA, F2 of seeds from John/Sim, not high production, but some nice pods
  • JA Red Habanero, F5 of seed from Walk Good/Devv
  • Yellow Scorpion, F7 aka Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and CARDI Scorpion, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Red, F4, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate, F3 of seed from Georgia Growhead
  • Bhut Jolokia, hybrid, F2 - I believe it is a  (BJred) x (Pdn x BMJ F1 or F2)
  • Yellow 7 Pot, F2 of seed from Trippa 2013
c. annuum - 4 varieties:
  • JA Red Mushroom, F3, brown phenotype, seed from Refining Fire
  • Pimenta de Padron - Spanish seed, fry up while small and green, throw on some salt
  • Pimenta del Piquillo - Spanish seed, sweet, very flavorful, small stuffers
  • Guindilla - Spanish seed, spicy heat, great pickled, long and skinny
c. frutescens - 2 varieties:
  • Nagahari from Tezpur, India, supposedly very, very hot freebie from Pepper Joe's 2017
  • Chili Costa Rica, F2 (2014) from Hippy Seed Company seed, 2012
c. pubescens - 1 variety:
  • Red Rocoto, F3 of Peruvian Market seed, 2016
That about does it. Seeding time will be here before we know it!
PaulG said:
Mystery seedling. Everything in my first round was good,
so it has to be a good one! I was rough getting it out, roots
tangled with big plant:

Any guess what it could be? :)
Chiltepin trying to be a miniature tree:

These two started out really tiny, like
most of the last six seeds to sprout, but
have come on strong in the past week:

Two really strong plants from the last batch
to germinate. Both just took right off.

The BJ hybrid looks better and better:

The Bj hybrid with a start from one of
it's parent's seed;
lespaulde said:
Very impressive Paul, looks like spring can't come soon enough for those monster seedlings! :)  Small but wiry?

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Yeah, I may need to up-pot those right away  :rofl:
TrentL said:
Dude that yellow brainstrain on the left was about the size of some of my transplants last year when they hit the dirt in the field.
How long until your plant-out? :)  Too long, Trent!   :rofl:  
That thing is going to be an absolute monster by then. You got another round of potting up to do?
The plants are pretty large by then, alright   ;)
The plants in cups will go into 2-liter square
pots in a week or two. Our plant-out is in mid 
May to mid June, depending on the weather
in any particular season. Most of these plants
will go into the greenhouse when it is time for
seeding the second round annuums, and they
will get some outside time before plant-out.
The F5 and F7 plants will live in their #2 and
#3 pots for the rest of the season. 
Hope all is well on the farm, brothah! 
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
I wonder if it crossed with pdn x bmj since its purple, just a thought
That has been my thinking...see this post.
Looking good though, my chiltepin is sleeping
Devv said:
Really liking that BJ hybrid Paul ;)
Me too, Scott. Have you checked out the pod pics?
Wish I had more than one or two plants.
Maybe I can get enough seed for a broader sampling
and have enough for a limited wider grow next season.
Will be interesting to see what happens with the last
round I started on the 7th. Maybe I will get a better
sampling this season.
Portuge said:
Top of the evening to you Paul, I have grown my plants before in the double cup method as your doing now. How are you liking it? Just curious what you have to say about it.
Hey, James, thanks for stopping by.

I like the double cup method a lot. Very cheap,
neat and effective. I remove the sleeve cups
the day after watering. I give them 4 ounces
at a time and water them when they weigh
less than 250 grams. I have been using them
since I began in 2012 with no problems.

I hope your season is to your liking, my friend.
Hey, Fabrizio, thanks for the visit!
It's odd, but when you think about it, half my grow
season (10 months) is indoors, from Jan to end of
May. Except for the F7 PdNxBMJ grow, which started
3rd week November this year, so more than half indoors
for those.
I hope everything is molto bene in your neighborhood.
Hi Paul been following your glog form the start form the shadows very impressive a whopping 18 pages & boy have you been going at full steam.
I seem to remember you grew Jamaican red mushroom before in your early days & they had no heat well I found this https://www.cayennediane.com/peppers/rocotillo-chili-pepper/
It looks similar to them but the mushroom peppers are hotter .
All the very best this season looks like your well on your way to great success ;) 

Time to start potting up the plants in the beverage cups.

Roots teased out a little.

Sitting pretty in a 2-liter square pot.

The first three to go into the squares.

Next up for the 2-liters.

Chiltepin rooting is starting to grow a stalk.

Chiltepin roots ready for some dirt, I think.
karoo said:
Those plants are looking great.
That top picture should be the poster pic for pepper plant health!
I can see you are having a lot of fun.
Thanks, Jacques, I hope you are having some
fun, too!  That Yellow Brainstrain from Pepper
Guru is a beast, alright. It's definitely the goliath
plant of the grow so far.
Hey, Matty. I usually keep them in the 2-liter
square pots until plant-out in mid-May or June.
They get pretty tall by then, but considering
space issues like you, I keep them in the squares
'til the bitter end!
Set-up for someone!