Yeah ya doPaulG said:It is the most comprehensive source I've found.
Would like to find something similar but more
recent. I really liked the discussion about the
Don't I get credit for the assist?
Devv said:The next time I go to my sons place, if there are any viable pods, I'll snag some seeds. He's got a few wild plants on his place.
PaulG said:Ordered a few varieties from Semillas de Palma:
Pimiento Piquillo c. annuum
Piment dī Espelette c. annuum
Aji de Sazonar c. frutescens
Mini Rocoto Yellow c. pubescens
Mini Rocoto Red c. pubescens
CGN 22795 c. praetermissum
Cappucchino Chiltepin c. glabriusculum
Edit: Got an email from them this morning about
the updated regs regarding importing seeds into
the USA, asking if I wanted them to proceed anyway.
You are most kind, Marc. Let’s wait and see if the seedsMarcV said:Hey Paul, I still have heaps of Espelette seeds lying around. I got these from original Piment D'Espelette pods from an Espelette farm in France (in this case Can't find any truer than these! The seeds are from the 2018 harvest. I'm always glad to share if you're interested!
I also should have some piquillo seeds available.
Could not have said it better, myself, Joe!Mr.joe said:Can't argue with that offer
PtMD989 said:I left them packaged up how I received them from Bhuter. He may have info on them.
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I think these seeds came from Sandra as well.bpiela said:I have some seeds labelled New Mexican SSE #2090. I got them off of the Scorched's Seed Train in 2015 but it looks like I never grew them. User fiogga was the person who put the seeds on the train. No clue what they are. Looks like I will try to grow them this year and we can compare.