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Pepper Beds Update.

ABurningMouth said:
160? That hurts my back just thinking about watering that many

Holding a garden hose hurts your back?

Last year, I used a sprinkler but didn't have any plants in containers.

rainbowberry said:
Same here with the water shortage, I live in the South East of England (kent). They try and catch you out with helicopters.

That seems so ridiculous! I remember last year a county in my state wanted to put a ban on all grills (coal or otherwise) because of the 'green house gasses' and they would enforce the ban with heli patrols
I think most people keep to the ban (apart from my neighbour) as it's a big fine. I do remember my dad when I was young though going out after dark and weaving the hose under the hedges at the edge of the garden trying to be all sneaky.
LOL, I've just realised what you meant, I thought "Why's Cheezy D done a random/out of nowhere post" I had my big fir tree chopped down to make way for the new greenhouse and had all the overgrown shrubs next to it cut down for more light.
cheezydemon said:
It just occurred to me that when that tree fills in, it will shade those beds.....time to take her down!;)

We already chopped down 3 trees in the yard and this one that remains was a concession for my wife (she wanted to keep them all)...When the tree crew was here, they thinned this tree pretty considerably and the first branches are pretty high up. I watched the sun closely and both beds on either side of the tree gets full sun for about 3/4 of the day. This should be okay....as long as the tiny pine needles don't infest or infect my pepper beds...LOL
wordwiz said:
Holding a garden hose hurts your back?

I use to carry around a couple gallon jugs and pour from a cup when I fertilized 'em.
the hose thing aint so bad though.
As long as I'm not spend a lot of time carefully inspecting each plant..
A quick update...

Woohoohooo!!! I just finished 2 more beds :onfire: All I need to do now is finish the last bed and wait on the bobcat to fill them with soil...I am sooo happy to be able to see the end to all of this shoveling and carrying block, I know my back is really going to be appreciative :lol:
Can't help but wonder if there are any cats in your neighboorhood...... since I have to go to great trouble to keep the poo from appearing in my vegetable beds.
Oh yah...there are cats around and I have the same problems. I went around and around with the Health Dept the other day. It is a law around here that no owner of any animal allow it to run free. Well, cats it seems falls through the cracks...The health Dept will provide live traps to catch these buggers, but will charge me $10 per cat to haul them off. Doesn't seem fair since if there is a loose dog, you call the dog catcher and they pick up the dog for free. I could go on and on about this subject but I will show some restraint...All I'll say is I'm tired of finding poop in my yard and flee bites on my daughter.

I have pissed off a few neighbors because I thought I was being a good neighbor by giving them a weeks notice to keep their cats inside because I was planning on getting a trap from the health Dept. They hardly talk to me now...LOL...But, I have seem less cats so far and I never did get the trap.

I suggest that you call you local Police Dept and/or Health Dept and find out what your local laws are there, because they may be able to help you. But in any event, good luck...
Guess I didn't do a well job with restraint...LOL
Wow, that has to be very frustrating! Couple of ideas.... rats aren't the only ones who eat rat posion and a bullet is certaintly cheaper than 10 bucks and I'm sure you could argue that you were protecting you and yours from disease spreading animals/insects.
BurritoMan said:
Can't help but wonder if there are any cats in your neighboorhood...... since I have to go to great trouble to keep the poo from appearing in my vegetable beds.
Have you tried any off these:
Citrus fruit peel
Chilli powder (what a waste)
Ecalyptus oil

Some one also mentioned once that a hosepipe coiled up because cats don't like snakes :eh: or put lion/tiger poo on your garden (seriously) now all you need to do is catch a lion. The local zoo might be better but to be honest what's the difference between cat poo and lion poo on your garden apart from quantity.
I have never heard of the poo thing, but it's definitely true that lemon or orange peels or - even better - slices of them keep cats away. A friend of mine had a cat that used all his plants as her personal toilet and after placing a slice of orange near them, she started using the actual thing.
rainbowberry said:
Have you tried any off these:
Citrus fruit peel
Chilli powder (what a waste)
Ecalyptus oil

Some one also mentioned once that a hosepipe coiled up because cats don't like snakes :eh: or put lion/tiger poo on your garden (seriously) now all you need to do is catch a lion. The local zoo might be better but to be honest what's the difference between cat poo and lion poo on your garden apart from quantity.

LOL...I think I'll pass on trying to catch a lion, that sounds dangerous to my health...LOL...I will try some orange peels though, that sounds interesting...Thanks RB
WOOOOHOOO!!! :onfire: My beds are all up and I even got the bobcat date pushed up to this coming Tuesday! I am so happy that everything is coming together nicely...
if that does not work antifreeze and tuna mixed together will deter them i hate to see an animal hurt but a person can only take so much sounds like you did all the right things,,,, contacted the neighbors, the health department etc... if all else fails give it a try last resort course :silenced::think::twisted: