Hey everyone I know you are busy sowing seeds or still planning on what to grow for the 2015 season.At the end of the day,we all probably have one or more pepper varieties that we won't grow.So which PEPPERS made the CUT LIST this year?
7 pot burgundy, Jigsaw, Aji Cito - all of em just too farking hot for my tastes these days.
Wild Brazil, Trifetti - wonderful plants, tasty hot fruits!  both very small, hard to pick, not much reward labor v yield wise.
Alma Paprika - hasn't done well for me in 3 straight seasons
Sacrilege! LOL
I want to grow EVERY pepper known to man!
What I don't have room for I give a new home.
I don't sprout seeds for stuff I don't want to grow in general.
I DO give away a TON of starts though.
Over 100 I'd say for this year alone.SO FAR,More to come.
BUT I kept 1 of everything I started.
My problem is I need a bigger garden.
I can only grow about 2 crops of about 100 plants these days.
Used to grow 2 crops of 400 a year but lost growing space.
So many varieties (not counting crosses),so little growing space...
No Annuums?
Pacillas ,New Mex varieties and Cascabel (along with several others-both sweet and hot) make great mixes with Super hots in rubs etc.
Some make EXLNT blends.
My grow list usually is formulated by how old the seeds are.99% of the time.
A few are just stuff I wanted to grow at that time.
My Freezer used to be full of dry and smoke dried pods or powders that I make blends ,rubs and just use by themselves.
Last 2 or 3 seasons sucked due to health issues and mites before that.
My collections are near 5000 varieties , crosses and strains,I'm always behind in keeping fresh,isolated seeds replacements in a timely manor.
When I first started growing Chili's it was too hard deciding what ones to grow.
I decided to grow them all...   :)
7 Pot Chaguanas
7 Pot SR-Strain
Bhut Jolokia Purple
CGN 21566
Condors Beak
Habanero Orange Giant
PI 159236
PI 439437
Pimenta da Neyde
Royal Gold
7-Pod (Long, large)
Trinidad Scorpion (Moruga)
Your list has some good stuff on it,I was wondering why those are excluded.
Didn't like them or your overdosed with pods and have a life time supply of them from last year.
They didn't produce?
Just wondering.
Also wondering if the Chaguanas is from a seed vendor or a trade which might have originally been what I called Chaguanas #1 or #2.
#2 was like the original pods used to look like for 7 pots and scorpions.
Almost Bhut looking in shape,but not Bhuts.
Beth (Peppermania) sold them a season or so ago.
Very Hot and very productive.
I don't remember if she called them #2 or not,I think she did,not sure.
She grew both 1 and 2.
I was the source of those seeds.
Royal Gold was for me a great tasting and productive pepper.
Not hab hot but worked very well in blends.
Can't beat the peach/yellow color for looks either.
Nice looking top shape too.
I did see pure yellow ones grown by others.
The peach/yellowish ones were the real deal,so I was told years ago...
They were peach -pink colored that when ripe still kept the color but turned slightly yellow.
smokemaster said:
Your list has some good stuff on it,I was wondering why those are excluded.
Didn't like them or your overdosed with pods and have a life time supply of them from last year.
They didn't produce?
Just wondering.
Also wondering if the Chaguanas is from a seed vendor or a trade which might have originally been what I called Chaguanas #1 or #2.
#2 was like the original pods used to look like for 7 pots and scorpions.
Almost Bhut looking in shape,but not Bhuts.
Beth (Peppermania) sold them a season or so ago.
Very Hot and very productive.
I don't remember if she called them #2 or not,I think she did,not sure.
She grew both 1 and 2.
I was the source of those seeds.
Royal Gold was for me a great tasting and productive pepper.
Not hab hot but worked very well in blends.
Can't beat the peach/yellow color for looks either.
Nice looking top shape too.
I did see pure yellow ones grown by others.
The peach/yellowish ones were the real deal,so I was told years ago...
They were peach -pink colored that when ripe still kept the color but turned slightly yellow.
I don't remember where I got the chaguanas.  I purchased everything last year from various places, probably some not too reputable. First serious pepper growning I had done in about 8 years. Back then the red savina was still the hottest so almost everything this year was new to me.  The chagauans, sr strain, 7 pot long and moruga just seemed bitter.  All very hot but not very good taste.  In the past I typically didn't like many of the red chinense peppers but did find some this year that were keeps (primo, reaper, brain strain).  While all those were super hot also, they didn't seem bitter or harsh at all other than the brain strains destruction of my stomach.  The royal golds for me were just ok.  Lots of seeds, not much heat or taste.  Several of those others were thin peppers that seem like mostly seeds.  The others I just didn't care for much. Had about 70 varieties this year with those being my least favorite and about 20 - 25 I will grow again this year hopefully.
I see where you are coming from.
I was just wondering.
I know what you mean about pods being bitter too.
Lots of the large Brown habs back several years ago were extremely bitter and HOT for their time.
The worst for bitter was the Giant Brown Hab. sold by Redwood seeds.
It was also VERY hot for it's time,but the most bitter pod I ever tasted.
A super productive plant too.
Was such a waste in general.
I used it sparingly as additions to mixes,CAREFULLY for heat only.
Funny thing though is Brain Strains I've grown or tasted were EASILY hotter than the Reapers I've tried but Like the original Butch T (from years before it was world record-from Butch's seeds,2005 or so I think) tasted like Battery Acid.
Hot as all get out,but not something I never used without a blending pepper or 2 in the mix.
Used it to heat stuff up,not for taste.
But with so many non isolated seeds going around that only have to look like something,anything these days is debatable...
Thanks for your reply.
My collections are near 5000 varieties , crosses and strains,I'm always behind in keeping fresh,isolated seeds replacements in a timely manor.
When I first started growing Chili's it was too hard deciding what ones to grow.
I decided to grow them all...   :)[/quote]

I am just starting out this year- still germinating seeds for the first time. Any advice for someone stumbling their way through their first season?
Jamison said:
Most superhot varieties made the cut list this year.  Just not practical for me and they are wayyyy to hot for my liking anymore.  Yes they look badass,  but again not so practical.  
Jamison that's interesting NO SUPERHOTS!I for one can't eat them everyday myself.What are you concentrating on this year?oh and on topping.Do you TOP all your seedlings(thought I'd sneak that question in).
mpicante said:
Jamison that's interesting NO SUPERHOTS!I for one can't eat them everyday myself.What are you concentrating on this year?oh and on topping.Do you TOP all your seedlings(thought I'd sneak that question in).
I didn't say NO superhots but most superhots lol!  Got a couple on the list still.  
No I don't top all my seedlings.  All depends on how that certain plant is growing.
flexuosum-chris p
Cumari parana-chris P
brown bbg-jason aka seacowboy
wild tepin-Nigel
Yellow nagabrain-gary
yellow xoxo- chris phillips
pink tigresults -Facebook
scotch bonnet MoA red and yellow- my grow

With wife in the nursing program and my eriophyid mites. I am limiting myself for reals this time

And smokemaster is awesome at sharing seed and plants....