Mike USMC,
I’ve been a member here (THP) for a year or so. Had absolutely no idea on what impact it would have on me professionally or personally. Didn’t initially think it would impact either … just an exercise in entertainment really.
Man, did I call it wrong.
Gathered here are some of the coolest people from all over the world. All walks of life, every ethnicity. Some, rise to the top in their generosity. I am sure others would do likewise if it were within their means to do so. Just indicative of the caliber of people here.
So, I refer to this thread as a “club” of sorts. Selfless gifts shared, oft times incurring expenses greater than the value of the gifts given to make it happen. In doing so, the gifts gain greater value and the expense is moot.
There are many here who have been kind and generous to me (yourself included) but I hasten to name all, for fear I might accidently exclude someone and cause offense. So here I abstain.
Having said all that, just to lay groundwork to say this, Shorerider is an exceptional dude. On this forum and otherwise. Halfway around the world from me (and others here) he stands as testament to true generosity. Indeed, I would count him a friend I’ve not yet had the pleasure to meet.
PPATB Pepper People Are The Best, but there are BPP Best Pepper People.
I make motion:
By the power vested in me, know all ye present who may read or have knowledge thereof, that on this day, the Twenty-Seventh of April, the year of our Lord Two-Thousand Nineteen, that Shorerider is deemed to be a Best Pepper Person and afforded all rights and privileges attained thereto.
As is customary for these proceedings, in accordance to “Robert’s Rules of Order” there must be at least 10 votes of affirmation (or likes) for this motion to pass.
What say ye? Yea or nay?
I’ve been a member here (THP) for a year or so. Had absolutely no idea on what impact it would have on me professionally or personally. Didn’t initially think it would impact either … just an exercise in entertainment really.
Man, did I call it wrong.
Gathered here are some of the coolest people from all over the world. All walks of life, every ethnicity. Some, rise to the top in their generosity. I am sure others would do likewise if it were within their means to do so. Just indicative of the caliber of people here.
So, I refer to this thread as a “club” of sorts. Selfless gifts shared, oft times incurring expenses greater than the value of the gifts given to make it happen. In doing so, the gifts gain greater value and the expense is moot.
There are many here who have been kind and generous to me (yourself included) but I hasten to name all, for fear I might accidently exclude someone and cause offense. So here I abstain.
Having said all that, just to lay groundwork to say this, Shorerider is an exceptional dude. On this forum and otherwise. Halfway around the world from me (and others here) he stands as testament to true generosity. Indeed, I would count him a friend I’ve not yet had the pleasure to meet.
PPATB Pepper People Are The Best, but there are BPP Best Pepper People.
I make motion:
By the power vested in me, know all ye present who may read or have knowledge thereof, that on this day, the Twenty-Seventh of April, the year of our Lord Two-Thousand Nineteen, that Shorerider is deemed to be a Best Pepper Person and afforded all rights and privileges attained thereto.
As is customary for these proceedings, in accordance to “Robert’s Rules of Order” there must be at least 10 votes of affirmation (or likes) for this motion to pass.
What say ye? Yea or nay?