Once again I've been blessed by my membership here in the "coolest" club in the world. I received a box at my door. I saw the address and knew immediately from "whom" but had absolutely no idea of "what." Unpacking the box it was all I could do to maintain dry eyes. From the sunny climes of Australia, Shorerider sent this:
Some local brews (in the fridge now!) and a coozie, a (1995 vint) bottle of Port with a nice bag from
Feathertop wines Northeast Victoria (will save that for evening with my special lady friend

), a "large" container of his wonderful rub (tried some before a
little bit, got jipped out of the rest by hungry colleagues - long story) Two bottles of his hot sauce to complete my set (nah, I'm gonna eat'em

), a book about one of Australia's notorious badmen (looks like a good read) a really cool and very old compact set of tools (corkscrew, screwdriver, awl and drill.) an Australian commemorative stamp and lastly (I had to research this one) a medal/pin that was produced in 1918-19 given to returning Australian soldiers who survived the "Great War" that we now call World War one. The "AIF" stood for "Australian Imperial Forces."
The First Australian Imperial Force was the main expeditionary force of the Australian Army during World War I. It was formed on 15 August 1914, following Britain's declaration of war on Germany, initially with a strength of one infantry division and one light horse brigade.
As if all this wasn't as selfless and generous as anything I've ever seen, he packs in 2 cans of chili-Tuna to round out the lot!
Nothing I could say here, could match my feeling of gratitude.
**Note** Not featured in the photo were three cigarette butts, one broken rubber band and a partially eaten bar of chocolate.
