Pepper Vendor

QuebecFire said:
LOLL....hey trinihottie will you post pics of your douglah plants & pod ?

All are Douglah...Only Flowers... No Pod pics yet...
chilehunter said:
I'd go there with 2 big grocery bags & fill them for that price :onfire:

I am sure customs would have a field day with me if I try and bring them back into the states....
AJ - I wasnt thinking clearly, if I spent all that money to go to trinidad 2 grocery bags is not enough, I'd want to fill up a couple BIG duffelbags :hell::lol:

IMO thats a good price for the size & them being hot & tasty chiles (I'm assuming they taste like the congo trinidads which were great tasting)

I wonder how you'd get some bags of them back through customs ?
AlabamaJack said:
I am sure customs would have a field day with me if I try and bring them back into the states....

Last week...I gave my friend Aunt a bag of my Cherries... she was going NewYork and she hid it and they did not find it...
TriniHottie said:
Last week...I gave my friend Aunt a bag of my Cherries... she was going NewYork and she hid it and they did not find it...

My problem is that if they ask me if I have any agricultural products to declare, I would probably fall down on my knees begging forgiveness, and tell them, "You Caught Me". I have to be honest when anyone asks me a question. Just my nature.

I had really rather just get the seeds and try and grow them myself.

I am trying to develop a year round "tropical" climate in my grow boxes by looking at all the environmental information available on T&T and trying to duplicate it.

TriniHottie is a key to this setup since I can pick her brain on soil types, nutrients, humidity, temperatures, etc.
AlabamaJack said:
My problem is that if they ask me if I have any agricultural products to declare, I would probably fall down on my knees begging forgiveness, and tell them, "You Caught Me". I have to be honest when anyone asks me a question. Just my nature.

I had really rather just get the seeds and try and grow them myself.

I am trying to develop a year round "tropical" climate in my grow boxes by looking at all the environmental information available on T&T and trying to duplicate it.

TriniHottie is a key to this setup since I can pick her brain on soil types, nutrients, humidity, temperatures, etc.
lol, you and I are nothing alike.
But yeah, getting the seeds is a lot easier, but then, why would you go all the way just to get something can also get to your home?
Going all the way to Trinidad is for the fresh peppers. ;)

BTW you totally inspired me with your "grow box".
I having certain "difficulties" (My plants are dying from a disease), so maybe I'll start fresh by building one myself. :lol:
God knows I'm bored, and I need something fun to do as well. :P
Lol, If I went all the way to trinidad, I don't think it would be just for peppers!

If Trini is any example, the people are wonderful there, not to mention the beaches!!!

I think I would just have to consume lots of peppers and take the seeds back here to share.

Omri, you should consider brewing beer. I love it! And I use my beer to cook with peppers. Too cool. I have some wings that NO ONE can replicate. Why? because no one else has my Habanero Ale that I use as a base for the sauce.
I just send the email to that company with the website listing above. Let see if I could get the order from them. Thank TriniHottie for the website. I try to search for Trinidad Garden in Trinidad before but I could not find any website selling Trinidad peppers.
Omri said:
lol, you and I are nothing alike.
But yeah, getting the seeds is a lot easier, but then, why would you go all the way just to get something can also get to your home?
Going all the way to Trinidad is for the fresh peppers. ;)

I agree, you can get seeds mailed to your house. I'd be shipping some pods in different packages, for just incase customs keeps one or 2, some of the packages gotta get through customs :lol: & I'd still try to smuggle pods on the plain :hell:
I wouldnt leave there with just a pack of seeds. but thats just me.
There are reasons I can not even take the chance of getting caught "smuggling" stuff into the states. Has to do with security clearances and stuff.
AlabamaJack said:
There are reasons I can not even take the chance of getting caught "smuggling" stuff into the states. Has to do with security clearances and stuff.

In other words, you'd tell us, but then you'd have to kill us.
Some countries have very strict penalties if you get caught smuggling seeds, pods etc. I think you'd be better off just mailing them.
Beautiful pictures! I need to find a market like that where I can drive to it... I am not too fond of planes and flying anymore :(

TriniHottie post more when you get time.