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Pepperfreak's 2010 Season kicks off

Thanks boutros, the only thing it's missing is a utility sink. I may have to plumb that in over the summer.

FTB, no I have to manually control the fan speed. Plus, it gives me an excuse to be down there checking on my babies. :lol:
March 29th UPDATE

Howdy folks!

I know that I haven't been around much lately, and it seems that the only person who noticed was mel. Thanks mel. :lol: Anyway.....I have been so busy struggling with PT, taking care of my 4 year old girl and being the greatest house husband that I can be. Seems as though I'm not able to go back to work now until First part of May, if I'm lucky and I hope I am, sitting around here has gotten old!

Enough Rambling....Here is an update to my grow room festivities.

NJA's Indian Peppers Nope, I haven't forgotten you NJA

I think these are Biker Billy's and Inferno Hungarian Wax

These are my super hots...minus the Tobago Seasoning


These are NJA's Peppers and I think some Hungarians and Biker Billy's

Scallions anyone?

Basil, Parsley and Rosemary mostly basil at this moment

Anyone want a Tomato?
I noticed but welcome the absence of cops! Got enough of them and lawyers in family. They keep bailing the rest of us out of trouble!

Hope you are doing better!
Your set-up looks freaking great! :cool: I'm very impressed. Best of luck in your grow season this year. Soon you"ll be sending us pictures of the indoor jungle! :drooling:
Glad that you've been able to get some rosemary up, as none of mine sprouted. Going to have to buy rosemary this year from a nursery...
Thanks everyone.

I found that the Rosemary is real s-l-o-w growing. It took almost a solid month before I started seeing sprouts and I was just about ready to give up. Now that they are sprouted, they are still moving extremely slow. I doubt that I've planted anything as slow before. The plants to the left of the Basil is Parsley. The rosemary is to the right and didn't turn out in the pic, they are real tiny yet.
thats one hell of a grow room, makes me jealous, my one shelf is el-cheapo. good luck with your plants. do you grow in pots or in the ground? Alex
patrick said:
Looking good PFreak. When is your plant out date?

Best of luck to you with the PT.

I'm planning on moving them all outside and begin the hardening off period around the last week in April and plan on getting in the ground around the 3rd to last week end in May.

My grow room has been a blast to work in. It is hard to imagine that this is my second year with it and to think I started in a cramped little closet. A closet that I would always bump my head on the door it was so little.
I just had a light blow today. I noticed that it wasn't working yesterday and replaced the bulbs, worked fine. Checked in on the plants and transplanted some basil and this same light was out again. Checked the bulbs and they work fine. Must be the Ballast on this $9 Walmart special light, I'm just glad I had backups. But, I think that 2 1/2 years of service for a $9 light fixture isn't too bad.

I also just remembered that I owe all of you some updated pictures....I'll take them and post them Sunday for you all. :)
Easter Update

As promised here is an update to all things growing in my grow room. I usually take each tray down and inspect each plant on Sundays and I didn't do this last week and as such some of the plants look a little pale, but I gave them all a healthy shot of Epsom Salt spray, which usually greens them up within a week.

In about another week to 3 I'm going to start hardening them off and move them all outside to my trailer that I use. I have found it is much easier to load the trailer with all of my plants and them just back it out of the garage and pull it in the garage at night with my 4 wheeler than it is walking them in and out. I'm a firm believer of working smarter than harder. :lol:



Basil Both regular Sweet and Genovese



Fatalii, Yellow 7 Pods, Tobago Seasoning and White Habs

Trinidad Scorpion, Jamaican hot Chocolate and Chocolate Bhut and Bhut Jolokia