
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
That turkish powder blend she is slingin...... is gooood
chicken, salads, pasta, pizza... been eaten it for weeks
not hot but really great flavor and aroma, id say get some!
white fatalii, white hab, yellow and red moruga, giant naga arrived safe and sound, only fatality was the box of brown morugas (damn customs took their tmie releaseing package).
thanks Judy for good eats for a while
Yesterday, I received two lovely SRFBs stuffed with Aleppo and Sus Biberi peppers, along with the Aci powder. I also received some bonus Brazilian Starfish (one was already eaten before I took the picture)! How did Judy know what I wanted to try those? Kinda reminded me of Jimmy Nardello with an extra kick. I tried the Aci powder on pizza and homemade tostadas - yum! I plan to smoke and dehydrate the Turkish peppers for powder. Thanks again!
Got my peppers yesterday! I cannot believe how huge some of these were and how packed the box was! They literally popped out, like they were trying to escape. Arrived right when they were supposed to. Couldn't help but eat several as soon as I opened the box haha. A huge thank you to Judy for making this such a pleasant experience!

I brought the black and white fataliis to my office today for a small presentation/pepper challenge. My entire team ate some of each and loved the rush. Judy's peppers were a huge hit!!
Man, Imma get an sfrb from her for sure. My seeds came in and since my interest was in her wilds, she sent me 5 extras as freebies, 5! Thats almost more than half my original order. Including some that were out of stock.

I dont need to tell you to go to her if you need seeds or peppers, the 30 plus pages are evidence enough.
It is a breathe of fresh air seeing someone (Judy) having so many good things said about , not one thing bad have I ever heard ....

You married Judy? I need a pepper wife..:) just playing ...but for real keep the good stuff and stories coming THP...
I ordered 5 packs of seeds off Judy a week or two 10 packs of seeds arrived :) Got some cool freebies including Douglah, Red Fatali, Peach Bhut, Jonah & yellow brain strain.
Im impressed with the quantity of seeds included in each pack. Including the botanical name with each pack is a huge plus for people like me who order from overseas and have to get their seeds through customs.
I also liked the fact that there is a little bit of powder/flakes in the packs so you can have a taste little sample of what the pepper is like :)
Will order again soon! Am waiting on the choc brainstrain & lava
Cheers !
Most of you already know, but Judy's INSANE!!!
Ordered a minimum of seeds (on the right), but still got the same amount of freebees (on the left)

btw, ordered 6 days ago. Arrived in the Netherlands today
Got a mixed sfrb last week from Judy, I'd never tried most the peppers in there and as soon as I opened it I started taking bites out of random peppers.  I woke up the next morning and decided it was a good day for a spicy breakfast and pulled a chocolate fatalii out... Its a bad idea to take a bite of one of those first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.... but it tasted great in my smoked gouda and provolone grilled cheese sammich!
Thanks Judy for being awesome!  Can't wait to finish these and order a new box!
SteveBrisbane said:
I also placed an order with recently, but unfortunately our over zealous customs people decided to destroy it when it arrived in Australia.......
A horrible end to what I am sure were great quality seeds :(
I want to send a huge thank-you to Judy @ Judy noticed my forum post and decided to send me free seeds to replace the ones that our Customs people destroyed.
I did not ask for or expect replacement seeds - I know how strict our Customs people are and I knew there was a risk they'd get intercepted but I took the chance anyway. I was happy to write the order off and try again next time, but Judy was adamant that she would get seeds to me, no matter how long it took. Well, true to her word, the replacement seeds arrived today, and they look amazing.
Thank you for all you do!
P.S. Judy was also adamant that I was not allowed to pay for the replacement seeds, but we'll see about that  ;) . If anyone knows Judy personally and lives nearby, please PM me  :shh: 