
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Ordered two boxes of different fresh peppers. Great communication along with a excellent assortment of peppers. I also ordered seeds and recieved several freebies. I will be ordering both again. Thanks Judy !!!
I just received my order for the Ultimate Bhut seed collection, and Chocolate Habanero seeds earlier this week. I'm brand new to growing things so wish me luck! Thanks Pepper Lover, the ordering experience was everything the other members told me it would be. Look forward to my next order closer to the new year.
I just received my third order from Judy yesterday. As always she was fast to ship and each packet had a bunch of seeds. With all the freebies she sends I doubt I will have room in the garden for anything but peppers next year. Thanks again Judy !
On August 25th, 2014 I placed my very first order.. I figured it was high-time to join the ranks. lol
I got my order in the mail today (we don't always check the mail & sometimes it arrives later in the day - so it likely arrived in my box on Friday) and, as expected, Judy definitely went above and beyond!
I ordered: White Bhut Jolokia, Brain Strain Red & Yellow, Tepin, and the "Nuclear thin" collection (Assam Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon, Bih Jolokia and the Dorset Naga).
She threw in:
7 Pod Congo SR
7 Pod White
Trinidad Douglah
Black Congo
Bhut Jolokia Orange
Bhut Jolokia Brown
Sweet Cayenne

.. On top of that, most of these packs appear to have 30+ seeds each! So very impressive :D
Thanks so very much Judy! (can't wait to see what your new varieties will be!)
Is it normal that every time i go to everything is not available? There is no option to buy and only the "product details" button there. And when i click it, it says its not available. Been wanting to buy some seeds from but couldnt cos of this. A little help please?
Kyox89 said:
Is it normal that every time i go to everything is not available? There is no option to buy and only the "product details" button there. And when i click it, it says its not available. Been wanting to buy some seeds from but couldnt cos of this. A little help please?
I think that in a few weeks, she will be updating the list. She is just sold out of a bunch of seeds and hasn't yet managed to restock from this year's grow out. Plus I hear that there will be close to 70 new listings!
I've been waiting too. I check every few days to see if she's updated or not.
Judy, will you make a post when you update your listing? Please? I can beg, but it isn't pretty.
Orekoc said:
I think that in a few weeks, she will be updating the list. She is just sold out of a bunch of seeds and hasn't yet managed to restock from this year's grow out. Plus I hear that there will be close to 70 new listings!
I've been waiting too. I check every few days to see if she's updated or not.
Judy, will you make a post when you update your listing? Please? I can beg, but it isn't pretty.
Thanks Orekoc. Glad to know i'm not the only one. Haha!

And yes please judy!
Don't know why I haven't thrown my experience with Judy into this thread yet but no time like the present. First off I can't say enough about my great experience with her. For years I have just ordered plants from CCN and just container planted them when they arrived. Well as my grow expanded so did the cost with ordering live plants especially when ordering new/rare plants like the carolina reaper. Well at the beginning of spring I found this amazing forum while searching for a solution to some plant issues I was having. As soon as I started reading I ended up spending 3 or 4 hrs just going through different topics which led to more topics and so on. This was what I had been looking for so I lurked for a couple of months and then joined up.
In all this time I kept reading about Judy and Well I had read about many great vendors but Judy was mentioned quite a bit. After reading all the info about starting seeds indoors and how much I would be saving doing it this way since I will be planting around 80+ plants for 2015 I decided to jump into seeds. Went to and found just an overwhelming selection of seeds from super hots to not so hots and extremely rare wilds. The prices were also extremely cheap compared to some other places I'd looked and you get 20+ seeds per pack! After browsing the chinense category for about an hour I had my order ready. When I received it just a short time later not only did I have the 12 varieties I had ordered she had thrown in another 12 varieties for free. Wow, a couple of freebies is nice when ordering from a company but to get as many freebies as the amount you payed for is unheard of. 
A few weeks later I decided to place a 2nd order to fill in on some varieties I wanted that she had been out of stock on when I placed my 1st order. Again I ordered around 11 varieties and placed my order. Received it again a short time later and not only were my 11 varieties there but another 11 packs of free seeds! And these weren't just regular jalapeno seed freebies, these were everyone different and not just from chinense category but baccatums and wilds,etc. I thought maybe she would throw in 1 or 2 freebies with my second order, figured my 1st order being my 1st maybe she loaded up 1st time customers to get repeat business and show what a great company she runs. Nope she is really this generous with EVERY order be it your 1st or 31st. Each pack also looks to have more than the 20 seeds advertised. Couldn't believe it, this was an awesome company and will be my go to seed company in years to come. Now I will order from other vendors talked about here on THP sometimes because I love the entire chile head community and want to spread the love around to other great vendors making a living in this awesome world of all things chiles.
I know I'm making this long and didn't plan on it so I apologize but wanted to get everything in. Lastly I have never ordered fresh peppers before and a couple of weeks ago I noticed Judy was selling bhutlahs. I usually check her ad weekly to see if her crazy 7 pot lavas or her nightmarish new chocolate brain strain are available. I had heard so much about the bhutlah recently and figured this would be a great time to try it. Didn't realize at the time that this was actually her bhutlah cross, with creating all her crazy awesome crosses I don't know how she finds the time to sleep. Anyway, I pm'd her about the bhutlah and she replied back very quickly. Paid for my order, and anxiously waited for them to show up. A few days later there they were at the post office waiting for me. Rushed home and not only were the bhutlahs I'd ordered there but she had thrown in a bunch of what I think were Aji Amarillos as well. All the peppers looked awesome and I had been worried since I'd place my order right before the holiday and didn't know what kind of shape they would be in if delayed in the mail. So my 1st experience ordering fresh pods was an excellent one and I will definitely order fresh pods from Judy again as well as others. When something pops up I want to try I won't hesitate to place that order knowing it will be great. And those bhutlahs.........just WOW!
Lol if you're still reading this sorry for the length but I just wanted to make sure I got in everything in this pepperlover review post about my personal experience. If you're new here and reading this, there are many great vendors who will treat you right here on THP but if you're thinking of using or maybe on the fence don't be, place that order because you will not be disappointed.
Judy is the best. I will really love the way this women conducts her business Always sweet, polite and quick to reply. Free shipping worldwide and tons of freebies. Even when you ask her 100's of questions, she never gives you the feeling you are bothering her. (sorry Judy :party: )
She gave me a small scoop. End of this month the shop will get a major update. Lots of goodies will be added. And I think a few surprises as well.
Fire Breathing Idiot said:
Hey anyone know much about pepper I just ordered 7-Pot Primo seeds & 7-Pot SR seeds and don't know much about the company.
this fat bastard has been banned! lmfao ted all u do is puke on camera.  
fyi Judy's bhutlahs are fucking brutal.   
I recently placed an order for a pair red moruga scorpion boxes from one Judy P.  Heard nothing but good things, so I figured that I couldn't go wrong by exchanging a few of my not-so-hard-earned dollars for some future colonic destruction.
I got a heads-up from my sammich-maker (see: wife) that my parcel of pods had arrived.  
Per the order I placed before they were all sold out, I got my Two Boxes in One Bag.  When I cut open the side, I got an immediate whiff of the distinct aroma of peppers.  One of life's little victories.
When I peeked in the side, I saw 3 things. 
  • There were 2 SFRB's
  • There were some extra cutie peppers packed in the extra space
  • There may be some trouble brewing in/on one of the boxes
I removed the two boxes and pried them open and marveled at the goodies contained therein.  

(Pay no attention to the cupcakes)

Lots o' pain in these two boxes.  Bumpy skin, tails, red as red can be.  The smell was yummy.  The smell of fresh pods filled that portion of the kitchen, causing my 7 year old to come in and say "Daddy, it smells like you're going to burn your mouth again."  Yes, my crotch-fruit, yes indeed.
Also taking into account the lovely little bonus peppers - 

Yeah, I took a bit out of what I assume was an Aji Amarillo. So what. Big whoop. I was hungry, alright? 
A majority of the peppers all looked and felt great.  But, there were some casualties.  I saw the culprits behind the icky corners on one of the boxes:  A couple of demolished pods were mushed into the corner and another two were ruptured with a bit of mold on them. It almost compelled me to pull out the ol' trumpet and play a round of taps. But, then I realized that the wet on the corners was oil. And I mistakenly rubbed my eye after having handled the moist corners. And I cried manly (not so manly) tears. By and far the worst part of this whole ordeal.  Not upset, though, I know that s*** happens and the box was probably crushed a bit

All in all - A wonderful pair of boxes of scorpions and a great set of extras that I'll be trying my hand at preparing as a sort of appetizer for this weekend.
TL;DR version behind the scenes is cool in my book. Buy with confidence. Good pods. Fast shipping. Love you long time.
Time for some vendor on vendor feedback:

Needed Morugas for Black Label

My source from last year turned all of theirs into mash :doh:

So I immediately went to Judy, and she was able to confirm availability in the qty I needed (40 lbs+)

Pods were beautiful, golf-ball sized Morugas with terrific flavor and bursting with heat.

My new Black Label is spectacular and I have Judy to thank for the great pods.

Highly recommended vendor.

Judies service to me has been... unfathomably good. there is simply not enough good things I can say about her. Without, there would be no PexPeppers. so, thank you judy for everything you have done for us. keep it coming.
I've just made my first order, and having read all of this, how am I supposed to concentrate on work in the meantime?
It sounds like all you need to do is speak softly and gently to the seeds and that's it - no crossing of fingers wondering if they will germinate - no babysitting the propagator thermometer to check for constant temp, etc
Sounds like Judy makes it so easy, it's a wonder the rest of the world aren't chilli-heads too :D
       My 2015 grow just got fuller.I wanted to be growing peppers from Judy's seeds and she delivered,almost doubling my order.
   Judy you are a savvy person.You pull us in and never let us leave. ;)
Received my first order from Judy today. Service and shipping was prompt considering I'm in India (seeds were shipped within hours of placing the order), each packet is loaded with generous quantities of seeds, and just check out the freebies she threw in on the right of the picture! Four free seed packets with an order of five! To say that she is generous would be an understatement. I would most definitely buy from her again! Thanks a ton Judy!


Christmas has come early for me! :woohoo: