
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!

Just opened my mailbox to see this! After a long day at work.. this is like a ray of sunshine.

Just like what has been reiterated so many times.. Judy comes through with the goods. Have not asked her any questions yet but goods are gold. Ordered 7 pepper seeds and got 6 extra. As though she was reading my mind, she gave me fatalii! I was beating myself cos i forgot to order a fatalii but now i have it! Thanks Judy! Cannot wait to plant everything.
Another repeat happy customer!!
Ordered 1 OZ of New mexico hot powder and 1 pack of Brazilian Starfish seeds
I got 2 OZ of powder, the star fish seeds, goat pepper seeds a 7 dried reaper pods!!!!!!   
Thanks so Much Judy you rock!!!
I've read on numerous occasions that Judy at was fantastic. My reading was further substantiated when I placed an order for seeds this week on Tuesday morning. My order was processed within the hour, and shipped out that afternoon. I had ordered Brown Moruga, Peach Bhut Jolokia, White Bhut Jolokia, Pimenta da Neyde, and Bull's Heart. I suspected from the feel of the envelope when it arrived TODAY that there was more. Sure enough, she included an extra baggie of Brown Moruga, Fatali, Red Bhut Jolokia, and something titled "Most Prolific Capsicum Chacoense." The baggies had way more than ten seeds each on average and I could not be more pleased. Kudos to Judy and!
I would like to share my first experience with PEPPERLOVER ( JUDY ) I can truly say that she is very genuine and right on the spot with my order ! got a free gift of powder and my order was sent and received very quickly ! Very good powder , and Judy was very patient with me on my purchase . I would recommend PEPPERLOVERS and day ! THANKS JUDY !
I bought 4 Baccatum (80% of next season's grow) varieties and got 4 bonus packs, including Fatali, Brown Moruga, Bhut Red, and a 'Prolific Chacoense' mix.  :)
The sheer volume of seeds is also borderline absurd!  There must be at least 60 Brazilian Starfish seeds, and even more Fatalis.  The least populated bag has well over 20.  :)
Gotta figure she's doing this as a way to launder drug money...  ;)
Geonerd said:
What new seeds are you guys anticipating?  A specific variety, or just this season's production?
charlesquik said:
Now the magic is that we dont know ;) we are like children at christmas 
Well, the rumor is there will be like 60 - 70 new varieties listed. Whether that means brand new to the world or brand new to PepperLover is part of the anticipation. Anticipation, Anticipation, Is making me late, Is keeping me waiting  ... :D
Order 3 types of pepper late in the nights, she respond right back like 5 minutes later, and the pepper was sent mondays, received by wednesday. The Brown moruga was HUGE and scary, same as to the carribean and Jamacain Scotch Bonnet. Very happy to do business with. :)
It's driving me crazy. Indeed like a child waiting to unwrap X-mas gifts on X-mas Morning. I also need some superhot powder. The ones listed now aren't doing it for me.
So Judy..... :pray: :pray: :pray:
Orekoc said:
Well, the rumor is there will be like 60 - 70 new varieties listed. Whether that means brand new to the world or brand new to PepperLover is part of the anticipation. Anticipation, Anticipation, Is making me late, Is keeping me waiting  ... :D
Orekoc said:
Well, the rumor is there will be like 60 - 70 new varieties listed. Whether that means brand new to the world or brand new to PepperLover is part of the anticipation. Anticipation, Anticipation, Is making me late, Is keeping me waiting  ... :D
I just ordered a few baccatums from her.  The selection was a bit sparse, so here's hoping for more yummy South American offerings!
As a relative noob, I'll probably give her latest Chocolate Deth Pepper of Doom a pass... :onfire:
I ordered from and I am definitely  going to buy future pepper seeds here. She gives you free packs of seeds, and she was so nice, I got to choose one of my free packs of seeds. She also answered all my questions within minutes, I have never seen a company do this ever. I am very satisfied. If you are going to order pepper seeds order them from
Never doubt! No matter how long it might take, Judy will get your order to you, and should something happen she will immediately make it right! I now have plenty of dried ancho and cascabel peppers for chili powder in addition to my new seeds for this upcoming season AND a big honkin' bag of reaper powder!