
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Yep just made a $50 order of chinense seeds and will be placing another order to finish out the rest in a couple of weeks. Need to spread it out or I'd be broke lol. I could spend 3 times as much if I didn't watch myself. So many new varieties, honestly was like a kid in a candy store that's inside of a toy store. Found myself saying "have to grow this and this and this. oh and of course I have to try this" lol. She has a bunch of cool new stuff and I can't wait til next spring
Just received another seed order from Judy. Next year is gonna be a great pepper year! Thanks again Judy for the best service around and all the freebies. Judy is the best and you can't go wrong buying from her.
what you get? Waiting on 3 orders myself.
someguy said:
Just received another seed order from Judy. Next year is gonna be a great pepper year! Thanks again Judy for the best service around and all the freebies. Judy is the best and you can't go wrong buying from her.
bondgirl69 said:
what you get? Waiting on 3 orders myself.
I ordered Palmyra,Giant red stuffed,Bell of Gollu,And Tomato pepper. I have tons of hot pepper seeds that I got from Judy also. I will probably grow 40 varieties of peppers in 2015. I really need to quit ordering seeds. She sends just as many freebies as what you order. Again Judy Rocks!
So....  I received a healthy pair of boxes, once again, from the pepperlover.
Jeepers Reapers.  
But, I'm not so much praising the reapers (the pods are great, tasty, flippin' hot, lots of them included, evil looking, etc etc) here as I am the "extras" that somehow found their way into the package along with the pods themselves.  Included in the parcel was a nice spice-shaker of the MOA Scotch Bonnet Caribbean seasoning and a "sample" of the 7-pot Red Lava powder.
The Scotch Bonnet seasoning made for an amazing addition to the pork roast I made on Saturday.  LOTS of flavor, smells yummy, heat level that didn't have everyone reaching for their dairy products (rather asking for more).  I can't say enough good things about this seasoning.  
Normally, when I think of a "sample" of a seasoning or some other kind of powder...I tend to think of a packet-of-sugar-sized as what would constitute a "sample."  You know, just enough to try out on a single dish or two (a little bit goes a long way).  I've now come to realize that's idea of a "sample" and mine greatly differ.  There was a nice little ziplock bag inside another ziplock bag (bag-ception) that was absolutely crammed with this devilish lookin' powder.  Not a sugar packet.  ALL of the sugar packets.  Maybe she climbed the magic beanstalk and snagged a sample from the giant, I'll never know.  I emptied the contents of the bag into one of my spare spice bottles...and I'd probably guess there was more sample than there was MOA powder.  
Mind = Blown.
And I've been using the hell out of the powder, too.  It's entirely too fantastic.  Glad I don't have to share it, too.  My sammich-maker and crotch-fruit would probably spontaneously combust if they had to have any of it.  
Once again - Thank you,  High-five.
I ordered 2 sfrb's of aleppo's from pepperlover on the weekend. Got home to from work today to find a package waiting for me on my steps. Instead of just 2 single sfrb's of simply amazing looking aleppo's, it was 2 sfrb's inside a very large bubble envelope, with the extra space inside the envelope used to store some bonuses. 3 monstrous brown pods which I'm assuming are brown Moruga's, and a spice shaker full of 7 pot lava chocolate flakes. Judy truly is amazing! And an absolute pleasure to communicate with as well.
Just ordered from pepperlover and I must say im kinda disapointed. Came in a standard envelope ( not bubble ) so I dont know if my pepper seeds were crushed during the shipping.
Ordered 11 variety for a total of 27$
There is one of the variety missing so I got 10 packs + 3 bonus 
After reading all these comments ( she sending as much bonus as you orders )  I must say... why Im the only one not getting all these bonus?
I know Bonus are bonus and I should not expect them but when everyone get them and you dont have has much as them , you feel left out a little bit. 
I may sound like a cry baby , but that just my 2 cents
charlesquik said:
Just ordered from pepperlover and I must say im kinda disapointed. Came in a standard envelope ( not bubble ) so I dont know if my pepper seeds were crushed during the shipping.
I have placed many orders with Judy and all of mine were sent this way without any problems.
Ordered 11 variety for a total of 27$
There is one of the variety missing so I got 10 packs + 3 bonus 
Sometimes mistakes are made. Contact her and she will make it right.
After reading all these comments ( she sending as much bonus as you orders )  I must say... why Im the only one not getting all these bonus?
I know Bonus are bonus and I should not expect them but when everyone get them and you dont have has much as them , you feel left out a little bit. 
I may sound like a cry baby , but that just my 2 cents
Yes. You do sound like a cry baby.
I feel sorry for you.
charlesquik said:
Just ordered from pepperlover and I must say im kinda disapointed. Came in a standard envelope ( not bubble ) so I dont know if my pepper seeds were crushed during the shipping.
Ordered 11 variety for a total of 27$
There is one of the variety missing so I got 10 packs + 3 bonus 
After reading all these comments ( she sending as much bonus as you orders )  I must say... why Im the only one not getting all these bonus?
I know Bonus are bonus and I should not expect them but when everyone get them and you dont have has much as them , you feel left out a little bit. 
I may sound like a cry baby , but that just my 2 cents
charlesquik said:
Just ordered from pepperlover and I must say im kinda disapointed. Came in a standard envelope ( not bubble ) so I dont know if my pepper seeds were crushed during the shipping.
Ordered 11 variety for a total of 27$
There is one of the variety missing so I got 10 packs + 3 bonus 
After reading all these comments ( she sending as much bonus as you orders )  I must say... why Im the only one not getting all these bonus?
I know Bonus are bonus and I should not expect them but when everyone get them and you dont have has much as them , you feel left out a little bit. 
I may sound like a cry baby , but that just my 2 cents
Send her an email or message on here about the missing seeds. I had a seed order a couple of months ago that was missing one variety, contacted her about it and had them sent straight sent out. Received the missing variety and an extra couple of bonuses as well.