
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Just received the brown moruga from Judy (of course with extra seed, bhut jolokia and 7 pot :P ). it took under a week to get to Croatia. Thank you Judy, can't wait the new season to start. Greatest service ever!
Seeds will always be a crapshoot, no matter what the source. The customer service is what makes the difference. And Judy does it right.
That's right up there with the most level headed and polite comments I have read on this forum so far.
I don't know how many times I have read people say there's been a problem, then whammo, replacement of all sorts of goodies in short order.
Vendors don't have to do that, but some do, and that says more than mere words can.
Please forgive my cushiness - my wife worked in customer service for 15 years and I trust her when she says the ratio of whingers to complimenters has gone through the roof these days. So much so that when I hear of something good, I feel compelled to get it out there.
Edit - I just re-read my post and don't want anyone to misinterpret me - my second sentence was speaking across the entire chilli forum and all vendors they deal with, and was in no way, shape or form specifically about Judy. (Had to make sure I got that clear !).
In perfect Pepperlover fashion I ordered 3 packs of seeds and I got these, I am going to have to buy more buckets now. Sowing time is getting closer now I can't wait. Thanks Judy


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Judy is amazing!  I ordered some dry brown moruga and a couple of packs of wild seeds, they showed up here in about a week and with plenty of extras!  Got some dried peach bhut and lots of wilds!  Always great service and fantastic peppers and seeds.  I have bought from Judy several times in the past and will definitely continue to in the future!!  Thank You Judy!! 
Now I just have to the make the garden a little (maybe a lot) bigger for next season :P
Well did my first order with Judy while back got wrong seeds for one strain. Thought no big deal so did second order figured order again needed some different seeds. Well ended up getting same wrong seeds again. So shot we-mail to Judy got back to me right. She apologized and would get me out the missing pack. Well showed up 4 days latter mind you this was day before thanksgiving or after not sure. Not only did I get the original seeds but 5 other packs. She did not have to do this. So I thank you very much Judy. I will have no room. But that`s what families with big sunny back yards are for [ ;)]
Thanks again
I ordered fresh pods from Judy twice this year and without a doubt what I received were the biggest most beautiful pods I've seen and arrived in what i would be willing to call just picked fresh condition. Just want to say thanks for such prompt attention and great service. I will be ordering again :)
Guess I will have to jump on the band wagon here with a story about a order I got from Judy this summer.  I odered one of those buy 3 get 3 free specials, and all the SFRB's came packed in a larger box, and instead of using those funky packing peanuts, Judy used a bunch of real nice ripe Mustard Habaneros instead.  What a surprise, and that box smelt real nice as well.
I have always gotten a kick out of the extras she added to the orders, as it is like a Christmas in the summer/fall time.
Heck if I was not having so much fun growing, I would just buy all my peppers from her, as they are always in nice shape, taste great and the price is aways a great deal.
I'll get in here as well! I ordered 4 SFRB's from Judy one time and they were lost by my local mail, they lose a ton of my stuff, all....the...time... But I contacted her and told her. She told me my package would be re mailed and to look for it in a few days. I had ordered two SFRB's of Brown Morugas and one of 7 Pots, and of Brown, Red, and Yellow Douglahs. 
When it came, instead of just getting small SFRB's I received 2 pounds of Brown morgues in paper bags! One pound of 7 Pots, and one pound of Douglahs! It was great!
Had a slot left on my grow list, and having heard all the love for Judy, I headed over to her site. And it seemed like a shame to get ONE variety. So I ordered three.

I get my seeds within the week... with more freebies than my original order!

Now I have to re-evaluating my grow list. Which is awesome!