heat Peppers with longest burn time?

My point about the sauce was, if you make a sauce, the size of the pepper wall is irrelevant. And there ARE those peppers that have more hang time.
This season I grew some Italian Long Hots, very odd pepper. Some were sweet almost like a bell pepper, but some would light you up quickly and hang around for a long while. Not as intense as the real "hots" or "superhots" but the ones that were "hot" stuck like glue and took some time to dissipate. Weirdest thing ever. Two pods on the same branch, one sweet no heat, the other one keeps on kicking... Not "intense" by any stretch (even mine) but it did/does seem to stick around for a while....
I like the lingering burn, was the reason for this question. There's no real secret Grassy lol.
I like when you're eating a meal, and the heat sustains, no matter the level. It just stays there, your lips are tingling the whole time, even if you take a break. I like that better than the hottttttttt, oh a break, hottttttt.
The Hot Pepper said:
I thought MikeUSMC's Original Sauce had some really good burn time, it uses 7-Pot Douglah and Chocolate SB.
Second that. I tried a big tablespoon full just before going to the gym. Oh man, that wrecked me. Showed up at the gym with a belly full of water, lips still on fire. Felt like I'd left the dentist's office. All disoriented, didn't speak to anyone. Indeed the "hang time" was up there.... Good stuff!  :cheers:
The Hot Pepper said:
I like the lingering burn, was the reason for this question. There's no real secret Grassy lol.
I like when you're eating a meal, and the heat sustains, no matter the level. It just stays there, your lips are tingling the whole time, even if you take a break. I like that better than the hottttttttt, oh a break, hottttttt.
Oh why didn't you just say so? The answer is Serrano.  
Now.... what peppers have it or the higher concentrations?...... ;)
Gee I dunno, male peppers are always trying to sustain????
Just post the ones with the capsaicinoid.
SpeakPolish said:
Doing some research Homodihydrocapsaicin is the capsaicinoid with the most prolonged and difficult to get out burn. It also seems to create a numbing burn.
Not trying to be a "dick" or anything of the sort. I am a student here more so than a teacher. I wish to learn. Please explain that I and others may know. As said, I'm an older dude, but I realize that I've much yet to learn. School me. 