heat Peppers with longest burn time?

Grass Snake said:
Personally, I actually like that on and off hot. Call me crazy but I want to taste some of the other ingredients.
I didn't say I only want to taste peppers. You guys are killing me!!!
I like sustained heat even if it's a slight tingle, I like the resonation. It can fade but I like a long fade, not a quick one. It adds to the whole experience.
WarrantMan said:
Oh man, it does look like I'm messing with the guy. Not my intention really. But he did put it out there very boldly. I'm a simple sort but live by an old southern axiom "don't bite off more than you can chew." 
I don't for a moment discount what he says, I just want him to explain it. No dishonor in this.
First of all there are these chemicals called capsaicinoids, they contain everything spicy in a pepper. The most famous one is Capsaicin but there is also Dihydrocapsaicin, Homocapsaicin and other weird sounding stuff. All of these are basically variations of capsaicin. The two most prevalent one in peppers are Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin. They basically make about 99% of the capsaicinoid content in peppers. These along with other capsaicinoids make each pepper have different types of heat. A pepper high in Dihydrocapsaicin might have a throat burn. Homocapsaicin might cause cap-cramps. So and so forth. Just like each capsaicinoid has different properties Homodihydrocapsaicin or h-DMC is generally associated with length numbing burns.
This is the study I found that shows association between the length of the burn and amount of h-DMC in a pepper solute.
Govindarajan, Sathyanarayana (1991). "Capsicum Production, Technology, Chemistry, and Quality. Part V. Impact on Physiology, Pharmacology, Nutrition, and Metabolism; Structure, Pungency, Pain, and Desensitization Sequences". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
"Similarly high levels of homodihydrocapsaicin were detected in samples of Ancho and Guajillo with levels of 31% and 38%, respectively."

"The levels of other capsaicinoids including nordihydrocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin and homocapsaicin varied from 1% to 38%, and the homocapsaicin never was detected above 2% of the total capsaicinoids in most of varieties studied."

There is some pretty dense text in this but what I got out of it is there aren't a lot of Chiles very high in homodihydrocapsaicin. At least not tested anyway.

Nice link Ashen.
SpeakPolish said:
It was a landrace for a long time. Though it only recently got famous
I understand that, but I think it would be surprising to pop up in a study from 1991. Got any links or quotes of that?
Don't want to get off track here.
Simply looking for peppers with high sustain rates. They do not have to be hot, in fact, looking for those medium and low.
What pepper do you eat and say "Man this thing just won't quit???" A lot of the superhots sure because of the amount of cap you are getting, but how about those little buggers that are medium heat but your lips tingle for 20 minutes but your tongue is just fine? Those little buggers... but all peppers welcome, hot and mild.
hogleg said:
Some Pubes have extremely long burn times.
On a blustery cold winter night you can throw one on the tongue, and it'll smolder n' keep ya warm all night.
I've had some with 30+ minute burn times while most supers are 20 minutes or less, imo.
Masher said:
I ate a BOC last year that gave me serious burn hang time and a Choc moruga that was pure stupid heat...more pain with both of them with that heat.

I had some red pubes this yr with decent heat...my oranges, sweets, pineapples were pretty mild.
Edmick said:
Bahamian goats also seem to linger a bit in sauce. I have yet to make a sauce with them but all the sauces I've had, have a nice burn/tingle for a fair amount of time.
Grass Snake said:
I had a Fatali cross that burned for what felt like a lifetime. Not sure if it was the Fatali or the cross but it was torture.
Grass Snake said:
Oh why didn't you just say so? The answer is Serrano.  
D3monic said:
Wild brazil comes to mind
Good stuff thanks!
This makes much more sense.
The article is from 2017, there are references from other years including 1991.
Thanks, I will check it out.