heat Peppers with longest burn time?

Thanks! Found a post from SL3, I'll mark him down for 7-Pot Jonah. ;)
SL3 said:
I have grown both in the past. They look very similar. 7p Jonah seemed really big on long lasting heat and very little on flavor, while the Daisy Cutter had a better Chinense type flavor and was at least as hot as the 7p Jonah if not hotter, but the Daisy Cutter seemed to peak much quicker so it was more tolerable for me, at least that was my overall impression.
Nice! I'll have to try that. The lips and under the tongue aren't super brutal areas, the back of the throat punch and throb is pretty insane with some other peppers... or the whole mouth burn, tip/top of the tongue hurts like a bitch too...
Alabama Jack once posted a dried pepper blend that he deemed to be the ultimate blend. It hit all the burns. Creeper, fast fade, caning...I have looked for it before but can never find it. I think it had 4 peppers.

Can someone find it?
I remember it but I thought it was more based on mapping out the mouth, like the tongue hit, back of the throat etc. He put 4 together that hit all. I don't remember it being about sustain.
This sorta answers your question-
"I may be in a little disagreement with you on the taste...the reason I first got into growing peppers about 10 years ago was I was trying to develope what I call "the complete burn"...lips, palate, tongue, back of throat, etc....to get this complete burn, you need different peppers with different capsaicinoid content...for instance, the tepins give you a big wham bam right up front on the lips and front of mouth that is rather harsh but goes away fairly quickly, then the cayennes just give me a great warm feeling all over my tongue...the 7 pots and Bhuts have a great refreshing flavor and a delayed heat that builds for 5 minutes or so and last a long time at the back of the throat....trinidad scorpions are a different story...their burn actually hurts my tongue..."
I did remember correctly about the areas of the mouth... ;) but yes he talks about the linger also...
AlabamaJack said:
the reason I first got into growing peppers about 10 years ago was I was trying to develope what I call "the complete burn"...lips, palate, tongue, back of throat, etc....to get this complete burn, you need different peppers with different capsaicinoid content...for instance, the tepins give you a big wham bam right up front on the lips and front of mouth that is rather harsh but goes away fairly quickly, then the cayennes just give me a great warm feeling all over my tongue...the 7 pots and Bhuts have a great refreshing flavor and a delayed heat that builds for 5 minutes or so and last a long time at the back of the throat....trinidad scorpions are a different story...their burn actually hurts my tongue...
But then you have people here mention tepin and then he says it fades quick... :shrug:
Grass Snake said:
A Time-release hot pepper is a tough one :think:
Atomic fireball, with those cooling layers... hot cool hot cool, but make one that gets hotter each time with the hot layers..................... oh man, seriously that would be pretty sick! I could see that go viral...

Really slow burn on these peach ? X Carolina reaper. Definitely a creeper. Flavor is incredible too.

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