heat Peppers with longest burn time?

I think heat and burn times have much to do with the current condition of your mouth. For example, if you eat fatty foods all day eg, bacon, hamburgers or pepperoni pizza, the heat won't be as extreme (or the duration as long). If your mouth is scrubbed fresh and cleaned with celery and granola, I suspect it would change the heat/burn time considerably.
Just my hypothesis but I have experienced different heat/burn times with same sauces/heat sources but different food intakes prior to heat/burn time experiences.
B.) Take a bite of a hot pepper or hot sauce every 10 minutes. your mouth will burn indefinitely. :lol:
Don't listen to me, I'm still on my first cup of coffee.
Scoville DeVille said:
I think heat and burn times have much to do with the current condition of your mouth. For example, if you eat fatty foods all day eg, bacon, hamburgers or pepperoni pizza, the heat won't be as extreme (or the duration as long). If your mouth is scrubbed fresh and cleaned with celery and granola, I suspect it would change the heat/burn time considerably.
Capsaicin is an oil, so if your mouth is oily, the cap molecules will bind and spread, meaning your mouth will be on fire! Your hypothesis: BUSTED! :BOLD: :lol:
Thanks for the insight everyone, I'm looking forward to trying the clavo red, sounds like a good cooking pepper to boot. Wish I has some now for some stir fry.
MikeUSMC said:
-Orange Manzano
-MoA Yellow SB
-Yellow Fatalii
-Moruga (any, but specifically the Chocolate
-Chocolate Bhutlah
-Judy's 7 Pot Lava

Last but definitely not least..... RED BRAIN STRAIN. Those f**kers just don't quit. Period. Every time I've ever eaten one, I've ended up on the floor, in the fetal position, with gut-wrenching cap cramps. Sometimes for over an hour. You'd think I'd learn my lesson, haha. Even after the cap cramps subside, my lips are usually still tingling. I definitely have a love/hate thing with those God awful, delicious little f**kers :rofl:

I'd say the 7 Pot Lava probably has the longest "hang time" for me though
Red brains make fantastic powder though. I keep one of my aluminum key chain capsules full of that and rotate other powder/flake in the other. It goes so well with so many diferent types of food.
Wow a while back, I got a box of unlabeled superhots from whatsisname. Morugas were supposedly represented, not none of the pods on the box looked like the pictures on the worldwide webs. I are one of those little red suckers, and skene at least 20 minutes marching around the kitchen table, drinking milk and wishing I was dead.

I assume that was a Moruga Scorpion. It didn't hurt as badly as a good Red Brainstrain does, but it surely seemed to hurt for longer.

What I want is something about as hot as a Hab, but that keeps the burn stoked for fifteen minutes. I'm not sure if Cap works that way, though. I could eat 3, five minutes apart, but that's not really the same thing, is it?

I'm trying to teach myself to just be happy eating chiles, rather than trying so hard to analyze and control the experience...
Bicycle808 said:
What I want is something about as hot as a Hab, but that keeps the burn stoked for fifteen minutes. I'm not sure if Cap works that way, though. I could eat 3, five minutes apart, but that's not really the same thing, is it?
Apparently the Clavo Red is hab heat and will ramp up a burn for as long as 30 min... that's why I have these now  :D (via SL3, Nigel's original on right)
The Hot Pepper said:
Nice link Ashen.
I understand that, but I think it would be surprising to pop up in a study from 1991. Got any links or quotes of that?
Don't want to get off track here.
Simply looking for peppers with high sustain rates. They do not have to be hot, in fact, looking for those medium and low.
What pepper do you eat and say "Man this thing just won't quit???" A lot of the superhots sure because of the amount of cap you are getting, but how about those little buggers that are medium heat but your lips tingle for 20 minutes but your tongue is just fine? Those little buggers... but all peppers welcome, hot and mild.
Cumari Do Para
The Hot Pepper said:
Apparently the Clavo Red is hab heat and will ramp up a burn for as long as 30 min... that's why I have these now  :D (via SL3, Nigel's original on right)
Are there any other color variations of the clavo besides the red?